I started in retail over forty years ago and the one thing that remains constant is enthusiasm. Excitement, dedication to the ethics of a store or shops direction of expertise and consciousness is what employers seek. Being fashion conscious is your new resolve, being well dressed you must be. Know going in that you aren t stupid and will never ask a question more than once, Take notes and be quick to answer all questions positively. Promise them everything and more than they want and give it your very best. If you are determined and the desire to become a sales person that people from all over will seek out for your personal help and choice and direction you will be better than 90% of the clueless life like zombies working retail already. Be happy inside (that can not be faked) what you say with your body language will be seen more than what is actually heard. So be up, be smart and be ready to learn all there is to be the best.
The overall objective of a powerful resume is to exhibit relevant information about your career achievements, growth and academics in order to grab the attention of the Recruiter.A resume could act as a job landing savior by catching the eyes of the Recruiter or could prove fatal and will be shown the face of the Trash can in the very first go. Another aspect of the same thing is that a good resume will give you an edge among the rest and you can enjoy the command of the employer��s attention.
be super confident, act like style and fashion are important to you- and that you believe your passion for it will translate into great customer service, research the brand a bit etc.good luck. part time retail jobs are typically a breeeeeze