I would doubt it as four seasons is taken as a company name - you could try something similar and more speccific to your line of work eg. Four Seasons Landscaping or All Seasons etc . When you apply for a company name at Companies House they ll advise you of any other companies with that name and if it is too similar to an existing name it won t be allowed. Generally it s not a good idea to choose something with a name similar to that of a large corporation - their legal department won t allow it and their pockets will be deeper than yours.
Actually, you could. It s not like you re going to go into the hotel business, and much less at a scale that would create real competition for the chain.Go for it. It s a great name for your type of business.
Already in use in the catering business I know Name of a pub in the Hungry Horse bgroup
depending on how you use it and all that because where i live there is a 4 seasons salon mayb u can put a little twist to it
the only other business i could find was four seasons hotel
try Seasonal Treasure
probably not. the four seasons is a hotel chain.
ye thats good
yes...sounds good
If your in Ireland now there is all ready one of that name here