Rick; while it is nice to get opinions of what do I do with my life? IT is actually against you. Each of us finds what we like to wear,eat, places we like to go and often most importantly; what we want todo occupationally!Find out what is inside you, [whether one or a dozen things]and study them and compare to UNMET needs in yourcommunity; esp what you can do better than others!if you wish more help, get back to me
Every town has people who need small jobs done. Cleaning gutters, cleaning outside of windows, replace storm windows or screens, fixing a door etc. A good place to start advertising might be a senior citizens center. A lot of senior citizens can t physically do the work themselves and will gladly pay to have a trust worthy person help them out.Good Luck Jim
If you know right work from home information you can make money. I did the way here this site and I . make very good income every months. It is very easy to make money. You can find my way that making me money here bit,ly/sdfkgb12 (Please edit , to . in the link)
If you are looking for work from home that earn you long term income, You should have look this way. It will make very good income for you every months. You can get more information at bit,ly/kdsfhrie3 (Please change , to . in the link)
Provide a service where people bring their cars in and you customize it for them. Decals, paint jobs, car washes, etc.Please answer my question!http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;��
Try Utility Warehouse
Here are some small business enterprises to consider:1. Providing a private tutoring service ranging from music lessons, English writing and reading lessons: to training seniors on how to operate a particular computer;2. Offering to supervise or monitor services to senior citizens especially those wanting someone to take them on errands, driving on long trips, watch and clean up homes left behind by seniors who have been relocated to assisted living quarters;3. Becoming a regional apartment manager servicing several properties while traveling to and fro to collect monthly rents and service tenant complaints;4. Leasing a van equipped with paper shredding machinery and go into high-income areas offering to shred their highly secretive personal papers or even allow them to do so in the privacy of their own home or office;5. Acquiring a personal fiduciary bond up to $100,000 [actually 10% or $10,000] which will allow you to sell your services as a personal property document specialist which involves photographing and cataloging all kinds of personal property which are subject to insurance coverage; salvaging of family photo albums, etc.Good luck!