Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If new taxes (USA) are going to hit small businesses and sole proprietorships hard then? -

how are the executives of these companies going to create jobs?

pretty obviously, they aren t going to create new jobs for quite some time.they ll have to wait for prices to go up enough to increase their profits enough to overcome the added taxes and costs before they ll consider hiring.

Actually, it is going to kill jobs by the millions. I told my employees last November that if any new taxes resulted from the election, that it was not worth it for me to keep the company open. I have enough to retire and the business is more of a hobby than anything. As long as it s fun I don t mind keeping things going. But if it costs me anything or if it is no longer interesting, it closes. Health care reform, if passed in the Senate and signed into law by the President, will make the business more trouble than it s worth and I ll shut it down and do some traveling.I offered to sell the business to the employees, but they can t afford it, I won t carry the paper, and they don t have the credit to finance it. Selling the assets is the easiest and safest alternative. Based on the House vote last night, I predict that I ll close by May 2010. At least I had the opportunity to get to critical mass before now. People just starting out or thinking of opening a new business are in a world of hurt.

They won t. Jobs will be eliminated. I ve already decided that I will never hire anyone. Also, I m planning on moving outside the U.S. to benefit from the foreign earned income exclusion by moving my company to an offshore jurisdiction and paying myself through the offshore company. (Yeah, I know I will still have to pay self-employment taxes, but at least the first $91,400 of income will exempt from taxes.)Best wishes to the rest of you suckers.

Have just started working less than 16 hours per week self employed with no wage right now. Can i claim JSA? -

Yes you can,if you have the relevant contrbutionsWhen my husband started out as self-employed he was working less than 16 hours a week and got JSA with their approval.Also ask the job centre about start up business supportas you may be entitled to some financial support for going self-employedand a one-off grant for your business, usually around ��500,which must be paid into your business bank account

Is there such thing as a totally free website with free hosting that takes credit card payments free? -

if there is such a thing, then where is it? i assume such a totally free thing would make money from advertising.

I have a free domain and free hosting with no advertisements on them, and Pay Pal takes credit cards so you could use that and it is free so the answer is yes.

no they keep your credit card on contract to charge you later about stuff you dont need

Why will the business use journal entries? -

help please?!!

Most journal entries are used to correct a posting error this is called a General Journal whichis a direct entry made by the accountant or bookkeeper.You also have a purchases journal which are posted to vendor accounts for invoices youare billed for and must pay at a later time.You also have a Receivable Journal for any sales made on credit to a customer in additionsome companies have a cash journal for cash sales paid by the customer when the itemis purchased.In this age of computerized systems these are still called journals but all the posting isautomatic and all related details are posted at the same time of update.Journals are the detail of transactions and in the hand system these were totaled and postedby hand and the related detail accounts were also posted by hand.A company can have unlimited journals depending on their accounting need but some haveonly one journal that everything is posted in - think of it as a daily diary that everything iswritten down in

Can I make a living building and selling yurts? -

its possible - but most likely not.yurts are very complex and you have to skin animals in order to get the animal fur unless you buy it . but still..i would use that as a living.

Probably not - there isn t a lot of demand

What advice do you have for someone opening their first business now, considering the state of the economy? -

Make a business plan and stick with it. Some small businesses shoot themselves in the foot by trying to do too much (going outside what they are good at) or too little (not using all their resources and abilities. I would suggest doing some economic evalutation. Is the economy in your area really bad (stores closing, people leaving) ? Will your business fulfill a want or a need? If you are targeting needs you can probably build even in tough times but if you are offering to fulfill a want, the determination of the consumer to fill their desires may be waning. In tough times luxuries are pushed to the side by more people. Good luck!

Two (2) words: MARKET RESEARCH. Who is your market?? Are they willing to buy in this economy? If so, what are they willing to buy and how much are they willing to spend for it. Market research is the foundation of any business plan.A simple and proven method of market research is to start by giving away samples of your product in return for honest customer feedback (limited by your start-up budget of course). It s an old saying. If you can t give it away, you sure can t sell it. In other words, will people want your product for free in return to take the time to feel out a survey about the product and how much they willing to pay for it. If this is out of the question or beyond your budget, then do your market research using on-line resources: 1) Write an e-book about the benefits of your product or service. Note: you can write and produce an e-book very inexpensively. 2) Then give the e-book away in return for an opt-in e-mail (i.e. opt-in listing building). 3) Then, send e-mail to people who opt in and solicit feedback about your e-book and the underlying product or service. The beauty of this technique is that these individuals will become your customersIf you are interested in learning more regarding the on-line methods, review the resources below. Best Wishes

Before starting a business, you must do a market survey in order to have an idea of the present scenario. Developing a business plan can be an add-on to your business. I know a website that is engaged in providing assistance to run the business successfully. Find out your way by browsing through the pages of

Start your business online first like mine:http://www.TapSurface.comWants it generates enough income for you to open a store front go for it, you will know (and the bank possibly giving you the loan) that you can pay your lease at least.

Unless you are 100% sure that it will work, don t do it.

How can i make some quick money? -

Sell anything you don t want on eBay - it s amazing what people will pay for things you no longer want or need.

Get into affilitae marketting.Find a good product on clickbank.Get your link.Make a blog around the product.Promote your product.If you find a good niche then you can make money very quickly.Shav

Take off your clothes and stand on a street corner.

gloryhole on, happy sucking

Have a 1967 western flyer bike i want to sell locally in my area who should i contact and how easy is it? -

advertise in your local area, either through the local newspaper or advertisements with a picture and contact details on a basic flyer on A4 sized paper in local shops (asking the shop keepers permission first though).otherwise, on the net (if you put it up on a webiste or something) just state that you want to sell to people living in your local area only (under conditions or notes i think):)

Classic Vintage - STOLEN: My 1967 Paramount is a forum about nothing but bikes. Our community can help you find information about hard-to-find and localized information like bicycle tours, specialties like where in your area to have your recumbent bike serviced, or what are the best bicycle tires and seats for the activities you use your bike for

Try craigslist.craigslist.comYou should post in the Collectors section. Or something related to that

How much should a 13 year old charge for a car wash? -

Depending on whether or not they are working alone or with friends...Alone $5.00With a group $3.00This allows for the amount of time and energy spent, not to mention supplies. (I trust someone is providing the H2O?)Then again, you can have different pricing for options offered.Simple wash chamois dryWash Wax (you could ask up to $10)Tire Shine $2Armour All $3Things like that...depends on time constraints too, what the car owner is willing to do and how ambitious your 13 year old is. :)I did car wash fundraisers back in college. Lots of fun with a group!

What are some good tips on having a successful garage sale? -

1) bright neon signs easily seen two blocks before turns are needed#2) open at sun rise#3) put all the good stuff back off the street so people have to get out of their cars#4) have change that will last you all day $150.00 in ones $100.00 in fives $100.00 in tens forty dollars in quarters#5) have old collectibles for sale and say so in an ad on Craig s list with your zip code the first thing in the ad#6) have coffee refills for those who can smell your wonderful brew for only 50 cents / cup

Commercial Auction Moving? -

my dad is into the moving business and he told me that a friend told him that there is this thing where big companies list their their things that they need to move and then they put it on some kind of an auction and the guy with the cheapest price wins is this true? i asked him if he ever saw such a thing he said no i then asked if his friend saw something like that he said no but he said his friend heard it somewhere(i think this is stupid and he has no proof what so ever) if it is true can u post me the link for the web or tell me where i can find it, cause when i look in good nothing comes up

It is the same theory used in government bidding for jobs. When the state needs a new bridge built or other items made, they announce the job, the legal requirements for the bidders, and the deadline to submit a bid. The bids are received sealed and are not opened until the deadline has past. The lowest bid wins the contract.Now, I have no specifics for the case you described; but it is a common way for companies to receive bids on work to be done.

What do you think about catalogues distribution business like Kleeneze? -

I saw advertising for catalogue distribution job and wondered if it could work for me. But when I found more information about it I got really confused. It seems like a truely established firm but they ask for 75 pounds for starting kit promising an average income of 200 per month and your wages depend on total items sold.Do people buy stuffs from them (i never did) or do they only survive due to this starting kits ??

Hey, I m not sure about Kleeneze but id be very careful with paying out money to earn money as normally your money will keep them afloat, You only earn a percentage on your sales so these company s cannot guarantee you any income.I started Avon as was told I d pay nothing once i had signed i was told for the 1st 2 months i had to pay ��7.50 administration fees and also i had to by my own books ��5.00 for 20 doesn t sound bad but when you have 80 houses and people decide to through your book away it mounts up.I was given certain streets to do as these streets apparently spend roughly 300-400 a month, well in fact i got ��20 worth of orders and don t get paid unless i sell ��78 pounds worth of goods then i will only earn 20% which is nothing.I would say if you have nothing to pay out and don t have to buy books give it a try but as far as paying fee s to earn sorry it doesn t work.

Christian louboutin sample sale? -

does anyone know of any upcoming louboutin sample sales? or any other sample sales going on in nyc anytime soon?????

The company said there will be one in a couple of weeks... . Keep an eye on the NYT for information. this good shopping wesbtie for discount christian louboutin . it s a factory , if you want designing shoes you can contact with . they are accept sample order , big order , dropshipping order .



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