Hello there.That s a good business, but don t be posting iteverywhere because people can copy your businessand do it before you. Are you looking to make money online?
My experience is that there is usually multiple tiny holes or niches in each market that can be used to gain online traffic. Sure, it s going to be much easier for some markets than others, but you can find a spot just about anywhere and make a decent living... if you know what you are doing when it comes to SEO.The key is to follow your passion. You don t want to spend your life doing something you hate, regardless of how much money it makes. It s much easier to create content for your customers, and to give good customer service, if you enjoy what you do.I would say don t limit yourself with options because of money, instead make a list of things you are passionate about, and find ways to profit off of that passion. That is part of the true entrepreneur secret.