I worked in retail for a number of years and can tell you that retail stores mark of the merchandise about 100%. This means that if an item cost the store five dollars they will sell it for ten. The profit margin isn t nearly so high though because of all of the overhead, cost of the building, utilities, employees, insurance etc. If your wife isn t paying that overhead she might use about a 30% mark-up to be competitive with the retail stores.
Ah, compete. Usually what people who sell stuff is see what the market value is. If people are paying 20 to 30 dollars for an MJ t shirt I wouldn t sell it for 10 or 30. If I wanted to unload the merchendise quick and profit less Id sell at 18 and undercut the competition. Or I would just keep it in the middle. Like 25.00. Also depends on what you call wholesale. Did she but 20 dozen or a warehouse full? Thats a factor in pricing as well.
she has to see what normal retail price is and sell it for less than that