Saturday, September 6, 2014

Yard Sale Question?? -

How should I set up these items. I have 3 big tables2 comfortersvarious sheetsCD sAlso how much would you charge for Hollister and Abercrombie tees??Anymore advice for a yard sale. Thanks! 10pts best answer

Put the CD s in a bucket on a table and lean the matress against a walll and put the sheets close t othe matress. The t s should be like $5-$10

We just had a big moving sale a month ago. The king size comforter sets were put on the end of the table, sheets were hung up on hangers and a small note attached with straight pins telling them the price and sizes. Keep the CD s lined up in shoe boxes very close to you as they can disappear (sad but true). On the tees, depending on condition and how quickly you want them to go, 3 or 4 dollars a piece, but then again, I can t see them. Don t get too crazy or they won t sell. People are usually looking for a bargain and where we live, there are a ton of sales every weekend. Keep any valuables close by, usually where you are sitting and taking the money. Have plenty of bags on hand and be flexible but don t give it away. Good luck and have fun. (we made $400 in three hours!)

Put the sheets in a box at the end of your tables, they will just make a mess of them no matter what you do. If you have something to hang the comforters over or from that d be good or just put them folded on the table. I d put the cd s in a small box on the table. Make sure you put out plenty of signs that can be read from the car, you won t be successful if you re not getting the people there! Used clothes are used clothes no matter WHERE they came from! You can start out at a couple bucks and lower your prices if they don t sell! Don t forget to put an ad on Craig s list, it s free! Good Luck! Oh and don t forget to have PLENTY of change ready when you open!

Yard sales are all about prep work..Make sure you get small white stick-on stickers and price everything.. People dont like asking - How much for this, how much for this, etc.. Price everything out before hand and be reasonable..Remember, people can go to GOODWILL anytime and get Abercrombie or Hollister T s for 5 or 6 dollars.. albeit cheap ones... So, you have to beat their price.. So, $2 or $3 or $4 dollars is about right.. You can try to price higher, but most people know prices.. You may be able to get more if they are good oneCD s I wouldnt even buy nowadays.. Everything is MP 3 and off the net.. CD s are about 2 bucks for popular.. Cassettes are a dime



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