Monday, September 27, 2010

How to make money blogging? -

how do I get traffic to my blogging site?

according to ehow,Step 1First, I want to explain that I ve found blogging to be like any other business. The good news is it takes practically no overhead--a person could even start it from a public library if they have no extra income to invest into it.To balance that out however, if you want to be successful you re going to have to put a lot of your effort and energy into it. That includes educating yourself, developing your writing, and being patient enough to let the results arrive. Unlike a job, this will be irregular income, but it at least has the potential to grow to more than you could make at a job.Step 2There are several websites out there that offer free blogs, but my current favorite is When your income reaches the point where it makes sense, you can get your own domain name and hosting very inexpensively. You don t have to pay any money however to start making an income from affiliates such as Google Adsense, Amazon, and eBay. I looked at it from the point of view of getting the blog to pay for itself and then grow it from there.Step 3Also like traditional businesses, niche areas are generally good things. If you re an expert in a certain field or passionate about a certain topic or hobby, people out there may value what you know. It doesn t mean you have to limit yourself, but keeping the theme or topic of a blog consistent will help readers know what to expect. Then just use different blogs.Step 4Marketing helps as well. Talk to people about what you do. Have your blog in your e-mail signature and on business cards. If you interact a lot in your niche area, it s not difficult to find people of similar interests who would like to keep up with your blog. Again, just start small and work your way into it.If you are looking to generate more traffic, ehow has these tips:Step 1Post regularly, the search engines like blogs that are continually adding new quality content. Try to add new content to your blog three times per day. If there is not enough time for that then try to at least post at least one time per day.Step 2Whatever platform you are using, you will need to add keywords when writing a new post. Add keywords about your posting so that search engines will have a better idea of what your blog or posting is about and your post will rank higher in the search engines.Step 3Get good quality inbound links. What this means is writing for article sites and at the end of your article putting a link back to your blog. There are many great article sites out there. Just Google article sites and find great sites that you can write for. Besides getting that inbound link many people go to article sites to get fresh content for their blog and may use your article on their site which will give you even more inbound links.Step 4Comment on other peoples blogs and leave a link back to your blog. You will want to leave a thoughtful comment though. Don t just leave a link to your blog, this can be really annoying and will be considered spam.Step 5Use Yahoo Answers to answer some questions. Besides helping people out by answering their questions you can leave a link back to your blog which will help generate more traffic.Step 6Use social sites to generate traffic. Myspace is not the only social site, there are many and if you use these sites right they can help you generate traffic to your blog. Make as many friends as possible. Generally, the more friends you have, the more internal links you have planted somewhere in the site, giving you more authority in the eyes of the site.Step 7Use Link Exchange sites. Just Google link exchange sites and you will find sites that will help you exchange links with other blogs. You might have to pay a small fee to join their link exchange network but it may well be worth it and a small price to pay for the traffic that will be generated to your blog.Step 8Use traffic exchange sites. Just Google traffic exchange sites and you will find sites that will help you exchange traffic with other blogs. The way these sites is simple. Basically for every two or three blogs you visit, some one else will visit your blog. Using traffic exchange sites is a great way to generate traffic!Step 9Submit your blog to blog directories. They will categorize your blog and your blog will ping their servers anytime you update your blog with new content.Step 10There are many other great ways to promote your blog such as word of mouth, print advertising and many others. The tips above should give you a basic start in building traffic to your blog. Remember the most important thing though is good, new, high quality content to your blog. Google loves it!

What is the fleshlight coupon code for November 2009? -

Does anyone know where I can find a coupon code for a Fleshlight this November. Don t post codes cos i dont think you re allowed to. Thanks has novembers fleshlight coupon code on, but its kept up to date for other months too, is all the working ones

What kind of online business can I start up with $100? -

Student living away from home with no car. Want to see what kind of small business can be run from a college dorm.

Starting a business now a days is very difficult; so, before spending any money, consider learning a little about affiliate programs. These programs are the means by which people make money online. Both businesses and individuals working from home. Often referred to as online marketing, this method can make you a substantial profit every week. Go to WWW.BISAFFILIA.COM and learn more about affiliate programs and how to use them. And the great thing about it is they offer a free option where you can learn to start making money with no start up investment, and an advance one with start-up but significantly more revenue each week.

hello, you re student and want to make money from small business, in my opinion what a spirit of entrepreneurship. great. I think you can consider to have small online business since you can really start as low as $100 or even less to make money here. But remember, it s better if you can find a deal that s not risky to start with. What do I mean with risky deal ?risky deal if you have to pay up front for some money to make money online. I know it s not always risky to be like this, but in your condition, your budget is $100 and you don t want to mess this up, right?So I think you should find a great deal online, or you can learn from free information through the internet.

I would stay away from anything retail right now. With the current downturn in the economy right now competition is fierce and there just isn t that many buyers to be had. And I don t see it turning around real soon. However there are ways to earn money online which only require an hour or two per day but they require persistence, focus, and patience.A program I m doing now is free to sign up and has different components that you can join or not join if you choose. Some components are free and some aren t (those that aren t free have a free trial period). The free ones have a more limited earning capability but can be used to build capital for the ones with more substantial earning potential. The free component can also be used as proof that money can be made online before committing to options that require a monthly fee. You can make a little bit of money in a short period of time but to build significant income will take time and effort, it s not easy money. See my source for more information, if you re interested.

Mia Bella candles, bath body and mineral makeup would be a great college student s home business. check it out if it sounds like something you d be interested in. $50 per month receive web site, online store, training, support, wholesale member pricing choose from 3 different monthly shipments. You could get creative around the holiday (all year, really) by creating baskets for your friends, family and going to businesses (lawyers, drs, hairdressers) for those needing gifts for their employees... it is what you make of it. All you need is motivation, a computer $50 per month.

Hi,Yes, you can make money as an online Affiliate Marketer. I��m making money online as we speak. Have started Affiliate Marketing earlier this year in March. I was making about $100 to $200 per week. Then as I learn from other Super Affiliate Marketers out there��I started making more. As of August 2009, I��m earning over $1,000 / week as an Affiliate Marketer. The best way of making money online without spending a lot money is to be an Affiliate Marketer. You don t need a website nor do you need any products. As an affiliate marketer you will market products for various companies that will pay you a commission for selling their products. (Commission is usually from 50% to 75%). So you don t need a website; you don t have to call anyone to sell them a product; you don t need to join any mlm; You just need to refer people to the site of their interests and earn a commission.Where do you learn all about these products? Check out . This is a market place to find vendors who are looking for affiliates to market their products. It costs nothing to sign up with them and nothing to start.Only down side is cost of advertising and getting the words out. However, this is the only type of business where you can start part time and one day earn as much as your FT job. FYI..,I started this part time 6 months ago and within 6 months..I m earning more PT then my regular FT job. Crazy..,but true, How much you put into, you ll get out of it as well.In addition, I also recommend learning from the Super Affiliate Marketers out there that can eliminate your time and efforts by teaching you how to market products for free and the various methods that are available for you to use. You can check it out at Save your self time and invest in yourself and learn and you ll soon make money online. You can start making $100 to $200/day within the next 3 days, but you have to start today and learn. It can be frustrating, but the learning curve is shorter when you learn from an Affiliate Marketer guru. can start even today after reading this post. It sounds crazy, but it s all true. EZ steps to online success is 1) Learn from an Affiliate Markert 2) go to and find a product to promote. Very easy, but takes a little effort to learn the secrets fo the gurus.Good Luck,Tony

Hi there. I lost my job about 6 months ago and with me having limited skills and cash I turned to the internet to try and make some money. Everyone says they re a scam and honestly I thought they were but dont believe it when people say they are ALL a scam. Its not true! I found one that does work and made me a good income all this time and I live pretty comfortably off what I make each month, better than at my old job anyway. I found maverick money makers and you can learn from these really detailed video tutorials how to earn money. The guy who does them goes into loads of detail so its really easy to follow, and not just one way either he teaches about 20 known ways that have worked for me its really cool. If you want to have a look just follow the link to the site below and you can see him taking you through some of the stuff he does. And lucky for you, the joining fee is $97. its guarenteed too, if you re totally rubbish and havent made the sort of money you want in 60 days you can have your money back :)Hope that helps you. Have fun, and good luck! :-D

collect cans and such and find the nearest recycler.carry them in hand.

How to start business when you have little money? -

I really really want to open my own business but I am afraid of having too much debt and don t have money, don t know start from where. any suggestion would be appreciated

Investors are good most take a percentage of your company depending on how much they give you. A loan is your best bet but you might have a hard time getting one, in order to open a business you need to go into debt and there is practically no way to avoid that. For the first year you will most likely be repaying that debt and will not see any profit until after years 2 or 3 depending on how much you take out.

Ahm.. what business? A lemonade stand? A homegrown tobacco business? Silicon processor production and nanotechnology business?Some details could be useful. Because if it is internet related business like selling stuff on e-bay, selling stock photos, photos and art, or just creating funny t-shirst and selling them. It all can be done almost for no money at all. Or maybe a website web page kind of business, also can be started for free.But if it is more of a store business, or business that needs actual place that requires renting and money for production that it is harder. Especially if there is competition from big stores like walmart and such.Considering the economy and unemployment it is risky. But then again it may be easier to get a good credit with low percentages as well as get good workers for low pay.The idea of taking a chance and leaving your dream is good, but debt is not. Be careful and consider how likely the business will be successful or how likely it is to fail. Consider starting it with a few people to minimize the loss in case of failure.

Hello. If you have few hundreds to invest then I wouldWDfinitely recommend you to look in for Oriflame / Tupperware as your business. I started doing this business some 8 months back, with very little money in hand. Today am really doing good. Contact me to know more details regarding these 2 business opportunities.

You will need to have some money of your own to start up a business. Nobody is going to give or lend you money to start a business if you haven t proved that you CAN make and save money.

Read the success story of Mr. John Gokongwei. It is very inspiring and challenging.

I want to start making money off ebay but I dont know anything about it? -

I m 19 years old and I ll hopefully be going to college within a year and I m having a really hard time finding a job on the market. I m interested in learning about ebay to make a decent or extra income so I m not broke.

There are only two ways to make money off eBay1) Have something to sell (on eBay, of course), and the standard buy low, sell high approach. or 2) Help someone else sell on eBay, and charge a fee / percentage for your service , and hopefully you don t hit any extra costs along the way.

Ebay has a terrific learning center with videos and step by step instructions. First you must consider what you are going to sell. There are a lot of drop ship companies you can work with or you can find a manufacturer of something in your area and buy it wholesale from them and sell it one eBay. Be sure to include your eBay fees in your expenses - they can creep up on you.

Well, you need wholesale products first. See for a list of good wholesale sources.

Do you have to share gratuities with the house? -

A relative of mine began working at a store that has a tip jar. At the end of the day the employees on shift divide the tips for that day equally. Recently the owner decided that the house should get a share even if the owner isn t working that day. Is this legal?

There is nothing illegal in the US or Canada. It is just a moral issue. I think the owner and the workers should work out something themselves.

Incorporating an LLP? -

I know that ltd s recieve certificates of incorporation, but after i send of an LLP2 form to incorporate an LLP, will i receve anything back from companies house - and if so, what?


What do I do when an ebay seller refuses to give me the product I bid, and won!? -

This seller allowed people to bid on a ps2, with 11 games. He originally asked for $130, but allowed bidders to bid. I started the bid at $10, but there were 20 more bids. I ended up winning this product for $79, plus $10 shipping. Now he is asking me to give him a more reasonable price? Why would you allow bidding if you re going to change the price after I win?! Somebody please help me.

Sounds like the seller is clueless on the rules. Report him or her to ebay.

there s NOTHING you can do. He s reneging on the deal. I mean, you can report him to ebay but what good will that do? They can t FORCE him to sell you the stuff for the lower price.This happened to me. I bid on a spypen and won and then made a facetious comment about what I was going to use the pen for. The seller, a s**** from hong kong, cancelled my sale. At first he lied and said the item was broken so he was returning my money. In fact he DID return my money...but he has TENS OF THOUSANDS of these items he sells. Why wouldn t he just give me another one? So anyway, I re-bid on another item and then I got a notice that he BLOCKED MY ACCOUNT. I was no longer allowed to bid on his items.He was such a spineless coward, he thought the red police were going to kick his door in because of the joke I made.

If there was no reserve on the product, he is probably required to give it to you. If there was a reserve and that amount was not met, then he can do whatever he wants.

Are there any sites where I can actually make money? -

I need to get some extra money for college, and I was wondering if there are any sites that I can make money from. I have heard of and but I m not sure if they are scams, especially since it has an upfront fee of $39.

cashcrate is LEGIT and most importantly free. i never heard of work33 what kind of website name is that but an upfront fee? whats up with that...never pay to sign up for a money making site after all why pay money to make money...that s just wrong...but cashcrate is a very legit has a forum section which is always a good sign a money making site is legit that has people helping each other out and showing that they actually got paid. completing the offers may seem like what the soup is this at first but really its very simple to ll get PAID...i wouldn t be wasting my time typing mumbo jumbo here if it wasn if your interested just type in the URL below exactly and sign up....ill be glad to help you out with how to complete the offers faster and get all of them credited within hours http:// www. cashcrate .com/1624718no spaces in the URL link

Hi,You can make good money selling products and services as an affiliate, you can get up to 75% of each sale you make and its fast and easy money, if you can get targeted traffic!You could also create and then sell your own, product or service on the internet. Figure out what your interests are and you can make money from them. (this is easier said than done, I know) but you can do it if you really want.This is the KEY no matter what you are selling online:1 ... Your target market (who are you selling to and what do they want?)2 ... Your targeted offer (what can you sell that will solve a problem?)3 ... Now simply generate as much targeted traffic as you can to your offer!If you get these 3 things right you cannot go too far wrong... Best of luck!

ust go tobux.toclick register there and in the registeration pageenter the username,password,confirm password ,email id,confirm email id,and in the enter ur alertpay id jst enter the same mail id what u gave just before,and in the referrer if column entergowrishankar.kand sign up ur accountnow login with ur username and the password and enter into the surf ads page and click the ads available there and u can ciew only one ads at a time nd it takes 30 seconds to complete and as it finishesand then click the next ad and repeat the process till u complete all the availble adsAt, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You ll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through AlertPay or YourBuxCard.Earnings Example? You click 10 ads per day = $0.10? 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00? Your daily earnings = $2.10? Your weekly earnings = $14.70? Your monthly earnings = $63.00The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?you should have an alertpay account that u can create it later as u reach ur 50 $, and in the alertpay(like paypal)u have to give ur address to request the payment or u can make use of ur credit (if any)there

Most people on here will most likely suggest something that will only benefit them. I m a 15 year old high school student and I know what it feels like to be in desperate need of money. Recently, I came across an awesome and legit website. There is absolutely nothing to buy or sell, you just make money doing what your already doing. It s absolutely free to become an active member. Check it out:��

Sites with money upfront are scams first and foremost. There are some ways you can make money for college...garage saleselll things on craigslist or ebaytutorbabysit Survey sites (little money if you even get paid) here check this website out

Please check out this program. I wish I would have found it along time ago.. Its legit and really lives up to its name. See For Yourself.Best of Luck,Kim

p a i d t e e n s . w e b s . c o m

yes there is is the next big thing



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