Wednesday, July 12, 2006

How much does states pay for babysitting? -

Ok i was watching my sisters kids for her and she first told me that they paid me $3 and hour and now she told me that they were paying me $2 so i was just wondering how much do they pay and do they pay it all in the begging or do they give you checks weekly or something?Its for minnesota and is there a website where it has this info?

If she agreed to $3, she should honor that, ask other parents what they pay for the same aged children.

States do not pay for babysitting someone s children... I don t understand your question. I don t know why the state would pay for you to watch someone s children (no matter who they are), It s not like having a kid entitles you to free child care unless it s the head start program, and that is just free preschool. Sorry, but if someone has a kid, they need to AFFORD to have the kid and all the costs associated with having said kid including child care.The ONLY way I can see that a state would pay you to watch someone s kid is if the kid is handicapped or has special needs, then they would get ssi or whatever they call it.

Unless your sister is collecting money (welfare) from the state for her children, there is no money for babysitting .

Did your sister ever mention that this is income to you?

How do I advertise and sell tickets that I wont be able to use? -

We have tickets to a basketball game that we re not going to be able to attend. How do we advertise them and sell them? It s Oklahoma City.

Ebay, your local stores have bullentin boards, word of mouth, local newspaper, call you re friends, good Luck!!

how bout ebay or craigslist...that s what i would do :)

Would a home-made candle business do better in a shop or online? -

I m thinking of taking up making candles, and would like to sell them somehow. Do you think I should look into having a business in an actual store, or should I go with the online approach, using websites like etsy and eBay?

I think you should go with the online approch first, if people seam to like it then maybe open up a small shop, oor start at a flea market! that would probaly be the best :)

i think the online idea is the best if your just starting the buiseness....however i dont think the ebay aproach would be best. candles tend to be given as gifts etc, and not many people purchase gifts from set up my own website (or get someone good at IT to do it for me!) and see how it goes.You could get customer reveiws easily and see what people first make of the idea.opening a shop takes alot of time and money! the rent, painting and decorating and even shelves and baskets all a till all add up!Good luck with your idea, im sure you ll do well :)jo x

Try setting up your own online shop. Opening up a small shop takes a lot of hard work money. So learn how to create your own website, make a few business cards, just make sure to advertise really well! Give free samples at first with your business cards attached, always ask that if they know anyone who loves candles, to mention you. Good advertising is the way to go!Best of luck!

depends how much money you have because having a shop and online are both good ideas.if your just starting out i would just start doing it online and then when you get more used to what people like to buy and the cost etc open your own shop.but i would do both eventually if i was you.

DO BOTH at some point in business you will need to diversify having your business in both places is a very diverse decision

If you have the money, open a store.

How is a static software product classified as a business asset? -

Company owns markets an old software product. Was the first of its kind, fully home grown, no long term future. But will still sell decently for probably 3-5 years. Proprietary nature precludes re engineering, so is architecturally static. No true R D possible, though can be improved in marginal ways, which clients like. So, exactly how would this product be classified as a business asset, from the perspective of management/accounting?

Because it belongs to the company.They own that and that s what they make their money off of. It s not something they owe.



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