Realistically you re liable for any work you did for long enough that it could no longer be considered a defect. It could easily be more than 10 years depending on what the construction was. If you did foundation work, it s obviously going to be for a long time. If it is something that typically needs maintenance every few years, then for a much shorter period of time.I can t give a good answer on this one except incorporate yourself as an LLC or S-Corp even if it s just you doing the work, if you go into business again.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
How long am I liable after I shut down business as a sole proprietor? -
I��ve been a specialty trade contractor for 5 years, working on new homes. Now that the market for new homes is gone I��m thinking of shutting down and finding work in another field. I��m wondering if I��m still liable for the work I��ve done even after I��ve closed down my business and if so for how long. If I am still liable should I keep my business liability insurance? What is the best way for me to shut down in this scenario?
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