Monday, April 9, 2007
Discuss HR issues involved in different aspects of business process outsourcing? -
Free audio for Introduction to business? -
Please check with a bookstore or search for Jeff s name online. Call up his company and ask them if they can send you a free or sample CD.
How to start your own business or company? -
with a great idea and alot of heart :)
Start by writing down exactly how you would finance the sstart upof the business, how you would operate it, where you would locate it, who your customers will be, how will you buy and markup merchandise, what are the demographics of your customer area, what is your competition, what is your experience and any other items you can think of. Then does it still look feasible to you? If so then take your plan to the Small Business Administration and have a talk with them. If still convinced, go talk to your bank for financing.Most small businesses fail bacause the owner did no have ample resources to run the business for 2 or more years until profitable.
To start off a business, you need to create a profit-loss margin overview. Calculate the possible expenses you ll incur like renting a place, material prices, etc. Than you calculate how much you ll need to charge for whatevers and see how much your making. Then take it to a bank and ask for a loan because without one, you won t last on your own funds and it s better for tax reasons to go into a bank and get a loan. Also, when you start off a business, make clear cut plans and find your target population and how you can advertise it best to that target people.
register your business online. Go to google and type in business registration utah or california, or wherever you re from, and it should give you a department of commerce site in which you can register your business. Sometimes it takes a while to get everything in order... Only do this if you are fully comitted... it takes alot of work and self-discipline.. you don t have a boss making sure you get stuff done.. you need to be careful not to get screwed by the IRS... They almost charged me 3000 dollars for not sending in a withholding form... but I already did, and I didn t have any employees yet.. ahha
I can give you advice on many things but i am an expert on Business Telecommunications. I have been in business for over 10 years and i have seen plenty of business trends. The newest trend is in business telephones.Most new businesses are using Hosted VoIP PBX technology. My VoIP provider for all types of features and capabilities as well as call center applications and remote workers. They do actually offer call center services (USA based). Do not confuse this technology with Vonage or Magicjack. They are terrible and do not offer the technology i am talking about. Give these guys a call you wont be sorry.Anyway, you should grow your business telephone sales team organically. YGood Luck!
First i wanna say damn u a sexybitch! heres a site
Dont know what to charge? -
how long would it take you? whats the involvement of the work? consider the amount of time and cost of professional service comparable to your service. consider the convenience or the inconvenience your client would have either way. whats your time worth to you?does your client have money to spend or is on a budget? would he be able to recommend you to other people for more business? does that help?��
Am doing a car boot sale. What things are more likely to sell? What would YOU buy? -
Why not first visit a few Car Boot sales in your local area to see what sells and to check out the prices ???A few tips :-1) some people buy at Car Boot and then sell on eBay .. this should tell you that Car Boot prices are lower than eBay .. (so one way to price is to visit ebay)2) all the best stuff (i.e. miss-priced bargains) at any car boot go in the first 30 mins (and often before opening) ..3) Cheap stuff can be had from private sellers in the LAST 30 mins of the day (as people dump stuff at any price rather than take it home - this does not apply to business sellers 3) work out who is private and who business - and don t waste your time trying to get a bargain from a business seller ..Finally (unless you have a generator and can show electrical goods working), anything that s mains powered is a non-starter ..
Looking for a LEGAL Loan Modification Affiliate Program? -
Well you could always go to Google when looking for an affiliate program! Simply type the product in quotes with the words affiliate program in it like this: loan modification - affiliate program This particular search brings up 94,000 search results. You can be more broad for a more narrow responce... Best of luck to you! ;)Cheers, Mike
What business franchises are both affordable and rewarding? -
Tell me on my business life n gaj kesriyog in my kundali? -
If I have thought of a new idea for a product, how do I go about attempting to get it made, etc? -
You need to do impartial market research to see if there is a real and profitable market. For example copying a market leader but aiming to make it cheaper and slightly different is a route to failure for many reasons. Due to the incompetence of Gordon Brown having something made in the UK is probably impractical as it will cost to much.~Email me if you want an impartial viewpoint - and the difficult questions you need to answer!
Depending on your budget.Usually, entrepreneurs make a prototype (first model) to make sure the real thing is what he/she wants before going for mass production.Check out the manufacturer s quotations for small, medium and large quantities.Read suggested resources to give you some idea.
Any investor or manufacturer needs to know that the idea:1) IS NEW2) WORKS3) IS TRULY YOURSSo the burden is on you to provide a reasonable amount of proof to show these things are true. This can be done as follows.1) do product and patent searches2) build and test one3) Apply for a patent.The hard bit is making money from the idea!
I would consult your local business manager at your bank who should be able to help with connections, as well as financial advice.
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Apr 09
- Discuss HR issues involved in different aspects of...
- Free audio for Introduction to business? -
- How to start your own business or company? -
- Dont know what to charge? -
- Am doing a car boot sale. What things are more lik...
- Looking for a LEGAL Loan Modification Affiliate Pr...
- What business franchises are both affordable and r...
- Tell me on my business life n gaj kesriyog in my k...
- If I have thought of a new idea for a product, ho...
Apr 09