Tuesday, August 15, 2006

How do I open a clothing business? -

I have a bunch of like tee shirts and jewelry ideas.I have a sketch book full of clothes. Jac Vanek,Glamour kills and Kira plastinina have inspired me. So my question is how do I start a business? Oh and im 14.lol.Pretty young ik.

you just have to be sure that your ideas are going to catch peoples attention.if you have a fresh style thats different people will definitely warm up to to it and will probably get more interested and want more.make sure you have good connections and that you have money and experience to get into the clothing business.its also competitive as hell so if it takes awhile to get your stuff out there just be patient!someone WILL think your ideas are hot so you just have take it one day at a time.

This business checklist will make sure that you cross all your t s and dot all your i s before your business launch. Steps to Starting a Business -http://www.developer-resource.com/starti��Other sites you might find helpful are: SBA - http://www.sba.gov/SCORE - http://www.score.orgSmall Business Resource - http://www.small-business-software.netBusiness Link - http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/act��Goodluck!

ebay shop would be the easiest way. Then once your making a profit get a stand in a mallThen get a lease on a shop once your very experience and have some cash flow. good luck

Does anyone need a hard working 25 year old to work for there buisness or company? -

Hi my name is Galen Hassel. Im a hard worker and I pay very close attention to detail. I love working with my hands. I have a resume and can send it via email. my number is 313-704-5168 Thank you

check out the link in my profile, you should be able to find something there

How to sell service in hong kong? -

depends.....what is the service/

How much does it cost to ship a necklace from texas to canada? -ILL GIVE BEST ANSWER-? -

I d say around 15.00 for standard delivery.

Just go to the damn post office and send the necklace! It can t cost more than a couple dollars. This is a stupid question! Call the post office!

2 bucks to 30 depending on speed.

Money$ like $2.50-10 depending on where you ship it

I have some hard back books(25cm x 16cm,)Im attempting to sell, could anyone tell me the best packaging 2use? -

In terms of size is it best to use bubble wrap envelopes(and which is the best size please,)or to wrap them. Thanks for your help.

You need to bubble wrap them to protect them from dents and dints. Preferably, then box them. If you can t box them, make cardboard corners to stop the sharp corners poking through the packaging and getting damaged or tearing the packaging.

bubble wrap jiffy bags are fine - you can get them from the post office - in terms of size - any will do as long as the book fits!

I wouldn t use an envolope. It would either be too small or too weak. I would use bubble wrap and put them in the right size box. :)

I am tired of trying to find a online job that is not a scam please help? -

Your right, there are a lot of online jobs that are scams, most of them are. If you would find one thats not, you would be extremely lucky. Thats where i come in. You could do what i do. And to prove to you its not a scam, they dont take any personal info except your name. NO credit card, or any of the other BS. Heres the my email, monir150@yahoo.com i will give you my personal cell phone number too (but not here, email me). you dont have to buy or sell anything. check it out: http://tinyurl.com/p4tamt




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