Monday, February 10, 2014

Online market problems--what should I do? -

(This happened to my mother, but I m going to state the question in first person for my convenience.)A while ago, I bought a Louis Vuitton travel bag for about $300 on one of those Ebay like online market sites, where just about anyone can buy and sell.Because many uncertainties may occur when purchasing and selling items, it is a rule on the site that the buyer and seller must send the check and the item sold on an arranged day; so in other words, AT THE SAME TIME.However, after sending the check, I awaited the arrival of the bag, and seeing how it did not arrive on the scheduled day, I contacted the seller to see if anything was wrong. She pushed that she did sent the item and that it should arrive shortly. Luckily, the item did arrive.However, I took at look at the track number, and it turns out that the item was sent the DAY AFTER she received my check.This was the beginning of my unease.Another point:In her description of the bag, she stated that the bag was in very good condition, (which was the reason for the high price). However, I inspected the bag and found a lose nail here, and a torn string there, and so decided to return the bag.I told her that she did not mention these things in her description and thus the sell a little deceitful.She agreed to accept the return under a condition.She asked if she could send the check in ONE MONTH, because she did not have any money at the moment.I told her that this was unacceptable. I was feeling quite a bit uneasy about this transaction due to the previous episode.I tried to reach a compromise, telling her that if she could send a check right now, that I would not cash it at the bank until a month later, or until she gives the OK. However, she said she could not do this, and ignored all my messages afterward.Not knowing what to do, I went through her old messages and found the contact information for her friend (lets call him Joe). I contacted Joe and he said that he would tell her to return my messages and phone calls.But nothing happened for the next several days.So I called Joe again; he said he did not know what was going on, and that he would tell her to stop ignoring my messages.But nothing happened again for the next several days.By now I am very nervous, and I told Joe that if she continues to evade me, I will put her name on the black list on that site.Hearing this, the woman finally contacts me saying that I can put her name on the black list or whatever I want and that she was so offended that I would do this, that she cannot accept the return!What should I do!?Is there anything I can do about this? Is there a legal way of dealing with this situation?I am desperately in need of help.

I used to be an active seller buyer on eBay, but stopped a few years ago.Simply could not deal with the many scams and problem people on the site - it is no longer fun to use eBay.Right now I need to buy a certain item, and the only place I could find it is eBay - but rather than use the service, I ll continue to look on my own. The risk of frustration, loss of money , is simply too high for me.

complain with Ebay andstop dealing with this method of selling



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