Thursday, March 27, 2014

Where is the best business cards website? -

Where is the best business cards website?I need variety, a good choice of designs/logos, acceptable price...

I would recommend going to Reduced Printing, because you can get free business cards. The company I work at has been using them for years. You can try to get a discount on printed materials, try this code to save $25 Google25 Their quality work is truly beautiful, everything is full color and the paper quality is excellent.

Can/ Should a 14 Year old hang Christmas Lights for other people as a small business? -

I am 14, i always hang Christmas lights on our house every year, i am getting really good at it too. In my neighbor-hood i have the best house so far, around 50,000+ lights. So i was wondering... I really enjoy doing this, is it possible to actually hang some lights for other people to make a little money? Do i need any permits? Is it illegal for a 14 year old to be on the roof? Thanks for the help.

Go for it!. one thing is that you have to do something because somebody obligate you to do so. Completely different when you enjoy doing something, you know how to do it and work in a SAFE environment. however you are not just hanging lights, you are manipulating electric cables, but everybody does it. and also consider that climbing migh be necesary, if not, just have fun and don t make it noticeable as a bussines but as a colalborative task. Tell costumers what movements you are going to preform before hand so you migh have extra assistance from them when needed.

Generally doing work in exchange 4 coin of the realm is encouraged 4 children. As far as the legality of your being on the roof, I dunno that. U might wanna check 2 see if child labor laws are enforced where U live.All best in your enlightenment income!Timothy:o)

if you put them up, people will expect you to take them down. be prepared for that.

Sounds like a great idea just be careful.

No you do not need a permit.Be safe.

Just be safe brother :)



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