Monday, February 9, 2015

Have you ever sold books on ebay or or amazon? -

How do you know if it is worth your while? I have a bunch of old textbooks, how-to books, and other non fiction books that I want to get rid of. What sells best online? Can you search completed sales for books like you can on ebay?

Use ebay not amazon because amazon fees are more expensive then ebay fees and amazon takes a larger percentage away then ebay does. I have done my research before and ebay so far has been the best choice. When selling on ebay ship with media mail for the books because its verrrrrryyy cheap! You will save alot of money!

ebay and amazon both are good options for selling books (new, old). Just checkout how much similar book is selling for and then list you book. Make sure that book is sell-able (buys are interested in buying), else you may loose listing fees.

I ve sold books on E*Bay, but the most valuable ones are usually old collector s items such as books over 100-150 years old. Recent used books don t go for very much at all.

I have sold a bunch of books on Amazon. Its SUPER easy you just enter is the ISN # and the listing builds itself.. I sell ALL my textbooks this way....



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