Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can someone give me some ebay advice please? got a bad seller? -

She sent me a phony ghd. It took her 3 weeks to send it out. I sent it back anyway so took her a week to confirm she received it. She is very slow to respond to my emails but she does do it. Last week she said she would send me a cheque as her paypal was acting up...and I still haven t received anything!I noticed there was a little reminder thing in my ebay saying that I could start a dispute with her (something I didn t do as she was communicating with me) but now that little reminder thing has gone. Does it have a deadline to it?I would really appreciate some advice on what to do next.She had a 99% rating and good feedback when I bought off her, but in the last few weeks she has received a few negatives from others who bought a ghd off her.Thanks for any help with this

Start by sending her one last email telling her that you need to receive a refund via PayPal or a check that clears your bank by a date (say 10 days from the email, or less if you want) or you will report it to eBay AND PayPal.You can report it to eBay as a dispute. If you have to do that, use the emails that were sent to you indicating that she received your return as the main proof.I ve had 2 or 3 instances where this happened and in one instance had to go back to eBay and PayPal 30 days after to get my money back. The dispute process worked fine.I d suggest sending the email and giving her 7 - 10 days to resolve it and make it clear that you re moving to dispute if you don t hear back from her immediately. Also check her recent feedback. Provided her recent feedback is good and not increasingly bad, then this is probably just a bad hiccup during a busy time of the season and she ll probably make good on it.Hope that helps.

You really need to contact her through PayPal and eBay at all times - personally wouldn t trust her to send a cheque going off her pass record. I would personally instruct PayPal as they can sometimes reverse the payment - they do have a telephone number which is usually easier than sending emails.It s a real shame when people abuse eBay but hope this helps,

something thats couple pounds then just leave it, but some decent money talk to the police, Im 99% sure what she is doing is illegal

Yes, start a dispute and give her a bad review.

start a dispute with her that is the only way she will do wat u want her to

if you cant open a ebay dispute?than open a paypal dispute

45 days for a Paypal dispute (so youv e missed that deadline)However IF you did not send back to her by Recorded or Special delivery; you would have likely lost the dispute anyway.Your only hope now is an ebay dispute (as they sometimes refund themselves)You could always tell her that unless she pays you within (around 4-6 days) including your return P+P (as she sent you a fake) you will report her to Trading Standards as they take the selling of fakes very seriously as it is illegal and can lead to a criminal conviction and/or fine.Print off proof of your emails-the selling page-her feedback.(you have her address)Tell her you will report her illegal activities to the police for them to investigate.AND that she is now in possession of your goods(theft) UNTIL she has refunded you.

I would definitely open a dispute. You have 45 days from the payment date to open a dispute. After you open a dispute, Paypal will contact the seller and you can both negotiate terms and see if things can be resolved. If that does not work, you can them escalate the dispute to a claim. After opening the Dispute you only have 20 days to escalate it to a claim. Once it is escalated to a claim - We place a hold on all funds related to the transaction until the dispute is resolved or closed. So she can either return your money by herself you can then close the claim or if you keep on top of the whole process Paypal will return you your money.

How to become a wedding planner? -

I got married about a year ago. I didn t have a wedding planner because I thought I could do it myself. My husband didn t really help so I did all of it. I think I did a good job though. I ve never planned someones wedding except my own. Ever since my wedding I always love to listen to others wedding ideas and see there pictures and just give ideas. Someone told me a few weeks ago I should become a wedding planner because I m so interested in them. I never thought about this possibility, but the more I think about it...the better of an idea it is! So I was wondering how would I go about becoming a wedding planner? What school is necessary? Do you have to have a business degree or anything? I took some business classes but ended up dropping out because I couldn t afford the classes. My husband is about to go active in the military and I thought this would be a perfect way to get extra money and make me happy! Does anyone have any suggestions?

A business degree probably isnt necessary, but knowing how to run a business will be vital. My guess is the biggest hurdle will be trying to get clients since you have no experience planning someone elses wedding. To get past that, if I were you I would try to:-Get a job with an established planner, so you can learn the ropes and build a resume to show to prospective clients. Then when you do want to break off and do it by yourself you will already be an experienced professional.-Start a wedding blog, this way people will learn your style, your passion, and you will get your name out there.

What kind of online business can I start up with $100? -

Student living away from home with no car. Want to see what kind of small business can be run from a college dorm.

Starting a business now a days is very difficult; so, before spending any money, consider learning a little about affiliate programs. These programs are the means by which people make money online. Both businesses and individuals working from home. Often referred to as online marketing, this method can make you a substantial profit every week. Go to WWW.BISAFFILIA.COM and learn more about affiliate programs and how to use them. And the great thing about it is they offer a free option where you can learn to start making money with no start up investment, and an advance one with start-up but significantly more revenue each week.

hello, you re student and want to make money from small business, in my opinion what a spirit of entrepreneurship. great. I think you can consider to have small online business since you can really start as low as $100 or even less to make money here. But remember, it s better if you can find a deal that s not risky to start with. What do I mean with risky deal ?risky deal if you have to pay up front for some money to make money online. I know it s not always risky to be like this, but in your condition, your budget is $100 and you don t want to mess this up, right?So I think you should find a great deal online, or you can learn from free information through the internet.

I would stay away from anything retail right now. With the current downturn in the economy right now competition is fierce and there just isn t that many buyers to be had. And I don t see it turning around real soon. However there are ways to earn money online which only require an hour or two per day but they require persistence, focus, and patience.A program I m doing now is free to sign up and has different components that you can join or not join if you choose. Some components are free and some aren t (those that aren t free have a free trial period). The free ones have a more limited earning capability but can be used to build capital for the ones with more substantial earning potential. The free component can also be used as proof that money can be made online before committing to options that require a monthly fee. You can make a little bit of money in a short period of time but to build significant income will take time and effort, it s not easy money. See my source for more information, if you re interested.

Mia Bella candles, bath body and mineral makeup would be a great college student s home business. check it out if it sounds like something you d be interested in. $50 per month receive web site, online store, training, support, wholesale member pricing choose from 3 different monthly shipments. You could get creative around the holiday (all year, really) by creating baskets for your friends, family and going to businesses (lawyers, drs, hairdressers) for those needing gifts for their employees... it is what you make of it. All you need is motivation, a computer $50 per month.

Hi,Yes, you can make money as an online Affiliate Marketer. I��m making money online as we speak. Have started Affiliate Marketing earlier this year in March. I was making about $100 to $200 per week. Then as I learn from other Super Affiliate Marketers out there��I started making more. As of August 2009, I��m earning over $1,000 / week as an Affiliate Marketer. The best way of making money online without spending a lot money is to be an Affiliate Marketer. You don t need a website nor do you need any products. As an affiliate marketer you will market products for various companies that will pay you a commission for selling their products. (Commission is usually from 50% to 75%). So you don t need a website; you don t have to call anyone to sell them a product; you don t need to join any mlm; You just need to refer people to the site of their interests and earn a commission.Where do you learn all about these products? Check out . This is a market place to find vendors who are looking for affiliates to market their products. It costs nothing to sign up with them and nothing to start.Only down side is cost of advertising and getting the words out. However, this is the only type of business where you can start part time and one day earn as much as your FT job. FYI..,I started this part time 6 months ago and within 6 months..I m earning more PT then my regular FT job. Crazy..,but true, How much you put into, you ll get out of it as well.In addition, I also recommend learning from the Super Affiliate Marketers out there that can eliminate your time and efforts by teaching you how to market products for free and the various methods that are available for you to use. You can check it out at Save your self time and invest in yourself and learn and you ll soon make money online. You can start making $100 to $200/day within the next 3 days, but you have to start today and learn. It can be frustrating, but the learning curve is shorter when you learn from an Affiliate Marketer guru. can start even today after reading this post. It sounds crazy, but it s all true. EZ steps to online success is 1) Learn from an Affiliate Markert 2) go to and find a product to promote. Very easy, but takes a little effort to learn the secrets fo the gurus.Good Luck,Tony

Hi there. I lost my job about 6 months ago and with me having limited skills and cash I turned to the internet to try and make some money. Everyone says they re a scam and honestly I thought they were but dont believe it when people say they are ALL a scam. Its not true! I found one that does work and made me a good income all this time and I live pretty comfortably off what I make each month, better than at my old job anyway. I found maverick money makers and you can learn from these really detailed video tutorials how to earn money. The guy who does them goes into loads of detail so its really easy to follow, and not just one way either he teaches about 20 known ways that have worked for me its really cool. If you want to have a look just follow the link to the site below and you can see him taking you through some of the stuff he does. And lucky for you, the joining fee is $97. its guarenteed too, if you re totally rubbish and havent made the sort of money you want in 60 days you can have your money back :)Hope that helps you. Have fun, and good luck! :-D

collect cans and such and find the nearest recycler.carry them in hand.

How to make 5 million fast? -

recycle a lot of canswin the lotteryopen up a store

get 10 million dollars...give me halfmission accomplishedI made your 10 million and turned it in to 5 millionyour welcome

go to united states and they are the richest country in the world- become the president and win the lottery


Take a look at my profile and check out the information. It won t be fast but it will happen!

5 million? ohh too bad i could have told you have to make 4 million but you want 5 so can t help you

If we had the answer to that question we d all be rich.

fastest way? win the lottery. other ways will take a while.

now why the hell would I answer that even if i knew!!!

well im guessing your in the shitter with some bad ppl if u need 5 million lol

ask 5 million people for a dollar...

rob Bill Gates

get a job

Online business item help? -

So I have an idea of buying off eBay and selling the items locally. I have a few ideas of what I want to sell, but I m open to any suggestions.Thanks.

Yah, I agree... what kind of suggestions are you hoping to get? If you want to buy from ebay to sell locally, you probably already found an item, or a few items, that you can buy and sell at a better rate than is already available at locally - or you may have found something that is not offered locally. Not everything on Ebay is cheap, you have to do some research to find out what items can do well in your area and ensure that you can offer it at a competitive price.Good luck!

What do you need in the way of suggestions?



You can try a completely free home based online business.

Not all kinds of business works for anyone. You have to study your market, your resources, your capital, your skills, your strength before you plunge into any business. It s not because MFG business is beneficial, it s not a guarantee that it will also be beneficial to you. I mean, you have to look for business that fits you and would work for you. The best thing to do that is to make your own business plan.visit my source link and find out what business ideas will work for you.

If you could let us know your budget then it will be easy to suggest a business.If you are interested in starting t-shirt printing at home,then check this Classified Ad at ebay.in��Coffee Mug Printing, Glass Etching, Airbrushing etc can be started very easily.Also, some of the equipment is common.You can start with one business and later scale it up easily.Here is the contact info..��

The purpose of entrepreneurship is that you make your own ideas and succeed on them. No one will just hand you their profitable idea on a silver platter, you must create it yourself to be really successful and stand out above other businesses.

wid a not big investment you can join as Remisser/Franchisee of Karvy.. for details visit.��

Hi You need to have a proper plan and business idea and business plan. Business plan consist of your product, company, source of finance etc

All you will ever need to do a manufacturing business is at the largest manufacturing website in thee world...

i think its best to start an fabrication shop..

How is intenet cafe as side business? -

Any tell me which is that card throuh which i can connect 5 moniter to 1 server?what is it s cost ?Is that affact the browsing speed?Any one tell me in detail about net cafe in detail +ve -ve side plz hurry today i m going to take dission.

I no make fast dission. I think first then wait and look some more. WiFi more popular now I no sure for this business.

location is mastercomputers are not that expensive so you can buy more instead of one server running many dummy screens.If that server fails everything will be down

Good luck! :-)

I m a member of a private money making society online. Want to join me?

How can i start a farm shop as a sold trader, what sort of things do i need? -

Think about where you re considering setting up your business and find out what people there want. If they all want sausages and meats, your organic vegetables or home made breads might not be the answer.As a rough guide, you need premises, planning permission, if you re not taking over and existing business, stock and lots of customers. You may need to check food hygiene regulations, too. To start with, speak to your local Business Link. They provide a ton of free help and advice on starting up and they re very good on food hygiene legislation.You should put together a business plan for what you re going to do and Business Link have templates for this. Key to all of it is your marketing plan - who you re targeting, how you ll let them know about what you do, explaining why they should buy from you instead of supermarkets and other farm shops, what you ll charge them and how much profit you ll make.Good luck!

what is a sold trader ?

Which is the best home based job? -

www.dillipkm.ecash4all .com is the best way???????

You need to send your resume out to real jobs you are qualified to do. In your cover letter you need to state that you wish to work remotely, from your home office. LOTS of companies, especially in CA operate this way. They usually provide transportation for you to come in for an interview and for you to attend company meetings a few times a year, but otherwise everything is done online

The best home based job is to own a web site, or better, an incorperation.Or make it easier on yourself and get off your butt and get a real job.Home based buissnes is hard to do in today s economy.

A great part time job is doing Free Surveys Online. Its a Fast, Easy and simple way to make extra money.there are lots of way to earn money while sitting at home like you can do baby siting cook food and sell. but the best you can do is you can work part time n with time your income will be more than full time

there is no best HBJ. find unmet needs and fill them and stay awayfrom any web site offering you a job........or your own web company

there is no such thing as a home-based job - jobs pay you by the hour for doing productive work and do not require you to pay any money to anyone



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