Friday, June 7, 2013

How can I manage someone out when they are not qualified for the position and actually doubling your workload? -

Our Department is only three people and I am in the middle of the hierarchy, My boss promised me we would discipline her today - 2 weeks ago. And he keeps avoiding the situation. He told me not to let up on her errors and to follow up on everything. So how can I help her help herself and the company and move along....

Have you taken the time to ask her if she needs training on the equipment or help performing her duties? Find out where she is making mistakes and show her how to avoid the problems. I know this will cut into the time you have to perform your duties, but it will speed up the overall speed in the department. This type of solution may even improve your chances for promotion.If she is unwilling to learn how to do the job, she should be removed from the situation. If you are in an At Will state, the boss can fire her without grounds. This might sound harsh, but in the long run, it could be best for all parties involved.

It s heartless, but you work in a business, not in a halfway home.The best wake-up call to her would be a dismissal.Until then, observe and report.

What is the guaranty of getting online web designing job work payments ? -

You should have at least a few face to face meetings, at one of those you would obtain a signed contract. Your contract should include how and what you will be paid. They need to documentation as much as you do.

Tips for starting a cleaning business? -

I m currently working on a business plan for residential cleaning service and would like any ideas or tips on the industry on how to get started. I m going to have a home based office and start with two employees myself and my mother. The name of the company is CRYSTAL CLEAN. I m having trouble coming up with a logo. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

you could try to use to create a could also make business cards (i think that is the name. also, give you like 250 free cards).you could go with a retro design and a sparkle shining off your name. might check with your local SCORE office. they can help you set up your business plan, marketing, bookkeeping might offer a green service package with environmentally friendly cleaning could get your local newspaper to run an article about opening your business. also advertise at local events around your town. you could also provide a discount for new customers. they will hopefully tell everyone how good of a job you did. word of mouth is the best form of advertising and it is free


Is it legal to start a graphic design name and freelance? -

Here s the thing, I m an architecture student, and I want to start a graphic design company just my self, and offer design services, if someone needs something, I ll design it for him and he ll pay me for it.NOW the question: do I need a license and have to register my company? and do I have to pay taxes? I m going to advertise all over the place. but its only me, and a company is just metaphoric I don t even have an office (my computer is my office) so I m practically doing gigs all around...thanks for the interest :D

I don t think you would have to get a DBA License in your town unless you wanted it to get the free publicity in the phone book.You would need to pay income taxes at the end of the year but you could write off expenses such as computer, advertising, software, etc.If you build a website for a business, they will use it as a deduction so if you do not turn your income in, the IRS will know it.Good Luck!



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