Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to get capital for me to start a new business ? and how to make a business plan for small enterprise? -

Your fist step should be to your local SCORE chapter and the nearest office of the Small Business Administration. Both of these organizations offer FREE (yes, free) help for individuals starting small businesses. They will sit down with you, go over your idea and help you write a business plan. You can ask the people with whom you will meet from these organizations your questions about raising capital. In fact, answering those questions will be a part of completeing your business plan.Again, this ia free service that is made possible my government money and lots of volunteers. You would be doing a disservice if you didn t take advantage of it.Go to these website, www.score.org and www.sba.gov.Good luck!!

u need to volunteer WHERE you are located. visit, for most efficiency, the web site for the US small biz admin. It offers freecopy and paste biz plans you can borrow...[and put your data where their data is onyour copy and pasted version]capital is another thing entirelyGet hold of me for any limited, free guidance!

What exactly is paypal and how do you use it? -

I really need help using paypal..First I really do not get how the general idea works. I started selling t-shirts as some kind of personal business thing, but I wanted to allow customers use paypal.How does this work?Do customers need a paypal account? Do they send me money? Where do the money go in? Do I need to tell paypal my banking account and the money will get in my bank account??Is paypal trustworthy?? and what kind of bank account can I choose for paypal?

Paypal creates an online wallet to store moneyYou can take money in or out of the WalletYou link a bank account to the wallet where you can send some of the payopal money once is reaches a certain level, Or you can Put money into Paypal Wallet to use of EBay or anywhere elseIt is recommended you set up a separate bank account to deal with Paypal -They need a paypal account too - they put money in their acount an Email it to yours - then you can transfer it to you Real bank account if you choose - or spend it else where through paypal

Well, I wouldn t call myself an expert on paypal, but as far as I know:It s basically like an account, and it can be connected to your bank accounts and credit cards and stuff. You can send and receive money. You have like a sign in name or a username, which is your email address. When you get money or anything it sends an email to your email address telling you. I don t think customers need a paypal account to buy things from you, I think they transfer it from their bank account or whatever into your paypal account. The money goes into your account, you can take the money out of your account by transferring it into your bank account or you can spend it, or keep it in there.I m pretty sure paypal is trustworthy, it has worked fine for me. What do you mean by What kind of bank account can I choose for paypal? You can have a bank account connected to your paypal, I m not sure if it matters what kind of bank account it is.Hope I helped!

paypal is an online bank account, you can use it in different website.such as games,buying stuff on ebay and all that

If you use it you will love it! It s a very fast way to pay for things and get paid for selling things. You register with PayPal and you can add a credit or debit card, or a checking account if you want to draw funds from these to pay for things you buy online. You would be sent an invoice from someone you owe money to and then you would click pay now to pay them, the funds would be pulled from whatever payment method you add. If you are wanting a payment from someone, you can send a money request or an invoice to their email, they can then send the payment to you. The money will be held on your PayPal account until you either spend it or choose to deposit it into your banking account. After your bank account is verified through PayPal, you can request a debit card from PayPal for free so you may spend your money that is on your account without depositing it into your personal bank account. You can also apply for a pay-pal credit card to use when making payments. PayPal is nice because you can notify your customers that you have received payments and when you have shipped items to them. PayPal is trustworthy! You can use checking/savings account, as long as you have a routing and account number. As I said, you can also register a credit or debit card with them to draw money from to make your payments. It takes a second to figure everything out, but that is it. It is very user friendly and you can call customer service for help at anytime, trust me, I have called late at night before.

Im buying something from China on E-bay, please I need your help!.. 10 pts.!? -

Hello..I have never bought anything from e-bay, and i m about buying a raquet from china, the feedback of the seller is really good 99% and it is freeshipping, but I was wondering since they have to send me the raquet from china, do i have to pay any tax?, where should i receive the raquet?.

Tennis or squash?If you play a hard game of either sport, the racket might well shatter.Better to pay a little more and get a good reputable brand racket from a store like Sports Authority, or Big 5.

LOL free shipping FROM over seas COMON man wake UP !thats not Racquet thats a RACKET !i bet it s a Dollar store raqueat that aint worth what they are asking for !IT Cost me $5 to send printed material across the country to Calif because the weight of the material thats standrd USPS rates !

Can I start an online business as a sole proprietor as a minor? -

Can I start an online business as a sole proprietor as a minor?I m 17, Thanks.

I don t think there is an minimum age. You can shovel snow or mow your neighbors lawns for money (ok I realize these examples aren t online) and that could be seen as a business. If you re the only one operating it then it s a sole proprietorship.Make sure you get you re parent s OK before you do anything. There are a lot of scams out there--be careful. and you don t want to put a lot of time and effort into something just to have your parents shut you down.If you re interested I m doing now is free to sign up and has different components that you can join or not join if you choose. Some components are free and some aren t (those that aren t free have a free trial period). The free ones have a more limited earning capability but can be used to build capital for the ones with more substantial earning potential. The free component can also be used as proof that money can be made online before committing to options that require a monthly fee. You can make a little bit of money in a short period of time but to build significant income will take time and effort, it s not easy money. See my source for more information.

Well first off, the law is hazy here. A minor can buy but not own, of course I speak of large investments like houses or in this case a business. So, you won t be a business in the conventional sense where you register as one, but there is nothing stopping you from starting one. Confusing I know, the gist being just go ahead and start one. And of course, be careful of all those online scams that only take your money. I suggest going to WWW.BISAFFILIA.COM where they teach to make a profit with no start up investments and no sign-ups. And detail the finer points of what an affiliate program is and how to properly use them. Good Luck

How to start an online adversiting company? -

i wanted to start an online adverstising company to make money?..cld u guys help me out tell me wat all i shld do to start one and how it works??

To start an online advertising company you need to get enough professional experience so that you don t have to ask that question on Yahoo Answers. You can get the required experience by first working for an advertising company.

step 1: learn how to spell advertising . hint: it s not adversiting or adverstising

What are some good ways to earn extra money for the holidays? -

I need to make some money so i can get some gifts for my family

I would baby sit (if your old enough like 11) walk dogs do extra chores sell lemonade make stuff and sell

http://bux.to/?r=anubhavmagic This is the best ptc site over the internet ptc means paid to click on this website,you just create your account and then start clicking ads one by one. You will be awarded $ 0.01 for each ad you click. They give about 34-36 ads a day for you to click.You can also reffer others and then you will get $ 0.01 for each ad your referrals click. So if you refer enough people, you can earn about $ 20 in amonth at least. but it takes time to build your referrals, so don t give up, just click ads daily. I have joined 17 ptc sites and this is the best one for you. click the link to join.

That depends on your age. Sadly, the time is running out. You will not be able to find a part-time job, work and get a paycheck in time for the holidays this year. You will have to do odd jobs around the house and for neighbors to earn money for this year,Good luck

Health center slogan? -

hello!!i am creating some graphic marketing material to promote a health center, im feeling a bit blank with ideas for slogans. Anyone has any interesting ideas or slogans I can use.Thanks in advance

We sorta need more info about the health center BizIs it a physical therapy clinic, is it a gym, is it a nursing home, is it a rehabilitation center?Without knowing that, I cant be too creative, but I can come up with SOMETHING.How about: Always there to help or helping you, help you or creating a better you or Going to bat for you or [The] endless care begins here or standing for those who fall or simple solutions for hard problems .....I dunno...its a shot in the dark without better infoAnswer mine???http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;��

Health is Wealth - Keep this treasure Safe Health is a Boon - Care for it Health is precious - Protect it Life without health is like a hell !Without health Life is almost dead !A healthy body holds a Healthy Soul mind !

Health from A to Z Personal healthy care Fitness for your mind, body and spirt Better than an apple a day! I hope this helps!

Need accounting and payroll advice please help? -

OK, and your question is???

Hanging Christmas Lights - Is this a Good Business To Start This Holiday Season? -

Yes, it s a fantastic idea for the festive season.If you live in a neighborhood that combines the traditional spirit with colorful lights then sure, you can start a small business hanging Christmas lights.I know friends who have been active in this line every November/December for the past 6 years.

yes! I wish it was my idea.

I want to start a tax prep business? -

I m still in college but have a good basis for filing tax return. I wanted to start a small business on the side to generate some income to pay for my outrageous student loans. I was wondering if you can steer me in the right direction of how to build such an idea.What are typical startup costs? What are basic tools needed? Can I work out of my basement? How do I market? Any information will do

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For more information contact us via email: platinumtrustfinancialservices@yahoo.comWe loan from ��5,000 to ��500,000,000 with a maximum time duration of 20 years. For more informations, contact us as soon as possible.Borrower s InformationsName:Location:Residence type:Phone Number:Amount Needed:Loan Duration:Date: November 19th, 2009

I lost an item im selling on ebay? -

Okay well im selling a dvd on ebay and its got 3 bids already and finishes in a few hours but yesterday while tidying i lost it. I looked EVERYWHERE. So what do i do?

contact ebay and ask them to remove the listingyou ll probably be penalized for it and still have to pay the listing fee though

_ . . . This is a naughty me answer, but sometimes, in all of the ruckus of handling 1,000 + items, I sell something twice that I only have one of. I usually ship the actual item to the person who won the auction first. Then I send an e-mail to the other winner and tell them that I discovered that the item was damaged while I was packing it for shipment. I give a full refund and send the refund transaction ID with the e-mail that I use to inform them the item was damaged. This makes sure that they don t have any room to argue or complain. It might sound shiesty, but no one gets screwed over, and it works.

You have to cancel the bids then end the auction, eBay doesn t do it for you.



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