You would not obtain money in the US for this, no one will lend for property outside their legal jurisdiction.You will have to use a bank in Costa Rica.Expect to pay at least 40% upfront in cash. (same as in the US)
Thursday, December 12, 2013
I want to buy an established income producing surf/yoga quot;hotelquot; in Costa Rica, where do I start for a loan? -
I am looking for genuine work at home ideas...? -
You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people,
Well if you are any good at Admin i am looking for an administrator to work on a part time from home basis. It would mainly comprise of CV tweaking and formatting. I have the format and as i also work from home as a recruitment consultant, the time spent doing CV s could be better spent hunting down vacancies. Visit my website will be looking for someone to start after xmas in regards to pay we will probably be on a per CV basis. However if you had recruitment experience we are looking for self employed consultants who would command 30% of all fees billed. email me at
I tried many different program to home based business , but nothing worked untill I got this amazing program. It works very well and I make easy money after I got right program. If you are serious and really want to make money online you should check this out. You can find information at link below.
Try this site: it can make you good money and it��s easy to do. There are no fees and it pays every Friday. You can make as much as $5000 a month using this site just a few hours a day.
If you have any ideas about online selling domestic electrical services or finding sales leads online, I am looking for someone to pay on a % basis. Please email me for more details. (I mean bigger jobs like whole houses that need re wiring)
DONT Pay for items up front -usually a scam - BE CAREFULthere ate lots of rip off artists out there.Still looking for opportunities myself.
consider tutoring online. You will earn can get benefits as you are giving education to others so your wisdom will grow.thanks.
Set up a shop on ebay x
Which is better for you business? -
It depens on the discount we can get during the business.More discount is better.I just know that at, if you use 12345678 as the vip card number when check out,you can get $10 off discount. so cool.Also it is only $44.99 for jordan shoes. HahaAnyway, Holiday Discount Sale is also attractive. lol
both,I love their promotion activities,which can enable us to benefit from,for example a website I used to shop online,KE,many shoes of my brothers and my own are from there,as an regular one there,I get a VIP card,I can earn my own commission and enjoy discounts as well.
hey, I like V-cardWith a v-card, i can enjoy discount even in the non-holiday season.Do you have V-card of any stores?I have got a v-card of Each time when i make a purchase, i can get $10 coupon together with $10 commision
How to do money without working? -
Hi The Cruiser!There s no way that you don t have to work to earn money. It s about methods of making money. When people are happy at their jobs - they don t feel that they are working.Perhaps you can try making money by setting up online stores - or start a dropshipping business - refer:
there is no way
Are there any legit sites that are like -
How can I create an online store? -
You can quickly create an online store to sell your pillows at
I would recommend its the most popular site for handmade goods and it brings the web traffic that helps. You can set up your own online store but its really tough to build traffic to your brand so start with etsy and test the market when you make x amount of dollars create your own site because its harder then you think.
How can i start a windmill project; can i do with only one machine; where should i contact? -
Check this out. Indian giant in wind energy Suzlon.��
go to it has info on making windmills.
Whats the best social media approach to gaining ground for a new business? -
Dare I say... all. In fact, I ve been working on this very thing for a business I m launching in February. In fact, I would argue that social networks are the best thing to have happened to the small-business world because this form of communication is cheap and wonderfully targeted.Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Twitter, among others, allow you to spread messages without spending a penny (except your time, and I m not underplaying that). My suggestion is to start with the basics: Create a personal account on Facebook and then a fan page. Begin by testing such things as coupons, special offers for friends , etc. You can do similar marketing on Twitter, targeting those who are following you. You ll find that each social network has its own culture: MySpace is great for music and the arts; LinkedIn is better for business services than products; Facebook requires some care and feeding to stand out in the clutter; Twitter can be very noisy. As you spend more time with them, you ll be able to test which services work best for you.I find that one of the best ways to use any social network is for you to provide information to your followers or friends. Presumably, if you are starting a new business, you have some expertise in that area; help people understand different aspects of the industry or the service. For instance, if you are opening a muffler shop, you might create a blog (distributed across the social networks, of course) about car emissions, CAFE standards, costs of repairs at different stages, hot new cars, etc. Have fun with it, and you ll find that your potential friends and customers will engage with you.One note: These take a bit of time to build properly, so start several months early, if possible.
More traffic, more income possibilities. Put an add on facebook and create a business profile. There are 200mil members. Thats a great start.... If Honda is doing it and they have had the number one selling car in its class for years I think you can learn something from that. Use facebook advertoising money and recognition to your advantage...Good luck..
there s no easy way, Just jump right in and type, type away, content is king there as well.
Use the Seven Year RuleEvery business record serves a purpose for you (as a business owner), your business, and any government agencies that you deal with, but how long should you keep your business records? When in doubt, the best rule of thumb is the Seven-Year Rule. While most of the records you keep will be part of your yearly tax returns (which you should keep indefinitely), you may only have to retain some records one to three years and others, more than seven all depends on the types of records you have.A three-year period for keeping records should be maintained for all your bank statements, deposit slips, petty cash slips (for use of mileage, meals, hotel stays etc), and inventory logs. These items can be used to bolster your case in the event of an IRS audit or even for maintaining how and where your money is being spent. That information can come in handy for cutting out unnecessary costs that result in your losing money.
10 Years Business 7 years personal
Can anybody send me business proposal of toy library with financial projections? -
What a weird question
Where are the best places to hand out flyers? -
What about putting the flyers at the places where you sell the advertising to? Also, your local newspaper might be willing to insert it at a fraction of the price�� Promotional Flyers are great for hand-outs or as a direct mail piece. Either way you can spread your message quickly about a party, sale, grand opening, whatever!
You take a big chance on a fine if you leave them in mail boxes without postage (in the US). The fine is $5,000 for an individual, and $10,000 for an organization. If you are caught putting something in someone else s mailbox, you can be arrested.You don t mention what kind of business you have, but leave them at places your target customers go.
mall parking lots putting them on car windows... Although that bugs the heck out of me it does work.
Working from home for 360crm patient reminder service? -
My mom tried it, there website was shut down at the time. Try something that you can earn from today, find-out what really works
Well for that you should see http://biznuss.neti hope that resolve your problem keep using
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Dec 12
- I want to buy an established income producing surf...
- I am looking for genuine work at home ideas...? -
- Which is better for you business? -
- How to do money without working? -
- Are there any legit sites that are like www.etrade...
- How can I create an online store? -
- How can i start a windmill project; can i do with ...
- Whats the best social media approach to gaining gr...
- Can anybody send me business proposal of toy libra...
- Where are the best places to hand out flyers? -
- Working from home for 360crm patient reminder serv...
Dec 12
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