you just have to be sure that your ideas are going to catch peoples attention.if you have a fresh style thats different people will definitely warm up to to it and will probably get more interested and want more.make sure you have good connections and that you have money and experience to get into the clothing business.its also competitive as hell so if it takes awhile to get your stuff out there just be patient!someone WILL think your ideas are hot so you just have take it one day at a time.
This business checklist will make sure that you cross all your t s and dot all your i s before your business launch. Steps to Starting a Business -��Other sites you might find helpful are: SBA - - http://www.score.orgSmall Business Resource - http://www.small-business-software.netBusiness Link -��Goodluck!
ebay shop would be the easiest way. Then once your making a profit get a stand in a mallThen get a lease on a shop once your very experience and have some cash flow. good luck