Saturday, September 22, 2012

I want to know Indian scamless internet home jobs? -

There is a list of home based internet job but with response from people here in India that there isnt trustworthy home internet job , if there are some jobs please let us know

No such thing as a work-at-home job that pays wages or salary anywhere, especially India - scam capital of the world. Either arrange with your current employer to telecommute, if your job is something which can be done at home, or start your own biz.

What are the benefits of hiring a bouncy castle to customers? -

It gives them an incentive to come in. Just make sure you have someone responsible to help with the children. Potential, with injury, law suit.

What is the best company to establish a merchant account for credit cards with in a restaurant with takeout? -

We will probably have more credit card transactions than cash.Please advise. Thank you!

If you re interested check us out:��We ve been in business since 97. Otherwise, do some searching for merchant account providers, or ask any local business owners you know who they use (assuming they re happy with their service).

Can i file a restraining order against my buisness partner? -

My business partner is trying to intimidate me into selling my share of the business . He has threatened me before , with physical violence. Gonna kick my *** and stuff. He has bulldozed his way into the business , taking over the books, taking the checkbook, taking the petty cash, and has now locked me out of the business account. WHAT DO I DO????????

Talk to a lawyer about taking over the books and locking you out of the account. File a report with the police. You have every right to do so since he threatened you with physical harm. I don t think you ll be able to get a restraining order just yet, though, unless you have concrete proof of his threats (like a video of him threatening you). Get everything on record, keep any and all copies of emails, letters, phones and what-not you get from him regarding this matter. It ll benefit you in the long-run.So yes. Get in contact with a lawyer and the police ASAP.

kill him, sorry i have no idea but he seems like an @rs��hole ...

Does any one know any wholesale jewellery dealers? -

To buy in bulk and sell on again. idk if you can buy in bulk but it is cheap.

Try:��Or��You will find all the verified jewellery wholesalers you need there.

Hello .go to wholesale EBsilk ,many beautiful jewelleries ,you will like them .

I buy from a company that has been wholesaling for years. They are based out of NY and have a full website, which will allow you to review available stock:��

See for a list of good wholesale sources.

try .many kinds for you to choose

Any small business owners on here? Whats your story? -

What s you business? What made you decide to get started with it? Is it your main source of income, or do you have a second job? Did you get a degree in business? I just want to hear some stories, because I ve always wanted to own or at least co-own a business.

I started at age 19 with an arcade game route. I started from the desire to eventually open a free standing arcade and because I had to pay additional taxes to the state of California, despite claiming zero and working three jobs and going to college. Took 3 years to turn a profit, and 4 years to figure out how to do it right. In the end, I was making 3k a month, cash, working 4 hours a week, and held a full time job as an engineer/supervisor. Sold it and put the money in the bank and used this as a down payment for a nice plot of land to build a dream home.I have also owned a pool hall, where I lost a ton of money. Ran a swimming pool cleaning route for a year also.Currently I own 4 hair salons, and am scouting locations for numbers 5 and 6. I just completed law school, and may start a law firm on the side. My degree is in engineering, and now law, and my love will always be working in a factory, but that probably will not happen again. Despite the fact I made where I worked a ton of money,I make a lousy employee. I have a big mouth.As for starting your own business, save a lot, and do not expect to draw a check for a long time. I currently make 300 a week. (after 4 years) Hourly this works out to well below minimum wage. I also am leveraged to the hilt to keep expanding. But I know when things turn around, and they always do, I will be in a good position. I spent most of my time building the business while maintaining a full time job. This is the only way to do it. I m against having partners, as one will always screw the other one (they both will, just a matter of time). If you want a partner, get married, or a dog. You ll learn more from doing than from school. They will teach theories and all that stuff, and stress the importance of a business plan (which I hate), but when it comes down to it, to get a loan requires the money to pay it back if your business fails. Everything else is a waste. Business is about relationships, reputation, determination, implementation. I work out of Starbucks (I hate coffee by the way) and make some contacts there. Business is not about an idea. Everyone has an idea, the trick is actually doing something with it.Best of luck to you.

I am an Independent Consultant. I started my business to supplement my income a couple of years ago. A few months into it I realized the income potential and the wonderful opportunity of never having to work for someone else ever again. At the time I was a bank manager with a Psychology degree. I started my business for a $100 and it took me about 8 months to turn profit. It has now become my passion. I love what I do, not only for the great money, but for the great people that I work with

Duty free perfumes,make-up cheaper? -

i am working in the airport and the make up,perfumes,bags are all cheap. plus i get staff discount but is it really cheap i never really check in singapore!

If they are bad go shopping elsewhere.

What is a cute name for a cake decorating business? -

I want something that not a lot of people would have, I really liked A piece of cake but I googled it and tons of cake businesses showed up :( I live in FL. My name is Vanessa, If that helps any- ThanksPSI need a slogan too!

Simlpy Sweet.Sweet life

Do you plan to advertise your new business on the Internet? If so, you might want to search for a domain name that you can use as your business name. I ve attached an article on how to search for a good domain name. Lots of the options have been selected already so you ll have to keep trying until you come up with something that you like that is still available. By the way, if you really like it you can still use the piece of cake in your slogan even if it has been used by lots of other people as a business name. I m not great at coming up with slogans, but maybe you could say Vanessa s ___ -- where decorating is a piece of cake (or something like that). Good luck!

A slice of heavenVanessa BakeryGoodness to go.Let them eat cake.{name of pet here} BakeryComfort to go.Icing heavenYou working from a home or store front?

Have your cake and it eat it too, you bloody wankers . You can leave out the bloody wankers part if you think it s too direct.

sweet tooth pastriese we have the cure for all sweet desires

How can i make money for my age? -

i am 14 years old and i need some cash any recomendations?

Do you like to play games?You can play games and best part is get paid for doing so.Many companies are looking for people to beta test their games.You can refer to below for more details.��

Baby sittingraking leaveswalking dogscleaning housescleaning gutters you could try legit ways to make money online.Good luck.



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