Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A manager might use cost information to? -

Surely there must have been some choices to choose from which you didn t type in.My thought is that cost information is used by managers to determine the profitability of products, i.e. how much the said products contribute to profits. That s what is called the contribution margin in managerial accounting.

Is it normal to come into work with Avon catalogues and expect your co-workers to buy things from you? -

Is it acceptable to make a profit from your colleagues??

It s annoying for people to do this. Just because I work with someone doesn t mean I have to buy something from them. Why do you want to piss people off like that? You really should keep the two separate.Not to be rude but do people actually still buy avon? I thought it was only sold at flea markets anymore.That s the only place I ve seen it for a long time.

My current job would limit you to a sign in the lunch room.At my old job, people would leave the catalogs on a table in either the lunchroom or the ladies room--you would have your name/address/cubicle on the catalog.Actually approaching the coworker and asking them to buy is the biggest no-no.

No. Not only is it not cool, most companies have a policy against it and you can get fired.Just add their names to an e-vite then have them over for an Avon party. But even that is sketchy in the professional world. Ultimately it s a conflict of interest.Sorry.



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