Monday, March 3, 2008

What to do when say 5 customers are in line and its just you and the manager in the clothing store? -

I was asked this question during an interview, so I was curious on what others would do and I wanted actual experience or good advice.(my answer was to keep others entertained with the catalog)

Look each one in the eye to acknowledge their presence smile and tell them something like you will help them as soon as possible; the apologize for the wait when serving them and thank them for their patience ( i work at Macys)

Work together at the cash by having one of you prepare the clothes for easy scanning and the other taking the payments. Apologize for the wait and thank them for coming.

do the best you can and apologize for the inconvenience.

How to start an inkrefilling business? -

Get some ink, a needle and advertiseNot enough time or room in this space to fully answer

How do I order anime figures directly from kotobukiya, alter, and(or) max factory? -

I plan to start my own online anime figure store and i was wondering how do i get the figures directly from kotobukiya, alter, and(or) max factory.��

Whats the average cost a clothing store spends on buying clothes? -

I m doing this project in my economics class that deals with starting a business and my group chose a clothing store, so I was wondering what the average cost a clothing store spends on buying the clothes.

i manage a clothing store and it depends on the size of the store and how many retail chains they have. and every product supplier has a different price formula for the retailer to mark their products. i would say an established 1 store bussiness will spend about $100,000 to $200,000 annualy on inventory depending on their sales.HOPE I COULD HELP

I would think half of the retail price, however when you consider how drastically some things are marked down for a sale, I suspect it could even be 20%.Where is Sally now that I need her? (Former girlfriend who is a wholesale clothier.)

Around 50-60% of retail price.

go here��

How do I sell internationally on Ebay? -

Okay, I know how to set and list my item onto Ebay and everything. But I do not know how to make it able to be bought from World wide buyers and not just Australian buyers. Please explain how I can make it World wide buyers can buy my items and not just Australians. (I live in Australia) Thank you !

when you list you can select where you want it to appear

How much would this cost to start? 10 pts? -

Im trying to start a non-profit semi adult football team.How much would this cost?

There is nowhere near enough information there to answer your question. You need to do a financial analysis of what you need to start up and how much each thing you need costs: are you starting a league, or just a team? What other teams is your team going to play? Is there an established league already with other teams? Ask them how much it costs to start. Does the league have registration fees? Are you buying equipment and uniforms? Used or new? Are you going to need any paid staff? Do you need to rent a field to practice on, or can you get one for free? Do you need a bus for transport? How much and what type of insurance do you need/want? What does semi adult mean? Touch or tackle? Where are you planning on getting the money?A consultant would want to sit with you while you go into excruciating detail about what you are looking for, what your expectations are, what your plan is, what you want to get out of this endeavor, and then put together a plan to accomplish your goals, including a financial plan. Without knowing a lot more detail about your expectations and your idea, it would be impossible to come up with a number.

It would depend on your state.Try going to IRS.govYou will need to fill out the 501(c)(3) application and mail it into your local IRS..It will cost as low as $288 to $500 to file this and get everything started..Here is a website that might help..



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