sorry cannot be in Yes or Noyes if you working on multiple clients and the issue is more ticket if you are working for single client and you know most of your internal customers.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Hi, Can anyone tell , is there any online data entry works which is not a fraud ? If so please reply? -
Are you looking for work from Home part time jobs? Home based typing jobs are now being offered by many Companies at present! Receive your paychecks every month! Full training provided by the company itself. No Selling Required. Please visit the website�� ?id= 2518493
Earn Rs.750-2000/-daily. No Investment required.visit 2518136
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Is it a good idea to sew clothes and selling them online ? -
Um, you re probably going to want to use that basic pattern again and again -- it cuts down on product development time. You can always change the details.For some basics, start reading here:������
Hi Karl,There is just NO SUCH THING as a bad business idea! The problems arise when people make decisions about business based on faulty or incomplete information.Planning is key. In order to plan effectively, you must conduct some research. What do you need to provide your services? Who will you provide them to? Who are you competing against? What makes you better; gives you an edge ? How are you going to reach your prospects/potential clients? Answering these kinds of questions gives you a basis to begin a business plan.You can download my free research outline at www.abusinessmentor.comIt should certainly guide you in the right direction.Good Luck!
ppl do that on ebay all the timewhat seems to be really popular is taking band t-shirts and making them into a unique shirt designed to fit a woman s curves
How do I add a Quilting cost Estimator calculator to my personal website? -
This is just all Javascript running on the front end. You can probably just use that script and make the necessary changes to accommodate your needs such as price, field names, and so on. The script is usually downloaded to your computer. You just have to find it. The example you sited includes a script call merrie.js that is called when ever the user tabs out of each field. If you have the firefox browser you can see the javascript file by viewing the page source then clicking on the merrie.js link. Look for code that looks like this: /style script type= text/javascript src= merrie.js /script /head
Do you want the government telling you what to buy at garage sales and flee markets? -
I ve been waiting 6 months for my Congressman to get back to me, I just want permission to use the restroom but I m scared to do so without their permission. The issue has been on the debate floor for 4 months, but the republicans and democrats can t agree on how much of a pay raise for themselves they should tack onto the restroom permission bill. First the republicans suggested 5%, the democrats filibustered and insisted it be at least 8%, but now the republicans are demanding a 10% raise. Meanwhile, here I sit, legs crossed, waiting for permission.
The Libertarian Party response sounds quite reasonable until you recall that many of the recalled toys were sold by some of the largest and most reputable toy makers in the U.S.A.According to Foxnews the government is saying that you cannot sell a product intended for use by children if it was recalled because it could seriously injure a child. If you read the preamble to the Constitution you will see that one of the purposes of forming the nation was to promote the general welfare of the people. The founding fathers defined welfare to mean health, happiness and prosperity. That being the case the government s regulations prohibiting the sale of dangerous products for use by children is not only reasonable, but is proper.Jerry-the-bookkeeper
If it s at a flee market people will be too busy running to buy anything, anyway. If they start regulating flea markets on the other hand, I might have a problem with it.
Nonsense. This is a non-story.
They know what s best for me. i can t make a decision without them.
Can I sell homemade body scrubs without a ton of paperwork? -
I know that you need to have labels printed with ingredients in order of weight. If anything in it will spoil, you must have an expiration date. If anything is sensitive to light, you must not use a clear glass container. If anything is sensitive to plastic, know what kinds of plastic container you can t use. Be careful of using words like natural or organic unless you know the legal definitions. Home made recipes are fine to use at home, but chancy to sell because of allergies and spoilage.
Does anybody know about this ill give 10pts? -
oH GOSH I cant believe the first answer.lolWEll you can always start your own home business!Thats what I am currently doing and I totally love it!I would love to post details on here, but as well all know...I WILL GET flagged! Ppl love doing that. So for more me :)this really is a great opportunity! Hope to hear from you soon!
I m sorry to say that there s no fast and SAFE way to earn money. Profit is almost always directly proportional to risk. To be able to double your investment in 5 years, you d need to invest in a portfolio of investment that could give you at least 15% profit
U shud invest in real estate in dubai. Prices r the all time lowest now. I think its the right time, coz it will start rising by the beginning of jan 2010. However if u want to b safe, u can do a fixed deposit in banks they double the money in 5
Gold is a good investment, and so are diamonds, and gas.
Invest it in internet porn. You ll get your money back in no time. Internet porn is booming!
ummmm...well i m not quite sure whta your takling about but if you out the money in an account you should get very large interest
Im trying to start my own cleaning business? -
than do it little girl and make sure to get mexicans on the job their good workers =)
Can i open my own salon? -
yes you can get licensed by your province/state as a beautician or professional esthetics whatever ya call it. then you need to get a buiness license to practice your trade and have it approved for safety standards.
go to college. get an internship. wait 50 years. then yes, you can start your own business.
What Store Is This ( Freehold,NewJersey)? -
Ruehl.If its just like hollister or abercrombie but darker inside and deeper, then yeah.
Here s the map; check for yourself:��
I want to open a second hand clothing store in Mexico but I have hear there are new laws to discourage this.? -
Just pay the import tax
DWP(dept.of work and pensions) benefit advisor question? -
Form B7
Why are ebays fees so exspensive .? -
the fees will continue to be expensive as long as you continue to pay them...realize that if you don t say no you are saying yes to the feesif everyone stopped selling on ebay and did something else what do you think would happen? they .would be forced to lower their fees or go out of business.then some other company would start the same kind of business and the cycle would start all over...buyer s bbbitching does not cost them a dime, Lost Sales do...and don t tell me it can t happen cuz it can. people are just way to lazy and apathetic to do something and make it stick..
Where to get custom size business cards? -
I found the best deal on Ebay. I think I got 1,000 of them for a good price.Good luck!Lisa
Theres a company called Overnight Prints that will do custom business cards. I personally use them myself. They have an offer to get 250 business cards for free which is there way of getting business and letting you sample their work for the cost of postage.If you want the free 250 business cards to try them the link is in the source below.Enjoy..
Google business cards and your hometown. I m sure you ll find a printing company that can do this. You could try ordering online, but since this is a custom cut I really recommend local. Besides, it supports an economic morality - buy local is green and helps our economy.
Try PrintGlobe.comThey have a wide selection of business cards and will assist getting you the business cards you need.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
How many stamps do I need to send a package from mississauga to peterborough? -
2 would be more than enough, actually too much. 1 might even be enough.
Questions about selling Mary Kay? -
I use to sell Mary Kay for a little while the reason why I didn t like them was because you have to keep your own inventory. Like you buy $600 worth of inventory then if you sell it all you make 50%. I hated it. I sold all my products half price and got out. You seriously need to think about it first. Plus Mary Kay products are twice as much as avon.
go to pink, that might help
I agree with the other post, go to As for the half off forever, it s only if you make a wholesale order of $400.00 or more every quarter. So at the beginning of January, if you make a wholesale order of 400, you get it for 200, and every other purchase within January till the end of March will be half off, but then in April you have to do it over again. And shipping is the same whether it s a large order or just one thing.If you need to make extra income for your family what are you doing in MLMs? Get a real job. There is always something out there to do. Babysit kids, wash windows if you have to. Work at a fast food place. Any of these things is better than working an MLM.
How can I get more jobs for babysitting? -
I m not sure how old you are but if you are out of school and looking for a full time job then you can get a state license and work out of your home. The Child Protective Services website for your state (I assume you are in USA) has all the information you need. Advertisement for that kind if business is best when done by word of mouth. Post fliers in laundry mats, apartments building bulletin boards, community centers, etc.If you are in school still and are just looking for part time work you can advertise the same way as an adult but I would be very careful about your contact information. Get your parents involved in advertising your business so you can safely get the right kind of clients. If at all I would only go with family members and people my parents know. Minimum wage is $6.25 an hour last I heard, charge that per hour and less if it is for a longer period of time. A typical home day care can charge anywhere from $65-$100 a week (watching child Monday through Friday) depending on age and ability of child.Good luck.
you can either post your ad here or look for possible jobs. Just google ownadaycare on the net...its a website for daycare owners and as well as job seekers.
Hey maybe you could try advertising in your local news paper or something in that area... let people come to you....just an idea :]
need extra cash? it will cost you 5 dollars to make 1000 in a month.. this guy showed me this website and i make money there.. good luck
How to ship a flat screen TV selling on Ebay? -
I would use the orginal box with 2 squares of cardboard taped over the screen for extra protection.
I would not even bother trying to ship a flat screen TV. What I suggest is to put your item on Craigs List and try to sell it to someone in your area, so they can come and pick the item up. Hey Craig Lists always work for me when I m selling home merchandise.If you go with Craigs list please make sure you tell the person cash only, hey there are a lot of scams out there.Good Luck to you!
you probally can you can take to a UPS store (or fedex office) and they could pack it for younote they will have a fee for doing so but it will be safe that wayjust be sure to insure it
you can ship it in the original box, make sure you have alot of protection with it, such as packing peanuts
Do you ever feel guilty about wiping out a business rival? -
No not at all,,I do it via my work,,
I have no problem doing this if the other guy isn t a decent person. Otherwise I might feel a little guilty, but it s still business, and you do what you can to get ahead. I m doing the same exact thing. : ) I do IT work. I was at an office that had called me to fix some problems. Their former IT guy happened to come by (i don t know what he came for) and started talking to me. He asked what I charge, and I told him. (I m not cheap, I just undercut the average going rates a little) He started laughing and told me he charges double, so I m no threat to him and that I m a joke. He went on to say I m not a real professional.Well, I ve taken a few more of his former clients due to the word of mouth from the first one. And this isn t only because of the price, they are genuinely happier with my work than his. If you do good work and charge as much as you need to, there s no need to worry about the competition s well being. We re human and can t help but feel bad for the misfortune of others, but you can t let that stop you from thriving.
It is very understandable why you feel guilty. He has a family to feed and you feel like you are going to make it so that he won t be able to feed his family. The insults are not why you are doing what you are doing but it help your conscience. Before you undercut him on price to the point that you run him out of business, ask yourself this. Would you have more business than him if you charged the same? If it was just about quality and service, would you still be taking his business. If you can honestly answer yes to that question, then you have nothing to feel guilty about.
Dont feel guilty!! If he had the chance he would surely do you out of business. Business is business - not personal. You have not look out for yourself in this big world. Keep doing it!!!
That s the way it is. You re not killing him, you re just telling him he should make his money at something else.
Please suggest me is there any small scale industry which are having more demand now a days? -
internet cafe or sari sari store just put it on high ground..
Work at home options that arent scams...? -
You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people.
I have tried a number of work at home opportunities and for the most part it s nothing but scams. I think I ve tried most of the free ones but now I know why they are free, because they don t work. The only one that I have made money with is Maverick Money Makers. There is a fee but you are coached through every step and have awesome customer support. I ve been able to make enough money to cover the fee and still have cash in my pocket. Hope this helps and good luck to you.
If you know correct home based business info and way, weight loss is easy. If you are serious, you should have fast home based business way that works for you. I highly recommend you my home based business way for you. I make good income everyday and it is very fast. You can do it too. You can get more info at link below.
As mentioned above, surveys are the safest and surest way to make a steady amount of cash. You won t get super rich (duh!), but it s more than enough to make ends meet if you get to the right places.Here s an excellent source for getting started the right way...
The only work from home options are babysitting or taking in chores for neighbors. All the online survey crap are scams.Stretch marks--use a coco butter stick smells horrible but works, also merderma works pretty good also.
Best software for Home Inventory related to Estates and Wills? -
You can take a look at inFlow Inventory. It is a basic inventory system that has all the esstenials.They have a Free version that is free forever, but limits to 100 products and customers. The software itself is very easy to use and fast to install.Here is their website:http://www.inflowinventory.comHope this helps!
Are there any places like Vista Print where I can get stuff for my business.? -
Actually their prices are among the best on line
Sunday, May 22, 2011
How to get home based job for an engineer.Where one can earn after spending just 3 to 4 hours daily? -
fast cash in 30 min.
I am starting a business. Cyber Cafe/Arcade. How can I find similar businesses? -
You should be able to find plenty of cyber cafes in most major markets. The problem with adding the arcade and everything else you want to have is the noise level. Most people using the Wi-fi want quiet so they can work; not a bunch of noisy machines or people cheering their teams on.You might want to open two businesses and share one kitchen; but you will have to find a landlord willing to let you put a hole in the wall.As for your business plan, talk to the Small Business Administration. They might have a sample plan on file. If not, they can still help you develop your plan.
Is it legal to cook things in your restaurant with store bought seasonings? -
You only need permission if you intend to use the name of the product in your advertising or to increase your sales of the product. If you call it a marinated steak you re fine, but if you say KC Masterpiece marinated steak or steak marinated in KC Masterpiece sauce you may want to make an inquiry about permission to the license holder of the KC brand.
if you can buy it in a store, it is legal to use
I need to know the laws for having these businesses (please read)? -
I would like to recommend you my work from home method that works very well. I get right work from home method and applied the method, then I make easy money everyday. You need to have the method that works. You can get the best work from home method that worked for me. You can get more information from
Interested in starting a magazine ? -
Little local magazines have been popping up over the UK for the last decade. I wouldn t think a license or anything is required. Most are paid for by advertisers.
One great way to learn more about starting a magazine is to read books on magazine startup. Here s a few that I have read:Starting and Running a Successful Newsletter or Magazine by Cheryl Woodard to Start a Magazine by James Kobak, you ll want to get involved in a community with other indy publishers that have likely had to deal with many of the same challenges. Sites like and are excellent for startups. Next you ll move to sites like and on sharing some information about your planned magazine in the above community website, I m sure there will be people interested in helping you to determine first steps. You ll likely need to have a written business plan and magazine concept before you can prepare a media kit and begin talking to investors and advertisers.There are a number of regional magazine publishing groups that can help you network and find all the necessary resources to start your magazine. I recommend you join CRMA - City and Regional Magazine Association at or MAGS - The Magazine Association of the Southeast
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What will be the cost of starting s small F.M station in indian. please tell the cost of installing it? -
About 10 Lacs.
What are inchoate contracts? -��
Filing for a LLC in Pennsylvania when is it necessary to have Consent to Appropriation or Use of Similar Name? -
I am not a lawyer, and I haven t done any LLCs in PA, but it looks pretty straightforward. You need to file a Certificate of Organization and a docketing statement. The docketing statement is easy. If you need help, find a consultant or a lawyer, or go to SCORE. All the docketing statement needs is what org you are going to be, and your information (PA LLC, and entity name, contact person name, address, etc.) I think that is just like a cover sheet to the Cert of Organization, and it probably announces the LLC formation to the Department of Revenue. Certificate of Organization is your application to be an LLC. The Consent to Appropriate or Use of Similar Name seems to be when one entity is taking over the name of another because the other is going out of business, or not doing biz in PA anymore. I don t think it has anything to do with using the franchise name. I would check with your franchisor to see if their legal department can help you register your LLC, or at least give you advice about how to fill it out if you have any questions.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Why wont americans on ebay post items outside the US? -
It s not just the expense, as you are already aware. It s the hassle - forms to fill out for customs clearance, what happens if buyer doesn t pay the duty, postal and shipping regulations for an endless list of items, and more. Most individuals have no experience with international shipping, customs, etc, and the regulations are daunting for the inexperienced, time-consuming for everyone else.
because you have to physically go to the post office in person, stand in line, fill out customs paperwork, etc - Saturday is the only day of the week that most people can get to the post office and not everyone is home every Saturday to do that, so it might take 2-3 weeks to actually get it shipped - major pain in the @ss in generalcome 2011, post offices may be closed in the US due to the postal service losing billions, so it will be even harder to ship pkg overseas
1. Shipping to the UK is expensive.2. Shipping to the UK is slow.3. Ensuring that all of the seller protection rules have been followed is tedious.4. Too many out-of-country buyers have filed claims that either they never got the item or their credit card was stolen with the result being they got the item for free.
Zero Cost Profits Details? -
Zero Cost Profits is a product that delivers what it promises.After checking this out for myself, I can give you rock solid confirmation that this is the real deal.What you don t need* PPC Advertizing* CPA Advertizing* Autoresponder Payments* Wed Design Charges* Graphical Creation Charges* Purchase Of Expensive Html Programs* Purchase Of Any Domain Names* Web Hosting CostsI honestly do think this is the best way for people to remove the time, and the cost factor when it comes to making serious, consistent cash online.��
Zero Cost Profits is a great system to learn how to make profits without spending a dime!ok you can read full review about it and claim your secret bonus package worth $6.416 by checking this link
How does PayPal work? -
Basically, Paypal is an intermediary between buyer and seller. The buyer pays for a purchase to the seller s Paypal account. Paypal confirm receipt to the seller, who can then post the goods, knowing that payment has been received. Sellers pay Paypal a fee for each transaction; they need to link a bank acount to their Paypal account. More shops, etc are accepting Paypal now, but it still only used by a small percentage.
ok if you set up an account you can link your bank to it so you can take funds straight out your bank to pay some1 else or if some1 pays you just goto your paypal account and withdraw funds to your bank, you can also add a credit card as payment , and if some1 pays you the money stays in your paypal account til you withdraw it , and you can pay for stuff with the funds that have not been withdrawn yet
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Can an indie commercial game include drawn versions of gaming consoles without getting sued? -
If the design of the console has been copyrighted or included in the utility patent application, you cannot use it s likeness in your product without permission. Best bet? Use a more generic drawing.Good Luck!
I have started a new fire protection contracting business. How much timedoes it take for the business to matur? -
Hi, I would love to start selling designer brand childrens clothes on the internet. Where do I start? -
Pursue your dream, you can try ebay but that can be up and down get a website up and running and get a free zen cart template, to customise and sell as your own store but there is always startup costs.
Try:��or��You will find all the verified children clothes wholesalers you need there.
Work at home jobs? I need one!? -
You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people.
There are some legit work at home jobs. There are some data entry job scams.Direct access to legit work at home agent links/sites that are hiringThese are work at home jobs. Customer Service, Data Entry and Mystery Shopping Jobs.No fees or cost for the service. Click on the link below will take you to my about page: questions please email:
If you are very serious about making money with home based business you must have this way. It worked for me and it is the only way that worked for me . It works fast and using right info will make you a long term income easy. You can find more info at link below.
I can show you a way that a one-time out of pocket expense of $27 USD could earn you enough to pay all your monthly bills and create some extra cash.Visit:, there are 3 (90) second videos on the left side, view all three. Read the testimonies to the bottom (also, they can be translated into 12 different languages).Send me a message with questions you have and I will answer them for you.
When you join the Amway Global business, you join a community of other Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who share your desire to achieve personal goals through a business of your own. This group of IBOs will provide business guidance based on personal experiences.A compelling aspect of the Amway Global business is the Line of Sponsorship (LOS). When you register a new IBO, you are their sponsor. The person who introduced you to Amway Global is your sponsor. This Line of Sponsorship is important to the calculation of bonuses based on business volume generated by IBOs in the LOS.Success as an IBO can help others in your LOS achieve their goals, too, since they may earn bonuses based on your volume, just as you will be rewarded for helping others generate product sales. Amway Global IBOs achieve when they help others achieve. So, while you might be in business for yourself, you re not in business by yourself. You ve got help right in your LOS.Why You?What do you want out of life? There are as many different reasons to be in this business as there are Amway Global Independent Business Owners (IBOs). An Amway Global business can help with those tuition bills. It can help reshape your work week. It can help you build a future for your family. It s your life, and Amway Global can help you build your own business - the way you want it.In Business For Yourself, Not By YourselfWhether you re a new Independent Business Owner (IBO) or someone who s been in the business for 20 years, you ll be supported at all levels by the IBO organization you were sponsored into as well as by Amway Global. Together, we have the infrastructure and resources to help.Amway Global provides you with support like:* Customer care: If you have a question about anything - like registration, renewal, business, or product information - our Customer Care Associates can help you.* Business management: You can manage your business, check customer volume, order products, and renew your business, all at Amway* Order management: You sell the products, and we ll do the rest, like process the order, manage your customer accounts, and handle the shipping details.* Training: Online, video, and instructor-led training are some of the ways we can share with you the knowledge to grow a successful independent business.* Marketing: We support your sales efforts with DVDs, online sites, magazines, brochures, and free websites you can personalize. And we help build awareness of your products and brands with national advertising, promotions, and event sponsorship.PLUS: The IBO organization you may become involved in also provides training and motivation in the field. You may be offered Business Support Materials (BSMs) that are independent of Amway Global, including DVDs, CDs, books, websites, seminars and business conventions. Many IBOs find these BSMs useful as they build their businesses, but they are completely optional, so it s your decision. Just so you know, some IBOs earn income from the sale of these BSMs apart from their earnings through the Amway Global IBO Compensation Plan.No one may pressure you to buy or use BSMs. Whether or not you purchase these materials, your sponsoring IBO is still obliged to provide you with training and support. Your own good judgment should guide you in deciding what is best for your independent business, considering among other things the cost, benefit, and time commitment associated with the purchase and use of BSMs.An Industry LeaderBack in the 1950s, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel were sales reps for a vitamin company called Nutrilite?. They envisioned an even better sales and marketing plan, however, and created a little company called Amway to set it into motion. Working with a core group of Independent Business Owners (IBOs), they provided a new opportunity to people in the U.S., Canada, and, today, more than 3 million entrepreneurs around the world.In 1999, Quixtar was launched to combine the best aspects of Amway with the power and convenience of the internet. Three years later it became the company��s exclusive opportunity in those markets. Now, Quixtar North America is making a transition to the Amway Global? brand to leverage the power of the $6.8-billion business Rich and Jay built.The business opportunity we support features:* An industry-leading compensation plan.* High-quality products.* Experienced support from an industry leader.* The community and support you receive from other IBOs.At Amway Global, we believe that the proper use and management of the earth��s resources are the responsibilities of industry and individuals alike. After all, alone we can do so little �C together, we can do so much. Learn more about our environmental stewardship.Amway Global* is the number-one online retailer in the Health Beauty category based on sales, and 22nd among all e-commerce sites,
Yes you must have some potential either to earn online or offline. If you want to do work from home you must find a good site, which provides all information about such things. For getting steady income, you can try with Google ad sense a fantastic program, which is not only free but also legit. Try that.
try mystery clickers !its a paid to click website , every click earns you $1-$5 .its as easy as it sounds ! theres always at least 100 ads to click on , so you can make $100+ everyday . and if you think its hard , it really isnt . im 13 , and i easily make about $200 a day off this website . try it out --��good luck !i promise , you wont regret it
I took the idea to make a buisness im 14yr? -
The question is a little vague but I think it s a great idea for someone so young to get their feet wet in business.I would concentrate on the idea of business itself right now instead of just the product line.Since you are in no hurry as you don t have to pay bills, take this golden opportunity to do it right. Take your time. Use your product as a guide to understanding more about the business.In the end, really, the product is only going to be ten percent of the overall plan. Seventy percent is going to be marketing. The rest is tooling up and keeping your books straight so that it all comes together neatly.Believe me, I m following my own advice here now. When I started, and this is my second run, I was swamped in bills and living hand to mouth. Somehow I got lucky and made it through my first quarter. Only about ten percent of small businesses make it past this point. Then I made it through a year, then another and another. This was by the grace of god. Now I am reinventing the business and have the time to follow my advice. You have this oppurtunity now. So go slow, learn your lessons and build the business on a solid foundation.Here s a tip; Don t ask your customers what they need, tell them what they need.
Owner financing a small business? -
Probably a good time to get a lawyer. If they knew that the loans weren t current and they stated that they were, it s fraud plain and simple. It s harder to prove if something wasn t signed, but generally you van prove that this was agreed upon by sworn testimony of a witness. The exception is that if the contract specifically states that nothing outside of the agreement was implied, etc...What sort of documentation was signed?Generally, you do not want this to go to lawsuits because civil litigation is extremely expensive. Based on your description, I would say they committed fraud and your refusal to pay them would be a default on whatever agreement you have. Just because they broke one part of the agreement doesn t dissolve the agreement or allow you to break it as well.
You should have had everything in writing. If there was only a verbal agreement about loans being current then you are in a heap of trouble. They can come after you for every thing you owe them and the lien holder can kick you out of the business. However you could go to the lien holder and explain the situation, maybe they will work something out with you. good luck.
Exporting clothes from phillappines to canada or usa? -
I am seeking a business which needs a start-up capital of not mor than $10000? -
Please mail me ur requirements on my mail
The best business opportunity that you can do at home is Him-n-Her Gifts.It s a manufacturing business that has 3000 top of the line products that drop ships the product for you. This company is great it s many ways that you run this business you can have product on hand and open up a store or you can run a website you can also use catalogs to show to store s like wal-mart ,mom and pop stores, you can also do mail order with the catalogs this company offers products like walmart has its a small one time $400.00 start up fee and $39.00 a month membership fee you can make that back when you get membership kit it has all the things you would need to get started you can send your check to Vundale Martin 169 North G St. Hillsboro TN, 37342
I did many different program to home based business , but nothing worked untill I found this amazing program. It works fast and I create fast money after I found right program. If you are serious and really want to make money online you should check this out. You can get info here bit(DOT)ly/jdfbhiod58 (Please change (DOT) to . in the link)
A niche business if worked properly will thrive. I ve been self employed in a niche for years and recently started a partner program. 81 people signed up the first week.��Please feel free to email me with any questions.
In america, we have these websites like,, So, see if you can find one such business online there.
Friday, May 13, 2011
What would be a good a start up business for a 24 yr. college student. that live in ventura county california? -
Have you thought of making money online?Small capital, flexible hours, easy start up can get started right away...
How can i start my business in one lack in rural area? -
You did not mention your current place of stay, country and in which rural area you are intendning to start a small business? Yes there are proven, tested and successful businesses that run extremely well in rural areas even with a 1 lakh investment.
Do you have mobile? Earn Rs.2500 every week.Earn money from your mobile. Read sms and earn Rs.2500 every week. Many indians are earning by reading sms. Visit
you may choose franchise business.
u contact me and want to know about you and your history or e-mail me at
Where can i find a wholesale supplier for pakistani clothing? -
Here are some of the apparel suppliers and exporters from Pakistan:�� can also find more suppliers of apparel from��
Try:��Or��You will find all the verified Pakistani clothing wholesalers you need there.
Only do I know is a China wholesale website.It is free shipping.Maybe it is not your answer,but I hope it helped.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
What right do the banks have to decide my future? -
That s an easy one, take your business (current account) elsewhere and open up a business account with the new bank.If you don t like the decision the bank has made then you can take it to the banking ombundsman but ultimately it is the banks decision (a case of their house, their rules).The only reason the banks insist on separate accounts is so they can charge you more.The believe that business accounts generate more work for them (amount of transactions) and therefore bang you with more charges.If you read the terms and conditions of your current account there is probably something in there which says you can t use it as a business account.Just take your business elsewhere.
If they told you that you had to have a business account and you didn t you could take action. The fact that you have now had a bank account declined actually means they will have affected your credit rating.I suggest you do some solid research into what you do and don t need to do so that you are prepared with the facts.
What are the only businesses still operating in the United States? -
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A fresh perspective: What should we name our store? -
The Parlor : Then your open to sell anything and it s easy to say... Hey, meet me at The Parlor at noon!
I need a tag line for a business? -
Bloom and Groom
what city are you in? is there a major college in your area? A pro football team? all of these mascot names will need to be in any successful small business if you can key into business for one reason alone look how many fans fill the stadium each and every weekend use the name that seems to be God given! If I were in San Diego I would call my company Mission or Charger anything or in Minnesota the land of the lakes landscape and maintenance or Viking Yard services in illinois why not the land of Lincoln yard services. understand? use the surrounding dollars being spent on entertainment in how you name your company and then with a good name we can think of a jingle or a great tag line like no rough too tuff The Greens Keepers
MAINTENANCE AND GARDENING- IT S ALL HEREGardening and Maintenance- we re here to helpOr maybe since it s garden themed, you could have a little gnome saying I GNOME you ll love our gardening and maintenance. i really hope this helpsss:)x3
let us sow the seeds so you can reap the us, to make your garden bloom
Your green thumb
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What are some good street teaming websites? -
then go n live in china first because there u have more options for this **** :)
I would like to write a Business letter, but I dont know how to do? -
Searching with the phrase welcome letter new customer led me to the following sample letters welcoming new customers. I hope that s what you re looking for.
I think you mean customers.There are lots of free downloads available on the internet.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
How do I start gardening in SIMS3 mobile? And how do I get a promotion? -
idk how to garden but ill tell you how to get a promotion you have to increase the stats in what job ur doing if like you are musician u have to play the guitar in the game alot to get better and then when u work u get a promotion faster
How can I make money? -
Have a yard or garage sale, wash cars, mow lawns.
get some mates and go do car washesor maybe ask an old relative if she/he needs someone to clean their house now and again, maybe every two weeks. (i did this when i was twelve) x
How to start a business....? -
HelloLooking for a Kick Start then here is your Start visit and learn how to earn .ThanksBusiness
Hey that s greatYou can have funding for your business at any place in india . is a business portal .Easy to find Investors and Entrepreneurs.Venture Giant India is the premier Indian business angel investment network business networking portal that matches serious and active indian business angel investors with Indian entrepreneurs seeking investment capital and business funding to start-up their new venture or expand their existing business.
Please specify the type of business you want to start.I would highly recommend that you contact Galia Kouzmanova from WealthBudget Executive Partners. She did what seemed impossible to help me launch my business- w/ business plan, funding, marketing, .... Galia is a Business Planner and SmallBiz Adviser.
LOAN OFFER APPLY NOWHello viewers,i am stella judge,please i want you to help me thank this God fearing and government approved lender who gives out loan at 2% interest rate.he was the one that brought to an end my long search for LOAN.He gives me the amount i request without STRESS and his terms and conditions are ok but remember that he deal with serious minded individuals firms and companies.We offer the following loans category.* Student Loan* Payday Loan* Payday Loan* Business Loan* Mortgage Loan* Home equityLoan* You can contact us now via this email address JOHNSON BART (GMD).
please send me mail at
doing what? and it s corporate .
Would this business idea work? -
the first ans about the steak delivery rocks.where i used to live there was a steak place that delivered and it was so awesome.simple, just steaks ans sides like potatoes, fries, was so nice, and when i moved they dont have anything like that here and i miss it!
Actually, a blanket statement like a recession is the best time to start a business may not be universally true, but is isn t false either. Many businesses do well even in a recession. If you can survive starting up in a recession, by doing your homework, knowing your market, using your capital effectively, and operating efficiently, you will do REALLY well when things pick up. Besides, you can get some KILLER deals on property, rent, equipment, inventory, you can get contract concessions, you can get all kinds of bargains in a recession from suppliers and other businesses liquidating. A recession forces you to do your homework and operate efficiently. Many businesses fold because they started when things were fat, and can t survive when things get bad because they are not truly viable in the long term and not designed to weather bad economies. be honest I m not sure. I would reccomend researching demand for it. A better idea might be Mean-On-Demand where you could pizza-like deliver high quality steak to peoples homes. I should be less expensive. Hell you could even hire a rancher and give him a cut of the profits for freash, high quality meat. You, I assume, would be the butcher and hire a few high schoolers as delivery people.Set it up online and have a few panphlits every where, could be a good idea.Look for locale events to advertise at, that are meat or home cooking, BBQ enthusiast related.Sound like an Idea.-You know, a recession is the best time to start a business.
VERY Hard to do without proper knowledge YOUR going to fail ! BELIEVE me i tried already and lost $ YOU want to get into with a company that provides YOU with a way to share from advertisers $ which online alone will be $150 Billion $ this year !OF course it should BE NO cost for YOU and all the resources are provided TO you FREE of charge ON how to advertise HOW to make $ How to get more people to leverage YOUR earning power !
You know, a recession is the best time to start a business. This guy is an absolute retard. Recessions are when business is the most competitive. Its the....worst time to start a business.
What are some good sites to make money online? -
makiing money on the internet is very hard as its a very saturated market, i found a site (which is getting me easy cash) which addresses an untapped market, cell phone advertising, give it a read an see what you think, it has really impresse me so far.
Hi. There are many sites to make money from such as cash crate, treasure trooper, global domains international, team success builder ,etc. I have been a member of all these sites and i struggled to earn over $50 a month. However i joined a new website, it is designed ingeniously by one of the worlds top online marketers in the world. I joined it 4 weeks ago and its amazing. Its free to join, and on November 7th you can decide if you want to upgrade your account or not. Trust me im about to get some massive commissions from this site on November 7th, and i have hardly put in any effort at all. It is an affiliate program, however its designed to provide you with massive spillover, and you only need 512 people signed up under you and you will be earning $2300 a month. And to be in profit all you need is 2 people under you. Remember its completely FREE at the moment, you could even just sign up and forget about it, and on November 7th, see how many people were put under you from spillover. Then you can decide if you want to upgrade your account or not. Its 100% legit, 100% Risk free, so why not give it a go? Im glad i did, i will definitly be upgrading on November 7th.Heres the link:
Create WebsitesI can��t tell you how many people have asked me to build them a website since I started this one a couple years ago. I am not seeking the work and people are requesting it, so if you do a little legwork and pursue small business owners, there is a lot of work available. Teens might be great for this, because they would be able to work for less than some higher end website developers, which would put them in the price range that it seems many small businesses are looking to spend.
There are many ways to make money online, just be careful of scams. Be sure to research anything before you do it.You may want to become an affiliate. This is a way of making money on commissions. Every product that is sold through one of your links will earn you a commission sale.Here are some places where you can become an affiliate: could also make you own websites to generate an online cash flow.�� is a website where you will be taught very thing you need to know about building websites and making money from them. I personally do this and the others above.
I ve tried just about every site out there and the best site that have actually paid me is, ve already made $1000+ in cash prizes without spending a penny.*******US, UK, CANADA ONLY*******It��s free to join, they don t ask for your social security number, and you don t need a credit card like most other sites. You don t need to refer a single person in order to receive any of your prizes/payments. And most importantly, it s not a SCAM and I can prove it. But you can get paid by check, you can have the money sent instantly to your PayPal account ($1 min.), E-Gold account, Alert account, Liberty Reserve account, or you can spend your points that you earn to buy anything you want on Amazon. A few ways that you can earn points by completing offers, surveys, playing games or referring other people. But most of the offers are quick, very easy to do, and 100% Free. *******VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ******* Your account will be blocked if you create multiple accounts or if you sign-in on another ip address. All of your Cash Points earned will be lost.STEPS FOR SIGNING UP1. Copy/Paste Click on the banner that says, It s Fun and Free Sign Up. 3. Fill out the information with your valid name/address/email etc. (So that way they know where who to ship your prizes/payments. Once you re done they ll send you an email that you ll need to confirm in order to participate.4. Don t forget, you get 250 points for free!!! Use that 250 points to order the Dollar Prize for 144 points. This will verify your account and take you to the bronze level. Also, you should at least try one offer to show you that it really works!*****PROOF OF PAYMENTS*****
look, if you really want to earn online, you need to have determination (90%) and luck of about 10%. and the money flows.i personally had a success on this online survey site(not a scam since i had my first ever compensation 75$) a href=�� src=�� width= 600 height= 100 /a you might want to try it out. you could get 25$ right away after answering some 8 surveys. ^^ i wish you luck!!
I go on this website during my free times. You can earn e-gift cards for like or cash through Paypal, or other prizes they have. But the only website I know for sure that is legit is SwagBucks. They have many users and you ll never find anyone complaining of any scam and all. All you need to provide is your e-mail address and your name. You basically win these SwagBucks for searching and with those, you can redeem prizes they have there. It takes a while to get enough points (otherwise they d be out of business) but it s not hard and it s just for fun. (for me anyway) Sign up here if you re interested That is my referral link, I would greatly appreciate if you signed up under my account because then I can earn more for spreading the word~! If you don t feel comfortable about the legitimacy of this site, try searching on YahooAnswers if it is real. Every one of them will say so. Here are some tips that might be helpful so you are not lost at first
You can write online for eHow!They pay per click/review/comment/rating per article. Sign up is free and there��s no download. For me writing an article take only 15 minutes, but to be fair for others it can take almost an hour. Reports of early earning ar low. Its unusual for anyone to make more than like 10 dollars their first month, but earnings after the first year are posted at 250-500 dollars a month (because articles never delete. So they accumulate, even if your article is only making like 10 cents a month)For more info on how to make earnings: if you do decide to sign up, add me as a friend! My user name is julieamandagrac
i have gone through many sites in the past several years look for what you are. It has been had to find a site that lives up to what is says it is going to. The site i have been with the longest and has actually paid is survey savy. her is the link. action=joinhope this helps
Okay,Now to make loads of money go to sign upsimply im part of it andf ive made loads plz promise me you wil try it
Here is the best one I found.Blastoff is FREEYou can join early here!�� Watch the video and you will see what I mean.
Hello I have a list that makes me money online, here it goes: Fusion Cash-*************/1438539Affiliate Bot- Report Card-
go to http://www.*************/1569087 and you will get guaranteed pay checks every month it great!!!
The Powerbar Club is a free home based online business.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Where/How do I register my company name? -
All companies have to be registered at Companies House (see their website). If you are not a limited company, there is nowhere to register your company name as the register of business names was abolished many years ago.
I need to know about work at home jobs. I have been scammed with these offers..paying for the start up fee? -
You need to send your resume out to real jobs you are qualified to do. In your cover letter you need to state that you wish to work remotely, from your home office. LOTS of companies, especially in CA operate this way. They usually provide transportation for you to come in for an interview and for you to attend company meetings a few times a year, but otherwise everything is done online.
Avoid any work at home online programs that want $$ upfront. They re all scams.
absolutely there is, but you need to understand that there are two ways to make money one is a job in which you are hired by someone else in the traditional way, or you start your own business which takes some investment. the best w a h based business is the one which I have put in the sources below. it is real and is the best going today
there is a freelance site it s free,you can find data entry jobs that don t cost a penny,but it s really hard to get your first job.however good luck!I hope my answer helped!
How can a 14 year old earn some extra money in the UK!? -
There are a lot of sites out there offering various kinds of work from home jobs. While you might be aware that almost 90% of such sites are spam and most people get the opinion that such sites do not exist, the truth is there are a lot of sites where people do make good amount of money. If you are still interested in some of these legit work at home leads, you might want to take a look at the below listed links......
Got a small business question here, can anyone help? -
you can operate as a sole proprietorship and try to keep track of when you used your cell phone for work and when for personal, but what i would suggest is incorporating, to do that, what you need to do is consult with an accountant to determine what type of corporation you should form (my guess is it will be an S corp), then you will have to have a lawyer draw up all the paperwork. You will easily spend $750 just for these consultations. Despite that, you really should incorporate, it can provide excellent tax breaks that will not only benefit your business but your personal finances, it also makes things cleaner and if you were ever audited by the IRS, it s easier to prove what is what. on top of that, if your business starts generating serious revenue, you ll just about have to incorporate anyways.good luck with your business, internet businesses are incredibly comptetitive,
This is from a non-tax-professional.The easiest way to make this work the way you want is to simplify everything. What I mean is, combine as much as you can into a single bill. Run this by an accountant just be be sure:My local cable company offers both internet service AND phone service. I use both for home and business, so I can t write them off. However, if I had a regular land-line and only used the internet for business, it would be an easy one-bill write off for business expenses. As for cell phones, just be sure they aren t being used for personal use - or at least that you re not incurring any extra expenses because of personal use.Hopefully that gets you on the right track.
Ebay selling advice needed? -
Ebay has some kind of special going on where you can list five items free. They also offer all kinds of free advice to get you started.I open my account free a couple years ago, I m not sure if there is a fee now or not.You will also need a Paypal account which is free to open (you need a bank account to Connect to your paypal)you can also check on Ebay what is selling how much they are selling for.
Hi,I m going to dive into this one from a slightly technical angle :).Irrespective of where you ll be selling your jewelry the 1st thing you need to do is research the market and the competition.The jewelry niche is competitive (see ad-words keyword tool and type in make my own jewelry ) but that s a good thing because you know that people are buying ;-)You need to find what some people call a micro niche within that market. For example, what type of jewelry are you thinking of making? Ed Dale from the thirtydaychallenge goes into great detail into this.Once you ve done your research, have your micro-niche online presence you re good to go - Get yourself on twitter and find others in your market to network with. Defacto twitter and online success, I found Noah Soren s info letter (pops up after a few seconds) to be really useful. He goes into how to get free traffic to your website/blog - a make or break for any online biz.Hope the perspective from the other side helped :)
The jewelry market is (as others have noted) extremely tough on eBay. You are working with very small margins.I recommend you try a few things:1) Look into - it s a place where people go for quality handmade goods.2) is another option. 3) Open your own online store. You can do so for free at Vendio ( Option 1 and 2 have fees associated with them (similarly to eBay). Option 3 has no fees. The downside is that you will need to drive buyers to your store. However, my suggestion is to try all 3 and see which works for you.If you go through this link, you can sign up for the Vendio store, free, with no credit card required:
You should look at the website FOLKSY if you re in the s specifically meant for selling handmade things....or ETSY if you are in the US (though etsy is also ok for uk residents) Ebay is fine too....but the other 2 sites are better as the people shopping there are ooking for handmade.
well, look for some friends whom you know might help you make those jewels to the net. someone who is good in some social network and have lots of friends and a good experience.
Do you think Id be able to sell signed photos and cards of sports players by going door to door? -
No, put them on a website that everyone will see. So it attracts people attention. Sure you can go door, but that wastes time and energy. LOL
You can sell anything if you are a good salesman. In my experience, anyone can sign a card, its only worth something if you have an official COA (certificate of authenticity) to go along with it.
In today s recession, I just do not believe that people are willing to spend money on collectibles, especially when they are losing their homes. I have a hard time selling on sites like eBay and Beckett and there I am targeting a group of individuals that want what I have to sell, You would be better off investing some money in third party authentication sites for autographs and if you truly have something of value, people will buy it recession or not. ie..Mark McGwire autograph (which are hard to come by) perhaps any players that are deceased as well. I hope this helps...
It probably would but I think online is easier.
Is focalprice a good website to order an Acekard 2 from and how long will shipping take? -
A quick google search shows that Focalprice doesn t have good customer service at all, and isn t always too trustworthy. Dealextreme isn t bad, but often sells fake products, so be is a bit more expensive, but there s free shipping, and the Acekard 2i I got from them was legit. I d recommend it. is where i bought 3 acekards from and i was very pleased with the service
How to start small bussiness? -
What business? Budget, business plan, Mission statement, floor plan or layout, finances..... all in place? Qualifications???Peace.
would you like sall some beautiful and cheap jewelry?there are all kinds of nice jewelry at
quot;how do you make money online that is not a scam?quot;? -
This is a totally legitimate and proven income system. You are entitled to a full 30 days No Questions Ask Refund if you are not happy with it.If you are serious about making money online then it is best for you to start with niche marketing, which is to target a particular niche product or service that people need or desire and set up marketing campaigns for it. You would think it should be a hassle to have to:- learn all about internet marketing and search engine optimization techniques- research on what niche to go into- pay for website hosting and domain name to get an online presence- create a graphically appealing marketing website- create mailing lists to capture the details of your visitors- write articles and create videos to spread your website linkThe fact is, all these efforts and time (which constitutes 99% of effort towards a successful internet marketing campaign) can go on autopilot if you use the Ready Niche Profits solution which provides you with:- ready made professional niche review sites each month. The first month starter pack will give you 3 niche review sites!- web hosting and autoresponders. You DO NOT need to buy a domain name or webhosting.- you do not need to create opt-in forms on your own or set up email autoresponders to keep tabs with your subscribers. All these post sales service are included in the package.- provides 6 professionally created marketing videos for you to upload to youtube or dailymotion.- provides 20 quality articles pertaining to the niche each month that you can use to submit to popular article directories like EzineArticles or GoArticles.- provides a very informative traffic training centre with lots of video and article training to help you learn how to drive traffic to your niche site. You get to be tutored all about internet marketing, how to brand marketing videos, how to drive traffic to websites and how to be successful online without having to pay for training elsewhere.This is certainly the most complete ready-made income system i have seen online! Setting up your niche site online takes no more than 5 minutes!You can click on the following link to learn more about Ready Niche Profits at this link:
I recommend you my work from home way. It works fast and fast. If you are serious about work from home. You should have a look work from home correct way. It will work for you if you do it correct. I make very good income with this way. You can find more information at link below.
i have a website i joined which is 100% free and i make about 50 a month just from using it in my spare starts at age 13 and up. basically u do surveys and offers and the mail u a check every month. this is the best free site out there hands downs. and if u referrals (people 2 sign up under u) when they make money u make money. some people on there make hundreds even thousands a month. i can answer any questions u have and i hope u join also once u join i can help guide u and give u tips if u sign up under this link.good luck and hope that u find something that works for u : )
try this site:��its some blog and it shows you proof of checks and stuff. my friend uses it and says its the best since she actually earned money because of that site, and im thinking of joining later when im not too lazy lol. good luck. (:
I work from home all thanks to this. is a powerful opportunity.Take a look, listen to the recording.You wont regret taking the time to listen.
You pretty much can t. Only the scammers make money.
Try i think they have online jobs that will be good for you.
Send me 20 dollars and i ll send you my money making system!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What are some good things to sell on ebay to make some money? -
clothes, shoes, video games.
anayting that teens want to buy NOT the things they need so research your market 1st find out what they are hot for then you succede
Does Americans like doing business in the internet? If not, which business ways do they like? -
They do alot of online business. I m American me my friends shop online all the time:)
Looking for great Ideas for a home based business in a small budget? Thanks? -
A legitimate direct sales/network marketing is a great way to go, especially if you ve never owned a business before. A good company will have a great training program and support system. If you d like a list of good, stable, legit companies to look into just email me.
Good question and I have a good answer. If I was you I would minimize risk so maximize profits in order to re-invest.I had tried several online investments with no success due to so much work involved till I found this one:There��s a NEW SOFTWARE THAT GETS YOU 10,000 LEADS MONTHLY ON AUTO-PILOT And Makes Sales For You. * Personal selling, convincing, and explaining: ELIMINATED * Buying leads, cold calling, selling to your friends and family: ELIMINATED * Learning, studying, testing, applying and re-testing the never ending Web2.0 Internet marketing methods: NEVER AGAIN!Competitors are stunned and left scratching their heads as our members generate thousands of dollars a week - ON 100% AUTOPILOT!It��s only one month old and Im making so much money with almost zero risk involved. Please have a look:
My Dear Friend,I want to know what is your Target and Achievement from ur home based business?- . Do you want to have Fancy Cars?- . Fancy House?- . Have Big Business?- . Financial Freedom?- . Wealthy and proper life?BUT... How to have all of them?- . Need BIG Capital?- . Must get High Education?- . Must work pretty Hard?Could you?Perhaps will answer all your question above.At will have international home based business,with just starting as low as Rs 350/-!Your potential income will be Rs 50,000/- Per Month.That s Enough....More Than Enough to Reply all your Wish!Incredible, isn t it ?...Let s get all Dreams TOGETHER with ME!!!!Visit My Site : Yours!Abhijit Agrawalabhijitbansal@yahoo.com
There is a free business opportunity you can explore under the affiliate section of They offer telecommunication and internet products and have an agent program that is free to join. You also get a free website.
You may want to try they review online business opportunities and post the ones that really work on there site. They post the top 3 and right now one of those programs is completly free.
all biz are the samefind UNMET needs, determine the one or 2 you like the mostto perform and write a biz plan and do it!~
Do i need a licensce to sell whole sale herbal medicines or ayurvedic medicines in INDIA? -
It is mandatory but according to my experience people think that ayurvedic medicines are made in India and they dont need any license which is senseless.
Why are all the private own daycares going out of buisness? -
Headstart is a government preschool/daycare program that is free in most areas for many who have a moderate income, maybe on a sliding scale based on income in some areas. It would be much less expensive than a private preschool. With this economy, people have had to cut back expenses.The private preschool programs in my area are superior to the Headstart programs, but they are still good programs.
people lose their jobsthey can t afford daycareor they have a second child, which unless they make a ton or money, they can t afford daycare for 2 kidsthey stay at home with their kidsthe daycare centers don t have enough customers to stay in businessheadstart is probably part of local school district and therefore costs less than day care or is free
Headstart is not for profit, your daycare is. Also, I m pretty sure headstart is also a government program, meaning that low-income families probably are receiving it for free under our new president. Why work for something when it could be given to you?
Too much competition. You don t need a license to take-in 4 kids at a private home. Many people are now offering that service. Since they don t have much overhead to pay, they can charge less.You could consider doing the same thing at your own home.
because of the current economic climate, there are less jobs, which means that alot of mums are now staying home.this way they dont need to send there kids cant afford the expenses of day care
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
How do i get the cash from mystery clickers ? -
I m not trying to be mean, but did you really think you d make $16 by clicking on 5 websites? I suggest you refer to the following links so that you will understand how, when it shows you ve earned $5,000, you may be paid as much as 50�� but no more than that.������It didn t cost you anything to join the program, you did basically no work, you will receive nothing back. That is how life works. You must learn to be more careful or your hopes will continually be crushed.
How can i publicize my new venture which is into training and development. i have a target of running/starting? -
Discover what others are using to promote their business. I have two words for you to learn about and then use for your specific business.1, Facebook2.TwitterThese are for getting the word out and make it apart of your talk when you promote your business,i.e. yes, you can find me on facebook and twitter plus if you Google me I m there as well Let these large entities legitimacy help you.Remember this, Oprah and every talk show establishes an account with these sites and then they talk about it to their fans etc.
Names for a deli/shop:)? -
how about deli
there used to be a deli years back called Fill Your Belly Deli
Would you create a group purchasing activity? Why? -
- ► 2015 (1217)
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May 06
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- Where/How do I register my company name? -
- I need to know about work at home jobs. I have bee...
- How can a 14 year old earn some extra money in the...
- Got a small business question here, can anyone hel...
- Ebay selling advice needed? -
- Do you think Id be able to sell signed photos and ...
- Is focalprice a good website to order an Acekard 2...
- How to start small bussiness? -
- quot;how do you make money online that is not a sc...
May 25
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