websites that sell REAL products
Monday, July 23, 2007
Best kind of websites that generate great income? -
Im a avon representive i ordered an additional order but the status says held what does that mean? -
Cute name for a photography business? -
A Thousand Words Photography
CHEESEy photography
Babycake Designs (:
I am trying to start my own business...? -
Ok you answered part of your need to firgure out ALL your expenses related to the business and go from there.Spreading the cost over how many jobs you do for example.Maybe check the Yellow pages or them lilttle advertisement you get in the mail. and see if your competitors list any prices.
Online Businesses that actually work...? -
With this question you are going to be bombarded with information from everyone on this they will be cutting and pasting sites for you to visit and sign up. I could personally give you a few but it would be good for you to determine what will fit for you and your personality. So many of them want you to provide them a list of all your family, friends, neighbors, associates, etc. but most of us don t like intruding on our family, friends, etc. to make money off them. With most of them you make more money by signing up someone who is supposed to sign up others than you do with selling a product or service. If this is for you then go ahead cautiously. Right now DO NOT EVER sign up for those that want you to process payments for you that you will keep a certain percentage, people are getting burned. What I will say is find something that you honestly believe in and you may have a chance to succeed. Good luck I hope you get to enjoy your vacation
Hi there,Finding the right home business opportunity is a challenge. There are many people who have been searching for the right online opportunity but never really did find what they want. If you really want to find the best home based business internet work opportunity, you should do some research. A good source of info for online business are the entrepreneur magazines. You could subscribe to one or two types of them and learn about setting up an online business. They usually offer some very good insights when it comes to setting up your business. Another way for you to find the right home based internet business opportunity is to ask for referrals from friends and relatives. If you know someone who has an online business, they are one of your best sources of info. The good thing about asking for their advice is that they already have experience and could help you out or give you some tips on how to get started.If you don t know anyone who has an online business, you could join forums as well. There are online communities that discuss working from home and some are willing to share their knowledge. To find one of these, you can just simply launch a search by typing the keywords. In a matter of minutes, you can probably find several posts.I ve been working at home for over a year now. I knew absolutely nothing about it either but I stumbled upon something called Maverick Money Makers. I saw it online and on television, so I gave it a shot and it has worked nicely for me. It is very informative and basically walks you through everything step-by-step. There is a minimal cost to become a member and have access to all of this material but I m pretty sure there is a 90 day (3 months) money back guarantee if you decided you weren t interested.
I think there is one that just right for you , with very little investment , and you automatically get 7 days 6 night vacation certificate plus income oportunity that you can get; I just signed up coupledays ago and see the beauty of this opportunity. It s legitimate company and not MLM not scams do cross check yourself ;check this out if you
Congratulations!!! You are the millionth person this week asking this question. As you have seen, there are none. They are all get rich quick scams to take your money.����
What software would a business need? -
Open s free!SAGE for all your accounting!contact HM Revenue and Customs for free DVD about Tax NICs with free software also!Find a local small business that started 12-18 months ago and ask them!:)
An office suit like MS Office or Open Office, which is free. These include word processors, spreadsheet, email client, presentation and database.Then you need some accounting software, there is a very good opensource accounting application listed here: think it s called TirboCash. There are also lots of other free software applications on that site which helped me a lot. I did not know you could get so much for free untill I fount that site!hope it helps you too.
You will need a complete office package - That could be Microsoft Office which is available at a price or a free software called Open Office. Apart from that you will require an accounting package to take care of your accounts (Ex. Tally). You may also require a invoicing software for billing etc.
I Want to stat a deptarmental stores i don ve any idea how to start that...pls help me..? -
Im looking to start my own computer repair company. What would be a good name for the business? -
PCDRSPersonal Computer and device repair store
Hi Blessed,Your business name should be chosen/created based on sound marketing principles; not personal preference.Go to your state s corporations website (usually under the secretary of state) and browse through any lists you can find to see what kinds of things others are using already.Then decide which way you want your name to guide your customers. Do you want them to think they are using the services of a person (Ie Joe Sample s Computer) or a professional services outfit (ie Pro-Site Tech). Choose/create based on what your market research tells you will draw more customers/clients. Yes, I said research! Don t guess with something this important. Take a look at my website You ll find some good free info there.Good Luck!
AAA Network and PC Install and Repair.orMoody s Network and PC Install and RepairorSmiling Sam s Network and PC Install and Repairdon t use your own name, if things work out right, you will sell the business in a year or two.
This company is very affordable and specializes in naming businesses, domains, product, services etc.. You might want to check it out. Services available also include web design.
Christmas Installation - How Much Do You Charge Small Businesses to Install Christmas Lights? -
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Jul 23
- Best kind of websites that generate great income? -
- Im a avon representive i ordered an additional ord...
- Cute name for a photography business? -
- I am trying to start my own business...? -
- Online Businesses that actually work...? -
- What software would a business need? -
- I Want to stat a deptarmental stores i don ve any...
- Im looking to start my own computer repair company...
- Christmas Installation - How Much Do You Charge Sm...
Jul 23