Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What should we call our T- Shirt Buiness? -

We are 13 years old, Were wondering what we should call our T Shirt Buisness. Our names are kayla and Jessica and we have Jay and Kay s so far. We want it to be kewlz. We are taking paint and painting on the shirt, So please help us ! - JESSICA AND KAYLA !



Do you have any idea for picking a name for my souvernirs store? -

souvernirs sounds good!

How to earn money in online part time job? -

Any one can tell me how to earn money part time job in online without investment and without referal. I m very interested in online money making, since i trying last three years but all are bluffs.I want to do myself this job. Pls help me out regarding this.

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people. I found a way to make money online just for 20 minutes a day and I love it. I just have to click on a few ads once a day for 20 minutes. It s that easy.You can start from the link if you want and the most important thing is that is absolutely free Report Abuse


You ve tried for three years but all are bluffs ... that should be a big clue right there.All earn money online jobs are scams. There is no such thing. There are a few that actually deliver, but the payment is only pennies per day not hundreds of dollars ~ not even close. You won t make enough to pay your internet access bill or even to cover the coffee or tea you will drink while madly clicking away on ad links or whatever. Your best bet is to get a real job.

Try this data entry job..NO INVESTMENT EVER. payments at 20th of every month by cheque, dd or paypal etc.The job is simple,just filling forms. For each referral you get Rs 5 to Rs.405. Registration is also free. Join now itself. I shall give my referral id. Click it and join.When you join you will get Rs.100 as bonus. click on the above link!!!there is no such investmens needed!!!and you can earn almost 2000rs per day!!just by working ony 1-2 hrs...REALLY!!DO TRY....BEST OF LUCK!!

Try this��

you have only one good way and that is adseanse or doing any data entry job

Free payroll programs? -

i m looking for a free downloadable payroll program for a small business. i know there are some out there but i don t know which ones to pick and if anyone has used one before that really worked for them. any answers would be nice.

Here s a GOOGLE search I did using your very own words: sourc��try clicking on it and looking at the FIRST result.

Question about selling on ebay? Need answer as soon as possible.? -

Ok I m new to selling things on ebay, and i was going to sell my old electronics. Well I was in a conversation with a recommended seller on ebay, and he told me how he became successful at selling on ebay. He told me that when selling on ebay, you don t necessarily need the product you where selling. He sad that you would list a product on ebay at a price, and go find it cheaper on a different website. Then when somebody buys the product, you go back to the website that you found the product cheaper at, and you send it to the buyer. So you should be a making a $20 profit or more each time. I was wondering if this was illegal.

Hello there,Is this legal? Depends on how you do it. There are a great many factors that must be covered to protect yourself. Whoever you spoke with made it sound much simpler than the problem actually is. This is a business venture and you must do the same things you would do to set up any business venture.Later,

Course you can, that s how business works, if you re making a $20 per item and you sell enough of that item then go for it, I wouldn t have thought it d be that hard. I d be concerned however, that once the item makes it to the buyer they see it s been purchased cheaper from the invoice, that s your main concern.

It s not illegal it is unethical. There is a form of merchandising called drop shipping which allows you to sell NEW merchandise as if you owned it - but you have an arrangement with the MFG to ship to your customer, after you have received the funds for the product. This may allow you to pay MFG with your credit card, to assure shipment to your customer. What you are asking about doing can be done, but how many shoppers on ebay, wouldn t know that they could purchase the item at wholesale (or a lower price)? if they just looked around a bit? In order to earn a living on ebay, you must be able to sell in volume and have a good reputation also. People do complain, about the items sent, and if you have too many complaints - Ebay and also Pay pal will shut you down.

What is the best way to pinpoint your market segment in launching a group of products? -

I often see entrepreneurs who have great products but have not directed marketing efforts at appropriate market segments.

Peggy Lou, it does my heart good to read your question! So many entrepreneurs fall in love with the idea of creating a business -- with the marketing or the manufacturing. It s fun to watch stuff roll off the assembly line or to make the packaging as cute as can be. And I m not saying those elements aren t important. But going forward without knowing the market thoroughly is business suicide.The patient, smart entrepreneur takes the time to walk through each step of basic research: analyzing such pieces as potential market size, competitors, location, etc. through interviews or focus groups (formal or informal). You ll want to make realistic assessments of how many potential customers might be willing to try your product or service immediately, and how you might expand from the core group. SCORE, the organization of retired entrepreneurs, has pulled together a great two-part series to start the process here:�� And Entrepreneur magazine has its version here:��Hopefully, that kind of research will help you move forward smartly with your idea. But it also may lead you to a different conclusion: Yes, that there actually isn t a viable business here. While that might be a tough call, it sure is cheaper to learn that in the market research phase than further down the road.

What kind of buissnesses do you want? -

I have a project in school where i must create an online buissness. I am wondering what kind of buissness you think the world needs more of. Just a basic buissness, but what should i sell/do i am just looking for suggestions :)all answers appreciated!

Try to find a suitable household item that you can sell. Something that is not too expensive and that would note cost too much to deliver.

Sold washer, customer not happy, wat to do? -

Sold second hand washer, custommer not happy, threatening with son in law, as he works for police, wat do i do

If you told them the washer was AS IS, tell them to take a hike or sue you in small claims court. Others are right, you have nothing criminal and the buyer has no right to threaten you like that. If they persist, tell them you have retained an attorney, and that they must speak with him..

There is a latin phrase. Caveat Emptor . It means let the buyer beware . Which in turn means he should have made certain he was happy with the item before he purchased it. Unless you deliberately misled him, he has no complaint to make. Dissatisfaction with what he has bought is his problem, not yours. The Sale of Goods Act only covers traders. If you are a trader (running a recognised retail business) you have to ensure that the goods are of merchantable quality or fit for purpose.As a private seller you have no such obligation. Tell him politely that you sold it to him in good faith and that he is not entitled to any claim for any reason. Ignore all threats unless violence is mentioned. If it is you should be the person contacting the police. Try to ensure you have at least one witness with you if he visits. Phone calls can just be ignored.

tell them to bring it on. theres nothing they can do to you ,and the police certainly will not get involved in it. they have no rights as consumers buying second hand goods, you sold it in good faith and it worked to the best of your knowledge then thats good enough. there are no warrenty conditions, no returns so dont worry

call the police dept he works for, talk to his super, he is abusing his position. take the fight to him, they will back down

Surely they looked at it before taking home? Did you sell online? Either way if you described accurately they don t have a leg to stand on



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