Try contacting small home-based businesses. Many of these people are independent distributors who market great products for large companies and are often willing to donate to help publicize their business. Some examples: Avon, Tupperware, Mary Kay, Mia Bella Candles, Arbonne, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Stampin Up, Usborne Books, etc.
Local businesses are the easiest to deal with because you can usually speak directly to the person responsible for making these types of decisions. So you ve already asked every single business in town? If not, continue to ask the one s you haven t already visited.If you re talking about larger company donations, your work is going to be much more difficult. You may have to go through layers of management until you find someone to make a decision. I would stay away from large (i.e. national or international companies) and stick to the businesses that are in your hometown.
Try small local businesses, especially ones that might be owned by students parents. They ll probably be glad to do it. Offer to let them put up a sign or banner at the raffle ticket booth.Good luck!
Try some of the larger companies that operate in your area like your electric or gas company or telephone cable companies. If Coke or Pepsi have distribution rights in your school, try them. Target and other big retailers are pretty generous, if you have a stores near you. Good luck.
Sure! It would be to a companies benefit as they may be able to write it off as Charitable Contribution (In some cases)