Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to get vendors for a sports cap store? -

I need info. for cap companies like Nike, Reebok, Adidas and other sports related cap producers. I am looking into opening my own business, and would like to open a cap store like LIDS.

Well, you got it wrong - those companies that you mention do not produce or sell caps they license the use of their logos to major manufacturers. Now if you want to sell these caps - you contact these companies and they ll put in contact with cap producers who will sell you caps that you can sell and display in your new store. If you want an exclusive arrangement with Nike, Reebok, etc. you ll have to put a bond approx. one million to get the license.

What is an Invoice Number ? -

hey, i ordered a pair of boots from lebos.com acouple of days ago, they still havint came yet when i made my purchase they didnt give me a tracking number, they only gave mean invoice number.what is an invoice number ? what do i do with it ?thankyou so much ! :)

An invoice number is the same as an order number. It means that if you have an inquiry with the company, instead of just quoting your name and them having to look you up, they ll be able to look up that exact order straight away. Not every company gives a tracking number for orders, so the lack of one doesn t mean it hasn t been shipped yet. Many companies are busy in the run up to Christmas and delivery is nearly always slow, so check with the website to see if they state a normal dispatch time (some places say 2-3 days, others 2-3 weeks). Use the information on this page: http://www.lebos.com/site/contact.cfm to get in touch and find out what happened to your boots.

How to make extra money? -

I am looking for a way I can make some extra money. Is there something I can do from home or start?

I sell stuff from around my house and cheap yard sale finds all the time on ebay and bring in about $150 a month doing this, and that s a bad month.If you have any sort of things you hand make, you can sell those on Etsy.com. Also any vintage items as well. Not only will you make some extra dough, you ll feel great decluttering your house.Do you have a talent? Play guitar? Piano? Artistic? Give lessons. Do yard work, shovel snow, pet sit, house sit, babysit.

I faced the same question before and I landed the perfect job for me and i love helping others so maybe do a search at the source I provided below.

My brother sells things he finds on sale on ebay.Back in high school, I used to trade stocks. Made more than my friends would make at their high school jobs easy, and the hours were nice.

You can sell mark makeup at 16 years old. It s 20 bux to sign up, you get a makeup kit and a website. You can promote your website and get like 30-40% of what people spend. Or you can give out catalogs to your friends. Pretty cool! Plus you get makeup discounts. You can sign up to buy or sell mark here:http://www.BuyMarkMakeup.info

Adult home party companies? -

I want to sign up to sell adult home party products. If you have any experience with this stuff, which company would you say is the best one with the best products? Also, does anyone know if there are any sign up specials going on? Thanks!

slumber parties

pampered chefavonandlia sofiaare the only ones ive been toThey ve all been good sellers




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