Saturday, October 22, 2011

Poll: How much would you pay to expend your business? Small business owner or senior management ,please? -

A $85M revenue company is trying to expend to China. How much should we pay for a consultant who has years of expense in both US and China and who knows the culture and both languages well. Most importantly, the consultant has strong relationship in business world of China. How much would you pay on hourly bases or what are the some of the ways to get this person? There is a small problem. This person in high tax bracket and the tax rate is going up next year and he is caught in it at very bottom. Thank you to all!

300 bucks:)

What do i need to start a gardening business? -

ok i live in the uk and im wanting to start a garden business and i have all the eqquipment to do the job and i also have the knowledge for the job but i am unsure what i will need to legaly work with a friend. i will also not be hiring new people. such as who do i need to inform and what to register.

If you want to be self employed just register with the tax man. Simple as that really. If you do that then you will be invited by HMRC to attend a couple of courses explaining what you can claim offset against tax and you ll find they are generally very helpful.

theres free help in your local business centre or business the newly self employed help line at the inland 4 the tel tax credits...u will get tax credits every week ...amount depends on how much u earn and if yre single etc...u can get child tax credits aswel if u got kids. u may be eligible for rent help... call housing benefit.u will prob get a nhs card for free medicine dentistry etc.keep all your business receipts and bank statements, bills etc...

Register with the tax man and purchase public liability Insurance, which is quite reasonable. Make enquiries to pay your stamp.



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