Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is my website name to long? -

Do you think its too long or should I shorten it.http://www.polarismediagroup.com/know4yo��

Pam or Shane, Ive checked and I know you have. All of these are taken:pmg.compolarismg.compmgroup.compmginc.comThe only name NOT taken that might suit you is:www.pomegr.comGet it? POlaris MEdia GRoup / POMEGR Thats shorter. What you should do is brand THIS logo. Make it all caps and make each group of letters a different color. You can start by branding tshirts and mugs for employees to use around the office for everyday use. Mugs for work, tshirts for home and street use. Reinforce the brand logo for your newsletters, retreats, special members or students. Large companies use other logos to specialize and promote products, services, or corporate culture. Making it their own. Noone will ever forget POMEGR. They will remember it by trying to pronounce it or by its pure unique spelling. The rest will be saying PO ME GR, you dont get it? Duh? Everyones email doesn t have to change. That s another added advantage. The CEO, Founders, or upper mgt shouldn t have an email address the public should know. shane.******@pomegr.com pamela.******@pomegr.com would be more discreet. Note: Found it kind of weird there was no place for anyone to contact you on your website. I didnt want to use the 2599 number because you might have freaked out lol. Anyway hope I was helpful. For the colors of this new branding tool use black, blue and white. On a white background the PO should be outlined in a fine black line and white inside, the ME should be blue, and GR black. Use times new roman bold size 72. Use the paint program in every windows machine to try it out and see how it looks or if you have photoshop that would help too. Good luck guys. Im in the beginning stages with working with a motivational speaker now. Interesting industry...

I think it s fine, by the way, niffty little website



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