Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Which is better for the small businessman: Open an account with a Bank or a Credit Union? -

That is, either a bank account or a credit union account for all small business transactions? Thank you.

Bank Account, i work at a small business and we have a bank account works pretty fine for us.

How to remove your name from a partnership (d.b.a.)? -

My husband is contemplating trying to remove his name from a partnership d.b.a. that he has with his brother. Is it possible to walk in to the clerks office and just asked to be removed or will he have to go in with his brother? He just wants to make a clean break without it getting costly or messy.

To dissolve the partnership the transaction must be registered with the county-clerk or whatever agency you registered with. There s a form like change of ownership for this. Instead of two owners, there s now just one. This, of course, needs to be signed by both partners to be valid.

Where can I find places that do screen printing on American Apparel ? -

I have bought shirts from American Apparel and looking for a place that would do good quality screen printing on them

almost all screen printers have a little higher screen charges to screen print on your clothing. But they almost all will. if you added your city where you are it would help everyone who might know someone in your city.

try the yellow pages



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