police id parade pays cash in hand, rare blood group ? then give blood they pay for rare blood groups , sperm banks pay also if your in good health..nightclub advertising in glasgow must be big Business, try sandwich board walking..approach nightclubs by phone tell them you will give out flyer s on the high street..busy pubs need glass collectors,people doing this job don t usually last for more than a week, they get what they need and leave ! pizza parlours need menus posting there must be hundreds of takeaways in glasgow also need menus posting ....its all there my friend ...just reach out
Well you can be a server, cause they walk out every night with cash in hand. Or I do what I do, I own my own business with AmeriPlan. You get benefits, and you get paid the same day that you enroll somebody as a member. Well it takes about 3 days for the check to reach your house, but that s close enough in my opinion. If you have questions you can email me or visit my site. Hope to hear from you soon.That is if your willing to do something NOT illegal ;)Alicia Becerraalicia_mariebecerra@ymail.com
You are at the prime age for military enlistment. It might no be exactly what you had in mind, but consider it. You get free food and housing while you are in the service and a paycheck to boot. I suggest a safe military branch, like the RAF, Coast Guard or the Navy. There are no 100% safe jobs in any branch of the military, but some obviously put you at greater risk.For non-military jobs, find a popular resteraunt or pub, offer to wash dishes, buss tables, whatever and then offer to do it off the books.
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