Steroid man - which usually has the side effect of small male genitals, to put it mildly.------------As to what this has to do with Small Business, I can t really say.---------------But, LOL, I bet he DOES have small business, if you know what I mean ;-)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
What do you think of his looks? -
I am 22 years old and need some extra cash...are there any LEGITIMATE WORK AT HOME websites? -
You can join a business and your job is to apply yourself and do what they teach you to do. Do not spend money to join any such company. Many are FREE with NO cost to join and NO fees to pay ever! Your only cost factor would be advertising and getting a website hosted and domain name. Many legitimate online businesses will provide with all the tools you need for FREE. Even if you cannot make a website or blog, they create one for you because THEY only make MONEY when YOU make MONEY.Then you get duplication from a simple system for success to teach your people to duplicate what you were taught to do. Your job is to mentor your people or get them active with the training calls and support team as you guide them along.
If you are serious about making money with work at home you need to have this program. It worked for me and it is the only program that worked for me . It works fast and using right info will create you a long term income fast. You can find more info at link below.
I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don t need any money up front and you can start making money within minutes. I average around 3,500 dollars every month with it. Check it out at
Ppl do make money. Only you have to find good smart ways of dealing with things. Check this out:
Learn to write a blog and add a product you want to sell or adsense. It s working for me.
Sorry to be blunt but you re 22, go get a real job.
How can I cancel my order on ebay? -
You will be fine (as you probably have paid with Paypal)As you have done- contact the Seller and explain not to send!; BUT COMMUNICATEIf Business Seller- you are entitled to ALL your original payment(IPaypal)If Private Seller- you will prob have to do a Paypal dispute if the Seller is not helpful.Seller can do a Mutually agree not to complete
You bid, you win, you pay.The seller is NOT required to let you cancel or even give you a refund. Think about it, he wasted time listing the item, money to list it and more when you won. Why would *he* want to cancel the sale?eBay/paypal does NOT hold the money unless they happen to think the item sold is a high fraud item.
you are pretty much stuck - the seller doesn t have to refund your money and if he did, you would not get any shipping charges refunded and you would have to pay to ship it back
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