As a stakeholder you have all the same rights the day-to-day person does. Since you aren t active in running the business, you don t want to step on any toes so much that they try to force you out. Unless this business is enormous, weekly reports are over-doing it; end-of-month, end-of-quarter, and end-of-year reports are normal to keep an eye on.
I was partners with a relative and he ran the business . I had very little to do with it , but I did look each month at the bills he paid . One day I was at the lumber yard and they inadvertantly gave me a bill for the last month , it was for seven dollars but my relative had put in a bill for thirty seven dollars . My suspicions were aroused and I began to uncover many inconsistincies in his book keeping . It came to a point where I told him to either buy me out or I would buy him out . However my point is make your presence felt and keep on top of things in some way or you may find you own a bancrupt business .
what does your partnership/owners agreement say - don t you talk to your partner(s) at all?I doubt you would be able to get any data more frequently than monthly - that is a normal accounting cycle period and if the business is really small, the accountant might only be doing any work on a quarterly basis