Yes you can sell them, no matter the size, of course bigger is better, go to at least 3 jewerly stores for a estimate on how much they are worth, depending on the size and quality of the diamonds, that will determine the best price. You can also have them put on a ring or pendant if you so choose.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I have about 10 to 15 small diamonds. Are they worth anything, can I sell them in salt lake city? -
Started a service company, what next? -
What is the catchment area that you can profitably supply to? Have you identified those companies in that area that would be interested in your proposition? Have you made an excel list with addresses/contact details etc? I would suggest that your main problem is going to be getting your product/service more widely known and that involves marketing. What size is your marketing budget, have you considered advertising in Yellow pages/local newspapers, Thomsons, even sticking cards up in newsagent windows? Is there a local business link/chamber of commerce organisation that you can join and make contacts through?What is your marketing plan? How often do you plan to mailshot customers - the optimum is around 90 days/four times a year, too much and you waste money and risk annoying prospects, too little and they forget you. If yours is a service aimed at householders - have you considered getting fliers printed and posting them?Try and be a little different with your marketing - not the same as everyone else does, think of something different.
Need some ideas for naming an atheist group? -
Call it, The Unbelievablers , This Club Exists , or No Souls Allowed
why do you believe god does not exist do you really think that you yourself with no control over what takes place in the world could survive on your very own or come to exist alone without the presence of the GOD. Please really tell me why I never had a convo with a person who did not believe in any god.
How to classify this worker? employee? Independent contractor etc..? -
The employee is coming in to your office and using your computer and telephone. Since they re in your office, I presume it could be argued that they re being supervised by one of your staff. I d say that the person is an employee.Edit: It seems as though some of the answerers are confused. See the IRS link below with these two items: 5. If you have the right to control or direct not only what is to be done, but also how it is to be done, then your workers are most likely employees.6. If you can direct or control only the result of the work done -- and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result -- then your workers are probably independent contractors.
I would classify her as an independent contractor. As long as you don t dictate to her what hours she has to work. It s completely ok, that you agree together what hours she works.Also, she doesn t HAVE to use your computer telephone. She does this so she is not responsible for controlling the files out of the office.
Independent contractor. You just pay her and not withhold any taxes, and give her a Form 1099 at the end of the year. She is responsible for all taxes, self-employment tax, etc.
She could be either. I would check into which would be more beneficial to the business with taxes and liability.
What are names for a home improvement business? -
There are a couple of different ways to approach this, Haley.I d suggest spending some time brainstorming before you ultimately decide. You might want to keep a small notebook with you for the next several days so you can jot down ideas as they come to you. Here are some tie-ins or categories to help with names: 1) Your name plus home improvement (i.e. Haley s Home Improvement ) 2) Your town or city plus home improvement (i.e. Anytown Home Improvement ) 3) What you plan to do alone or plus home improvement (i.e. Windows, Siding and More or Interior Home Improvement ) 4) The quality of your service plus home improvement (i.e. Top-Notch Home Improvement ) 5) Check out the competition. Look through your local Yellow Pages under Home Improvement to see what names your competitors are using - and key off those.Just some ideas to come up with some names.Don t forget to check with your attorney since in most locations you ll need to file a DBA (doing business as) form if you don t do business under your own name. Your attorney can also do a check to make sure the name you select is not already being used by someone else. (I d suggest you do these things before spending money on having fliers printed up.)Good luck with your business!
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