Friday, July 3, 2015

What is a second chance offer on ebay? -

Under what circumstances does it happen?

Could be the listing had a deadbeat buyer so the seller is offering the item to the next highest bidder,Could be the listing had several identical items for sale and they are offering you one of those at that price,Check ebay s guide for second chance offers,

Is anyone currently selling on Ruby Lane and are you happy with your choice? -

I am looking for people that are currently selling and that have also previously sold items on Ruby Lane. I sell antiques and I am looking for other ways than ebay. I want to find out if people that have sold items on Ruby Lane are happy with their choice.

I was on RL but selling hand made jewelry. as long as you keep your account active, adding new items all the time, you have a chance to sell. There is a big s too expensive. They charge you $20 as a co-op advertising in a magazine, whether you participate or not. Minimum monthly charge is about $40, and if you have more than 100 items then it s gonna be at least $60. Compared to Etsy or other websites, NOBODY charges so much, nobody. Period. And Etsy also much higher ranked on Alexa in traffic, it means it s at least 10 times more popular than RL. There is eCrater, for auctions, also iOffer...and more.

What would be good to raise on a farm for money? -

what would be good money maker? animals, fish, deer, goats or gardening

small fruits such as raspberries, blackberries and strawberries are probably the most profitable of the crops. Asparagus is also a profitable crop but it takes 4 years after planting the crowns to get a marketable crop.

try crops, you ******* if you raise animals then it would be a ranch , deer, seriously?

Gardening. Let the poor little animals live.

fruit trees/veggies



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