Why don t you find out how much the license for a street food vendor is first? In New York City, a choice spot has a rent of... over $50000 PER MONTH, and that s just for location, NOT the cart or operating expenses. http://www.slate.com/id/2224941/---Kasey C, PC guru since Apple II daysWhere there s a will... I want to be in it.
I have been a vendor for about 10 years now and I love it! It is one of the last cash biz left. Our business is family owned and I love that I can be the boss. I did buy my cart in Indiana from Deb with Carts of America. I run my cart in Indiana and they like chili sauce but ours is bean based. They also like dark hot dogs so I have a grill on my cart as well. Let me know if you have any other question.