Monday, May 14, 2007

Can I buy a business and pay for it monthly.? -

I take over.Sorry typo.

Yes. Business loans are very difficult to obtain. That depresses prices since it eliminates many buyers. Your idea of paying extra would get a seller interested. You have to do some extra work if you want this to succeed. You have to make sure that you get what you expected when you make your final $5,000 monthly payment. Everything has to be put in your name. If the building is leased, this is a trouble-spot since the landlord does not know you. If the building and land are owned, you have to make sure that you get the deed at purchase; not after the final payment.

yes this happens, you would have to write a contract.. Some are written where the owner of that business would own and you would run it until you completely pay off the amount. So upon final receipt of your payment they would sign the business over to you. and sometimes they say it s owned by you when you pay off 3/4 of the total amount. Honestly, The best thing to do is to go get a loan for the $80K and save yourself the headache. If your willing to pay $10k more than the $80k, you shouldn t be worried about the interest on a loan...



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