The state of Colorado does not allow home-based baking. Now with that said you can bake from home and sell your baked goods at a local state farmers market. No every market will allow you to sell your baked goods so you will have to do a bit of leg work and locate a market that allows it. There is a directory that is put out by the Colorado Department of Agriculture in PDF form. If you contact me I will email it to you. If you want to learn more about home-based baking visit the headquarters for home food processors: this is helpful.
Not exactly sure what the specifics are here but the biggest thing here is safety and hygene. You must satisfy regulations that the place where you bake is clean and you will need a college certificate saying you passed.The hygene certificate will be for yourself and you will need something similar for the workplace. Failing that and forget about it unless the US and your state laws are incredibly lax. Expect a visit from a health inspector if something goes wrong and one other thing, why would you want to do this from home anyway?Bakers need to get up at ungodly hours, I was in the industry though as a chef and at work perhaps at 5am in the morning, bakers get it worse and you would need some industrial size ovens unless selling to a niche market at a very high price.If you get popular you would need to convert your home anyway so look to getting some rented premises first....course it may be that doing all this from home is illegal anyway where you are.
idk but just be sure to have product liability insurance. if someone gets sick, they will own your house