Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Any ideas for a basic online service I could start? -

Hey everyoneSince I will be applying to college soon and am looking for more impressive things to put on my resume and just something to work on in general, I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas of some sort of basic program/charity that I could start at a local level.Some of the things that I was thinking of were like a website that had summer job opportunities for students or a program for people to donate old sporting equipment and then redistribute it to those who need it. Any ideas of that nature would be a great help and would be greatly appreciatedthanks

I have an idea for you as it is something that I have been doing myself.Basically it involves helping charities to build up a residual income.Now this may not be something that will happen overnight but within a relatively short space of time,the charities could earn considerable income from this and you would also earn some additional cash too,however not nearly as much as they would.Perhaps you could ask them to utilise the money for equipment,or supplies and to keep a record of it.At the end of a year for example,they could provide you with a reference letter which could list everything that your assistance has helped them acheive/maintain/purchase etc.The beauty of this idea is that you could assist any local charity of your choice.I am not sure of your time frames but if the charity was willing to put in some effort on their part,this really can take off very quickly.This will not work in the USA and is ideal for Britain.Sorry but I dont know where you are from.If you would like to contact me for more info please send an email to watchsuper14@yahoo.co.ukJoe

If I paid for shipping online why would I have to pay for it at the post office? -

and if thats the case do I need to pay for it online? The lady I go to keeps charging me to ship items that I sell after I ve paid for it already.

It sounds like, however you re calculating your shipping costs online, you re not doing it properly. You re obviously not paying enough to generate the preprinted label, if you have to pay more at the post office.Without knowing exactly what you re doing, we can t tell you what you re doing wrong. Are you weighing the items you re mailing? Are you weighing them correctly, after they re all wrapped and packaged for mailing?

Then you are screwing something up.If you can t figure out what you are doing wrong, don t pay online.

What is a good amount of money to charge for babysitting? -

I m 17 and want to start putting up flyer s around my neighborhood that says that I m a babysitter.

id say anywhere from 5 to 10 dollars an hours. probably somehwere in the middle.also it depends for how many kids you have, more kids means a little bit more money, but not much!:)

How do i get the government to audit a company? -

how do i get the government to audit a company that i believe is hiding money from the books?

You can contact the Attorney General of your state and have some evidence to go on.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to make money blogging? -

how do I get traffic to my blogging site?

according to ehow,Step 1First, I want to explain that I ve found blogging to be like any other business. The good news is it takes practically no overhead--a person could even start it from a public library if they have no extra income to invest into it.To balance that out however, if you want to be successful you re going to have to put a lot of your effort and energy into it. That includes educating yourself, developing your writing, and being patient enough to let the results arrive. Unlike a job, this will be irregular income, but it at least has the potential to grow to more than you could make at a job.Step 2There are several websites out there that offer free blogs, but my current favorite is Blogger.com. When your income reaches the point where it makes sense, you can get your own domain name and hosting very inexpensively. You don t have to pay any money however to start making an income from affiliates such as Google Adsense, Amazon, and eBay. I looked at it from the point of view of getting the blog to pay for itself and then grow it from there.Step 3Also like traditional businesses, niche areas are generally good things. If you re an expert in a certain field or passionate about a certain topic or hobby, people out there may value what you know. It doesn t mean you have to limit yourself, but keeping the theme or topic of a blog consistent will help readers know what to expect. Then just use different blogs.Step 4Marketing helps as well. Talk to people about what you do. Have your blog in your e-mail signature and on business cards. If you interact a lot in your niche area, it s not difficult to find people of similar interests who would like to keep up with your blog. Again, just start small and work your way into it.If you are looking to generate more traffic, ehow has these tips:Step 1Post regularly, the search engines like blogs that are continually adding new quality content. Try to add new content to your blog three times per day. If there is not enough time for that then try to at least post at least one time per day.Step 2Whatever platform you are using, you will need to add keywords when writing a new post. Add keywords about your posting so that search engines will have a better idea of what your blog or posting is about and your post will rank higher in the search engines.Step 3Get good quality inbound links. What this means is writing for article sites and at the end of your article putting a link back to your blog. There are many great article sites out there. Just Google article sites and find great sites that you can write for. Besides getting that inbound link many people go to article sites to get fresh content for their blog and may use your article on their site which will give you even more inbound links.Step 4Comment on other peoples blogs and leave a link back to your blog. You will want to leave a thoughtful comment though. Don t just leave a link to your blog, this can be really annoying and will be considered spam.Step 5Use Yahoo Answers to answer some questions. Besides helping people out by answering their questions you can leave a link back to your blog which will help generate more traffic.Step 6Use social sites to generate traffic. Myspace is not the only social site, there are many and if you use these sites right they can help you generate traffic to your blog. Make as many friends as possible. Generally, the more friends you have, the more internal links you have planted somewhere in the site, giving you more authority in the eyes of the site.Step 7Use Link Exchange sites. Just Google link exchange sites and you will find sites that will help you exchange links with other blogs. You might have to pay a small fee to join their link exchange network but it may well be worth it and a small price to pay for the traffic that will be generated to your blog.Step 8Use traffic exchange sites. Just Google traffic exchange sites and you will find sites that will help you exchange traffic with other blogs. The way these sites is simple. Basically for every two or three blogs you visit, some one else will visit your blog. Using traffic exchange sites is a great way to generate traffic!Step 9Submit your blog to blog directories. They will categorize your blog and your blog will ping their servers anytime you update your blog with new content.Step 10There are many other great ways to promote your blog such as word of mouth, print advertising and many others. The tips above should give you a basic start in building traffic to your blog. Remember the most important thing though is good, new, high quality content to your blog. Google loves it!

What is the fleshlight coupon code for November 2009? -

Does anyone know where I can find a coupon code for a Fleshlight this November. Don t post codes cos i dont think you re allowed to. Thanks

http://www.fleshlightcouponcode.com has novembers fleshlight coupon code on, but its kept up to date for other months too, http://www.fleshlightcouponcode.com/list is all the working ones

What kind of online business can I start up with $100? -

Student living away from home with no car. Want to see what kind of small business can be run from a college dorm.

Starting a business now a days is very difficult; so, before spending any money, consider learning a little about affiliate programs. These programs are the means by which people make money online. Both businesses and individuals working from home. Often referred to as online marketing, this method can make you a substantial profit every week. Go to WWW.BISAFFILIA.COM and learn more about affiliate programs and how to use them. And the great thing about it is they offer a free option where you can learn to start making money with no start up investment, and an advance one with start-up but significantly more revenue each week.

hello, you re student and want to make money from small business, in my opinion what a spirit of entrepreneurship. great. I think you can consider to have small online business since you can really start as low as $100 or even less to make money here. But remember, it s better if you can find a deal that s not risky to start with. What do I mean with risky deal ?risky deal if you have to pay up front for some money to make money online. I know it s not always risky to be like this, but in your condition, your budget is $100 and you don t want to mess this up, right?So I think you should find a great deal online, or you can learn from free information through the internet.

I would stay away from anything retail right now. With the current downturn in the economy right now competition is fierce and there just isn t that many buyers to be had. And I don t see it turning around real soon. However there are ways to earn money online which only require an hour or two per day but they require persistence, focus, and patience.A program I m doing now is free to sign up and has different components that you can join or not join if you choose. Some components are free and some aren t (those that aren t free have a free trial period). The free ones have a more limited earning capability but can be used to build capital for the ones with more substantial earning potential. The free component can also be used as proof that money can be made online before committing to options that require a monthly fee. You can make a little bit of money in a short period of time but to build significant income will take time and effort, it s not easy money. See my source for more information, if you re interested.

Mia Bella candles, bath body and mineral makeup would be a great college student s home business. check it out if it sounds like something you d be interested in. $50 per month receive web site, online store, training, support, wholesale member pricing choose from 3 different monthly shipments. http://www.miabelladirect.com. You could get creative around the holiday (all year, really) by creating baskets for your friends, family and going to businesses (lawyers, drs, hairdressers) for those needing gifts for their employees... it is what you make of it. All you need is motivation, a computer $50 per month.

Hi,Yes, you can make money as an online Affiliate Marketer. I��m making money online as we speak. Have started Affiliate Marketing earlier this year in March. I was making about $100 to $200 per week. Then as I learn from other Super Affiliate Marketers out there��I started making more. As of August 2009, I��m earning over $1,000 / week as an Affiliate Marketer. The best way of making money online without spending a lot money is to be an Affiliate Marketer. You don t need a website nor do you need any products. As an affiliate marketer you will market products for various companies that will pay you a commission for selling their products. (Commission is usually from 50% to 75%). So you don t need a website; you don t have to call anyone to sell them a product; you don t need to join any mlm; You just need to refer people to the site of their interests and earn a commission.Where do you learn all about these products? Check out www.clickbank.com . This is a market place to find vendors who are looking for affiliates to market their products. It costs nothing to sign up with them and nothing to start.Only down side is cost of advertising and getting the words out. However, this is the only type of business where you can start part time and one day earn as much as your FT job. FYI..,I started this part time 6 months ago and within 6 months..I m earning more PT then my regular FT job. Crazy..,but true, How much you put into, you ll get out of it as well.In addition, I also recommend learning from the Super Affiliate Marketers out there that can eliminate your time and efforts by teaching you how to market products for free and the various methods that are available for you to use. You can check it out at http://www.Super-Affiliates-Club.com. Save your self time and invest in yourself and learn and you ll soon make money online. You can start making $100 to $200/day within the next 3 days, but you have to start today and learn. It can be frustrating, but the learning curve is shorter when you learn from an Affiliate Marketer guru. Yes..you can start even today after reading this post. It sounds crazy, but it s all true. EZ steps to online success is 1) Learn from an Affiliate Markert 2) go to ClickBank.com and find a product to promote. Very easy, but takes a little effort to learn the secrets fo the gurus.Good Luck,Tony

Hi there. I lost my job about 6 months ago and with me having limited skills and cash I turned to the internet to try and make some money. Everyone says they re a scam and honestly I thought they were but dont believe it when people say they are ALL a scam. Its not true! I found one that does work and made me a good income all this time and I live pretty comfortably off what I make each month, better than at my old job anyway. I found maverick money makers and you can learn from these really detailed video tutorials how to earn money. The guy who does them goes into loads of detail so its really easy to follow, and not just one way either he teaches about 20 known ways that have worked for me its really cool. If you want to have a look just follow the link to the site below and you can see him taking you through some of the stuff he does. And lucky for you, the joining fee is $97. its guarenteed too, if you re totally rubbish and havent made the sort of money you want in 60 days you can have your money back :)Hope that helps you. Have fun, and good luck! :-D

collect cans and such and find the nearest recycler.carry them in hand.

How to start business when you have little money? -

I really really want to open my own business but I am afraid of having too much debt and don t have money, don t know start from where. any suggestion would be appreciated

Investors are good most take a percentage of your company depending on how much they give you. A loan is your best bet but you might have a hard time getting one, in order to open a business you need to go into debt and there is practically no way to avoid that. For the first year you will most likely be repaying that debt and will not see any profit until after years 2 or 3 depending on how much you take out.

Ahm.. what business? A lemonade stand? A homegrown tobacco business? Silicon processor production and nanotechnology business?Some details could be useful. Because if it is internet related business like selling stuff on e-bay, selling stock photos, photos and art, or just creating funny t-shirst and selling them. It all can be done almost for no money at all. Or maybe a website web page kind of business, also can be started for free.But if it is more of a store business, or business that needs actual place that requires renting and money for production that it is harder. Especially if there is competition from big stores like walmart and such.Considering the economy and unemployment it is risky. But then again it may be easier to get a good credit with low percentages as well as get good workers for low pay.The idea of taking a chance and leaving your dream is good, but debt is not. Be careful and consider how likely the business will be successful or how likely it is to fail. Consider starting it with a few people to minimize the loss in case of failure.

Hello. If you have few hundreds to invest then I wouldWDfinitely recommend you to look in for Oriflame / Tupperware as your business. I started doing this business some 8 months back, with very little money in hand. Today am really doing good. Contact me to know more details regarding these 2 business opportunities.

You will need to have some money of your own to start up a business. Nobody is going to give or lend you money to start a business if you haven t proved that you CAN make and save money.

Read the success story of Mr. John Gokongwei. It is very inspiring and challenging.

I want to start making money off ebay but I dont know anything about it? -

I m 19 years old and I ll hopefully be going to college within a year and I m having a really hard time finding a job on the market. I m interested in learning about ebay to make a decent or extra income so I m not broke.

There are only two ways to make money off eBay1) Have something to sell (on eBay, of course), and the standard buy low, sell high approach. or 2) Help someone else sell on eBay, and charge a fee / percentage for your service , and hopefully you don t hit any extra costs along the way.

Ebay has a terrific learning center with videos and step by step instructions. First you must consider what you are going to sell. There are a lot of drop ship companies you can work with or you can find a manufacturer of something in your area and buy it wholesale from them and sell it one eBay. Be sure to include your eBay fees in your expenses - they can creep up on you.

Well, you need wholesale products first. See http://www.iwanttosellstuff.com for a list of good wholesale sources.

Do you have to share gratuities with the house? -

A relative of mine began working at a store that has a tip jar. At the end of the day the employees on shift divide the tips for that day equally. Recently the owner decided that the house should get a share even if the owner isn t working that day. Is this legal?

There is nothing illegal in the US or Canada. It is just a moral issue. I think the owner and the workers should work out something themselves.

Incorporating an LLP? -

I know that ltd s recieve certificates of incorporation, but after i send of an LLP2 form to incorporate an LLP, will i receve anything back from companies house - and if so, what?


What do I do when an ebay seller refuses to give me the product I bid, and won!? -

This seller allowed people to bid on a ps2, with 11 games. He originally asked for $130, but allowed bidders to bid. I started the bid at $10, but there were 20 more bids. I ended up winning this product for $79, plus $10 shipping. Now he is asking me to give him a more reasonable price? Why would you allow bidding if you re going to change the price after I win?! Somebody please help me.

Sounds like the seller is clueless on the rules. Report him or her to ebay.

there s NOTHING you can do. He s reneging on the deal. I mean, you can report him to ebay but what good will that do? They can t FORCE him to sell you the stuff for the lower price.This happened to me. I bid on a spypen and won and then made a facetious comment about what I was going to use the pen for. The seller, a s**** from hong kong, cancelled my sale. At first he lied and said the item was broken so he was returning my money. In fact he DID return my money...but he has TENS OF THOUSANDS of these items he sells. Why wouldn t he just give me another one? So anyway, I re-bid on another item and then I got a notice that he BLOCKED MY ACCOUNT. I was no longer allowed to bid on his items.He was such a spineless coward, he thought the red police were going to kick his door in because of the joke I made.

If there was no reserve on the product, he is probably required to give it to you. If there was a reserve and that amount was not met, then he can do whatever he wants.

Are there any sites where I can actually make money? -

I need to get some extra money for college, and I was wondering if there are any sites that I can make money from. I have heard of cashctrate.com and work33.com but I m not sure if they are scams, especially work33.com since it has an upfront fee of $39.

cashcrate is LEGIT and most importantly free. i never heard of work33 what kind of website name is that but an upfront fee? whats up with that...never pay to sign up for a money making site after all why pay money to make money...that s just wrong...but cashcrate is a very legit one....it has a forum section which is always a good sign a money making site is legit that has people helping each other out and showing that they actually got paid. completing the offers may seem like what the soup is this at first but really its very simple to do...you ll get PAID...i wouldn t be wasting my time typing mumbo jumbo here if it wasn t.....so if your interested just type in the URL below exactly and sign up....ill be glad to help you out with how to complete the offers faster and get all of them credited within hours http:// www. cashcrate .com/1624718no spaces in the URL link

Hi,You can make good money selling products and services as an affiliate, you can get up to 75% of each sale you make and its fast and easy money, if you can get targeted traffic!You could also create and then sell your own, product or service on the internet. Figure out what your interests are and you can make money from them. (this is easier said than done, I know) but you can do it if you really want.This is the KEY no matter what you are selling online:1 ... Your target market (who are you selling to and what do they want?)2 ... Your targeted offer (what can you sell that will solve a problem?)3 ... Now simply generate as much targeted traffic as you can to your offer!If you get these 3 things right you cannot go too far wrong... Best of luck!

ust go tobux.toclick register there and in the registeration pageenter the username,password,confirm password ,email id,confirm email id,and in the enter ur alertpay id jst enter the same mail id what u gave just before,and in the referrer if column entergowrishankar.kand sign up ur accountnow login with ur username and the password and enter into the surf ads page and click the ads available there and u can ciew only one ads at a time nd it takes 30 seconds to complete and as it finishesand then click the next ad and repeat the process till u complete all the availble adsAt Bux.to, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You ll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through AlertPay or YourBuxCard.Earnings Example? You click 10 ads per day = $0.10? 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00? Your daily earnings = $2.10? Your weekly earnings = $14.70? Your monthly earnings = $63.00The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?you should have an alertpay account that u can create it later as u reach ur 50 $, and in the alertpay(like paypal)u have to give ur address to request the payment or u can make use of ur credit (if any)there

Most people on here will most likely suggest something that will only benefit them. I m a 15 year old high school student and I know what it feels like to be in desperate need of money. Recently, I came across an awesome and legit website. There is absolutely nothing to buy or sell, you just make money doing what your already doing. It s absolutely free to become an active member. Check it out: http://www.peoplestring.com/?u=sanjolipa��

Sites with money upfront are scams first and foremost. There are some ways you can make money for college...garage saleselll things on craigslist or ebaytutorbabysit Survey sites (little money if you even get paid) here check this website out http://sites.google.com/site/letsworkfromhometoday/

Please check out this program. I wish I would have found it along time ago.. Its legit and really lives up to its name. See For Yourself.Best of Luck,Kim

p a i d t e e n s . w e b s . c o m

yes there is www.pplblastoff.com is the next big thing

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Please tell me any sites giving online jobs without investment and be truthful????? -

You will get mostly scam answers.There are really none that can earn you money enough to live on.

I am a woman who would like to start a union plumbing business in Illinois. How do I search for a grant? -

I am a woman who would like to start a union plumbing business in Illinois. How do I search for a government grant? Is it likely that there would be any grants available to me for this kind of thing? I m a married woman with one child, living in Central Illinois. Thanks!

Karl Marx

I want to buy used excavator? -

Which country of good quality used excavator? Cheap

All kinds of used excavator and construction machinery information to help you,Provide all kinds of excavators information.visit: http://www.used-excavator.net http://www.infoexcavator.com http://www.the-excavator.com

probly iran to be honest i baught one for dirt cheap about 3-4yrs ago when i first started my own excavation company...i believe i paid around $35 grand in mint condition that would have cost me @ 100,000+ for



How to start or begin a organization/website? -

What do i need to learn about hosting?What if any website builders should i be wary of? ( ex. tricky legal language)

Websites are easy... register a domain name, such as www.YourName.com. There are many places on the internet that offer registration services, and they re called Registrars. I use www.Misk.com all the time (have used them for many years now). You pay for domain names for a year at a time. I usually just pay for one year at a time and renew every year. But you can register for 2, 5 or more years.Once you have a domain name, that essentially is an address to your site. But where does that address point to? A server! Yep, you ll need to have all your website files hosted on a server. This is where you ll need hosting. There are many hosting sites out there, many of them pretty cheap, $4.99-$6.99/month. I own www.ivCity.com , a website hosting design site. I charge $6.99/month for all the space and features that 90% of websites could ever use. (okay, done with shameless plug!! ;-) )Once you get a host setup, you ll want to point your domain name to your sever. They ll tell you to change your Nameserver information. That is the actual internet address to your new host sever, such as ns1.yourhost.com . They should tell you exactly how to do that.Now all that s left is to build your site! There are some great programs out there that you can use to help you design your site with a point-and-click interface (no code needed). However, if you re really like to start learning how to really design a site, start by learning HTML and CSS. The rest will follow from there. If you ever need help, please feel free to shoot me an email, or visit my site, ivcity.com .Good luck!

Ask yourself this question first: do I want to build a website for fun, or do I want to build an online business?If you just want to build a fun site, then the previous answerer has covered most of the bases for you.If you want an online business, however, you need to do more prep work. You wouldn t dream of opening a shop without finding out first what people want to buy. For an online business, at least for one that makes you money, you have to do the same thing. You have to find out what it is that people want - and then work to give it to them.This book (http://ow.ly/MgYA) teaches you how to go about learning what you need to know to run a successful online business. Or you can find out more information at http://www.web-to-success.com

you need to have a company hosting ur website first..I have come across many web hosting services. Personally, I think webhostingpad is best hosting company. Webhostingpad provides unlimited hosting space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimisted subdomains, UNLIMITED Email Accounts, Host UNLIMITED Domains, UNLIMITED Databases, UNLIMITED FTP Accounts, Anti Virus and SPAM Protection, Free Domain Name, and many great bonus��for only 1.99 per month while others charge more than 10 dollar sometimes. So, I think it is a great deal to sign up with webhostingpad. Here is link http://www.webhostingpad.com/5915.html

Hi Irish,Hosting is mechanics. I use www.startlogic.com. If you can point and click, you can build your site(s) in just a few minutes. $4.95/mo, multiple domains, unlimited email, etc.But Macala s got the right idea. Planning is key. In order to plan effectively, you must conduct some research. What do you need to provide your services? Who will you provide them to? Who are you competing against? What makes you better; gives you an edge ? How are you going to reach your prospects/potential clients? Answering these kinds of questions gives you a basis to begin a business plan.You can download my free research outline at www.abusinessmentor.comIt should certainly guide you in the right direction.Good Luck!

Can i move money from yahoo marketing account to yahoo small business? -

i got an account in yahoo marketing and i want to stop it but i got some money there i need so i want to move the money to yahoo small business so i can buy some domains hosting is it possible?

No, you can get a credit back to the card that was charged originally, unfortunately cannot transfer

Do you have to be 18 to start a local magazine? -

Im really interested in starting one, but im only 16. Am I allowed to start a local magazine?

You can do anything you want except enter into a legal contract. If any business contracts are needed to put together the magazine, as I am sure there will be, you must have a parent or guardian help you.

Hi there..i think age is not a obstacle for someone to get the future..i was start a local magazine when im 17 years old and no one questioned about my age..if we have a potency we should have a chance to prove our skill.for more information just look around at http://www.allmagazinesecret.complease hit some reply for me.. :)THX

Why wont anyone hire me ?!? -

i live in scarborough, ONT. ive applied EVERYWHERE.. even when they are hiring , but they never call me back. my resume is really good. maybe its becaise ive never had a job before? but there not giving me the chance !help plz ? i need a job asap!

Hi XoI am an employer so here are some of the things I look for. I am guessing you are a young lady, if I ve got this wrong then sorry and ignore the bit about makeup.There are always a few things that you need to make sure when you apply for a job - firstly do you meet the criteria for the job. If you don t then decide if it is worth while applying? If you are close enough to the criteria then yes, if you are a long way off then no.If you go for interview check that you are dressed smartly, your hair is clean and tidy, you aren t wearing too much makeup (but don t wear none!), a bit of jewellery but not much, no obvious piercings apart from earrings or a simple stud. Think classic understated simplicity!Write your resume carefully and then prepare a handwritten covering letter applying for the job. Make sure they are well written - spell checked and also good and grammatically correct English. Make sure that you do some research on the business you are applying to. Read their website or their brochure. Work out several good questions to ask, maybe ask your friends and parents for ideas.If you haven t got any work experience yet - then get some! Find a charity or a business where you can work for nothing in exchange for experience! If nobody will give you experience then start your own business! Jonathan

the way the economy is right now when you apply for a job, a hundred other people are applying also.The lack of experience will hold you back and I know thats hard, I would suggest doing some charity work to build on your resume and just hang in there. It s not just you its happening to everyone right now.Good luck in your search!

Do you dress properly? Do you fill out the applications with proper spelling and grammar? If you fill them out like you stated your question I can see why you don t get called.YOU may think your resume is really good, but if you ve never had a job what do you need one for? There s no work experience to put on it!

For starters some places will take weeks to hire anyone. Also, if there is not a lot of jobs in the area sometimes places will try and give the position to people who they really feel need the job. Looking for jobs suck sometimes.

I will hire YOU

it may be they dont think your are professional or mature enough.why not ask them for feedback -

Are you ugly? if so then there s your problem

You could start a completely free home based online business.

Im looking for catchy name for a landscaping company. Maybe even throw in a catchy slogan as well...? -

I need a catchy name for a landscaping company I am starting. Maybe even throw in a catchy slogan as well....?I ve been doing some lawn care/landscaping type work for a couple years for some family, friends and such, and through word of mouth I have gained quite a few customers so I have decided to pursue this even more. SO, now comes the time where I need a name for my company and maybe some catchy slogan to go with it. Just wanted to see what other people have to say. AND, if you happen to be in Brighton, MI or in the surrounding area and I pick your name I will provide some sort of landscape service FREE to you!!

How about TSL, Total Site Landscaping or 4 Seasons Landscape Co. , or The Green Thumb Company ??????

What website can I go to in order to mass produce CDs? -

I m doing a project for my business class and I need to be able to find a website where I can submit the music for the CD and the Image for the CD design and have them mass produce it. Do they even have that?

If it s just like a few dozen, burn it yourself. mass produce , to a CD maker, is well over 1000 copies, probably 2500. And it s call replication . And the initial gold master will not be cheap, several hundred by itself. THEN it s cheap per disc. So, how many copies are you talking about?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Canadian business can get same profit to united states bussiness? -

are there different to put a start a business in canada or unite states? unite states has strong economy is it factor that a business could be better in united states than canada? or is not any big different

There is not that big of a difference.

. There are 15 departments in the hospital and typically about 22 customers at one time. Imagine you have been? -

how can i make it easier and faster

Typically when I go to the hospital i do not consider myself to be a customer.

How do you open up a pawn shop? -

I am intrested in opening a pawn shop. How do I start so that I have items to sell?

you have a yard sale only have it in a building and you you pay other people to bring in their junk for you to sell too

I have received a 5$ amazon gift voucher and I am in India please tell me whether I can use the voucher? -

it would be better if you suggest a thing to buy with 5$ using the voucher

Just use for the next gift you have to give--I presume the voucher is transferable.

amazon is an online book store and hence you can make the purchase in India also.check out http://www.amazon.com to see what you can buy for $5

u can use ur$5.00 gift certificate to purchase books/dvd s from Amazon.com and get it delivered to India.. for more info u can contact their cust care..

What would you need to start your own funeral business? -

I think I would be good at it. Would I have to start as an apprentice somewhere?

Are you in America or the UK? If you are in the UK you have to go for something called a diploma in funeral directing. Usually people in the UK belong to the British Institute of Funeral Directors after receiving their diploma. Unfortunately, I don t know much more than that about the UK.If you are in the U.S. you will want to look into the American Board of Funeral Service Education. There you can look at accredited schools in funeral directing. Usually is is a 4 year mortuary science or funeral director type degree. Individual states also have their own licence requirements. Some require an associates degree, an apprentiship, and passing a board exam, while others want the four year and the board exam, so you will have to look into that as well.You are also obviously going to need a small business loan and remember that althought I think it is a decent job pay scale wise, it is not the highest. Even for those who own their own business, they can expect a max salary of about 60,000. Usually its more like 30,000-50,000 per year. Here s a great job description site: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos011.htmGood luck!

A licensed mortician, a few contacts in the casket industry, lots of embalming fluid, a cosmetologist, a hurst or two, a business license, and much more. You should interview someone in the business to see what all is required.

you need to have good business plan to supply to any institution you re looking to get a business loan from. Without a plan, showing financial structure and planning it s going to be impossible to get a loan.

Hmmm. A freezer, a furnace, corpses, and most important a clothing pin to plugging the nose.Oh, and a shovel coming in handy too.

Because people are just dieing to get in. What better business to be in with the way the economy is today.

Lots of licenses.The handling of dead bodies is a highly regulated industry.


Dead people.

Lots of dead bodies.

Plz tell me some legitimate amp; investment free online work.? -

Hi! I am in need of some more earnings, plz tell me some genuine or legitimate part time or work from home sites., no investments plz.

We can t answer this, we have no idea what yo our skills and education are.If you want a real job apply at real companies that have real openings for your profession. Explain in your cover letter that you want to work at your home office.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I need to ask how to mail this? -

How do I mail a small item 65 grams, four by four inches, throught the postal service?

just get the box that usps is offering. the flat rate box.

Least expensive method would be First Class. You re slightly over two ounces, so with lightweight packaging, you re still under 3 ounces.If you have special considerations, like Return Receipt, check with a postal clerk. It s probably best to mail it at a postal counter anyway.PackagesWeight Not Over Price1 ounce $1.222 ounces $1.393 ounces $1.564 ounces $1.735 ounces $1.906 ounces $2.077 ounces $2.248 ounces $2.419 ounces $2.5810 ounces $2.7511 ounces $2.9212 ounces $3.0913 ounces $3.26

Wrap it up in a box or put it in a padded envelope, address it, bring it to the Post Office and tell them you want to mail it. They ll tell you how much it will cost. You pay them. They ll send it.

put it in a small cardboard box, complete with bubble wrap. address it and send it. my advice pretty much is anything you can t fit into any envelope, put it in a box.

just use a bigger box. the post office has a flat rate boxes that is like $4 it will be big, but you can just use newspaper or something to fill in the gaps.

depends on what it is? if its a cannabis wrap it in a zip lock bag and grounded coffee. but if not get the box from the postal service and its a one price box and you can ship anywhere!!

If it s not too fragile and flat, buy a small to mid-size padded envelope. Otherwise, get the smallest flat-rate USPS box.

get one of those yellow envelopes with the bubble wrap, or without.

go to the post office they have boxes and bags there they can tell you the best way to send it

go to http://postcalc.usps.gov/

What should be my excuse? -

I am working on my consulting business, but currently have a 9 to 5. What I want to do is push my hours back to a 12 to 8pm and work on gaining clients from 8am to 12. The nature of the business and the hours that my current job is open make it a viable work schedule but I cant tell my boss I m changing my hours so I can work for myself. So what would be your excuse to change your schedule?

If the business will support your hours, you shouldn t need an excuse . Just tell your boss you would prefer to work from 12 to 8, and see if he will consider it. Otherwise, say you are taking a morning class (and hope no one ever asks about it).

Is there any account software that is going to make the job of keeping the business books in order easier? -

at the moment i write everything into a ledger i know its old fashioned but it has worked for our business and me but now i need to put a real effort into these books so what is going to be quick and easy for me to use .( we are not vat registered)

I still use written ledgers and we are quite a large, vat registered company. I find it a lot easier to follow and easier to find any discrepancies.The only alternative that I would consider is Sage - but you would need some training for that.

If you re good with Excel, you can set up spreadsheets that work well. I ve done this for our companies for many years and we re VAT registered. I ve set them up in such a way that the VAT figures are easy to pick off at the end of the quarter.I know you re not VAT registered, I m just saying that you can do quite a lot with a spreadsheet rather than going into a software package that may or may not do what you want. If you ve worked with ledgers, you know what s needed from the spreadsheets. It s easy to put in a checking column to point up any discrepancies in your data entries.Talk with your accountant and ask what they d recommend. We just give ours the spreadsheets at the end of the financial year and they do the TPL and balance sheet from them.Good luck!

I m planning on trying the software from these guys http://www.diyaccounting.co.uk/index.htm which seems like good value compared with the likes of Sage.It s importing the data from the ledgers that takes the time with any accounting software; good luck!!

Can I buy products wholesale but put my company name amp; sell it ? -

Im starting a business of purchasing products wholesale (household supply) and putting my company name on it sell it retail. Is is possible to do this ?

Yes it can possible but for this you can consult with wholesale company. also they can offer you products which you like to sell under your name. a list of good wholesale manufactures are available at esources.co.uk. also found some good wholesale product range at wholesaledeals.co.uk

There are companies out there that will custom brand (your name) the products for you, but you would have to think in huge volumes, Container load at least. Possible several times a year.Anything is possible, but can you afford it ?

no you can t. thats like me getting a ipod and putting my name on it and selling it to you. no matter what your going to want the original.

um it seems impossible and perhaps it is illegal you have to consult some lawyerbtw, i can offer you a wholesale website http://www.ebsilk.comhope it will help you

Where can I buy cheap wall clocks in bulk, wholesale or not? -

I think you can try Myeglobal.com, the biggest online wholesaler in China.It has wide range of wall clocks and competitive price as well.The wall clocks wholesale page is:http://www.myeglobal.com/Browse/Product/Search.aspx?Isbak=2 tIndex=0 k=wall+clock c=0

Here is the site have clock ,both retail and wholesale,hope it helped.

Try:http://www.esources.co.uk/search-supplie��orhttp://www.esources.co.uk/wholesale-supp��You will find all the verified keyword wholesalers you need there.

See http://www.iwanttosellstuff.com for wholesale sources.

hi,what about it buy it from China? There are many factories here. You can get the clocks in cheap price and design assorted. If you are interested ,contact us at :sawworld1314@gmail.com

How do I start a taxi cab company? -

I d like to offer a taxi service but the city will not approve any more taxi permits in my city, despite a shortage of cabs. I am thinking about going to a neighboring city and offering taxi service. How can I go about doing this?

Contact that city for their requirements. Every city is different

How do i get a business license? -

My friend and I want to open up our own business here in the bay area. Please let me know the quickest way we can get a permit/license to open a business. Thank You

It appears that neither you nor your friend have been in business before, therefore, I would strongly recommend that you talk to a business counselor before you do anything especially spend money. You have to determine whether you ll start a web based business or one with a store front. I d call the local office of SCORE (go to the link below and input your zip code to find the chapter nearest you), the advice is FREE. There are chapters in the East Bay, South Bay, North Bay and in San Francisco. The counselor at SCORE will most likely advise you to write a business plan which is very good advice because it will force you to dig out all of the start up details and the costs of starting a small business and force you to also understand all of the aspects of this business including the customers you ll concentrate on (your market) and how you ll go after them.You ll need to register the business with your state controller s office and make sure that you check to see whether any city and county licenses are needed where you live. All of this will come out in a business plan and because the cost of being in business in California varies so much depending on the legal structure, you ll certainly want advice on how to set up the business.Try linking to YCHANGE International and read some of the articles especially the ones about a business plan and starting a business.Good Luck

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How many years of business school should I take? -

I am 18-years-old and I graduate high school in January. I am having a little baby boy in March. I have always dreamed of opening up my own hair salon! I plan to go to college for business and go to hair school. How many years of business school would you suggest? Also, should I go to hair school or business school first? Any advice I would greatly appreciate!

Hello there,I do not like to disagree with your father. He knows you better and no doubt has your best interest in mind. However, if you are set on a hair salon, I would think it best to go to beauty school. After you get your license, you can work to help make money for college. The problem with that is the longer you wait to go to college, the hard it is to go to college. You have more things going on in your life. You have so many distractions, you will have a hard time going back to school. Also, you are older than the other students. All of that makes it very hard to go back later and get a college degree of any kind. Yes, it can be done, but it is harder and less likely you will get it done.Another reason I see your father probably wants you to go to college first, is that with a college degree you have more options available to you in your choice of careers. As a beauty school graduate, you have no other option. You are young. You may well change your mind what you want to do. You may find out that the hair salon business is not really like you dreamed it would be. Without the college degree, you are stuck. Either stick it out even though you do not like it, or start over and go back to college to get a degree. Remember my comments about it being harder to succeed in college the longer you wait. Now you have that tougher task ahead of you.Frankly, you may not need a business degree to operate a business. I am a lawyer who advises many small business owners. Most of them do not have college degrees. By the way, a great many small businesses fail and the owners have to find something else to do when their dream business fails.Maybe, you have been around the hair salon business enough to really know what it is like. Someone close to you may run one and you have already seen first hand what it is like. If not, then you may find your dream job is not what you dreamed it would be.The choice is yours. I do not know the facts of your situation. You know them best. Good luck,

Go to cosmetology school first. The program usually ranges from 9 months to a year, depending on how much time you can put in. Also, with this job you can work right when you graduate, even if your only a temp. If you went for your business degree (4 years), you would still not have your job yet, because then you still need beauty school. At least if you finish cosmo school you will have a job quickly and than can make money for your baby and school.

my advice is go to business school first so that you have your own diploma and you can manage your own salon if you are sure to have your own salon, but it is easy to go to salon/s if you are enrolled in hair school and find a job in any beauty salon out there.

go to hair school first so that you have money to open an beauty salon.

A college degree in Business takes 4 years. If you want an MBA, add another 2-3 years.

How do I make a work at home busness make money.? -

With little or no out of pocket expence. How to pick the best from the worst!

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Making money online is no easy task. It requires effort, time, dedication and ambition on your behalf if you ever plan on succeeding. There are a lot of sites out there that are scams while only a few of them are actually legit. As far as picking out the best from the worst, it will require research and patience from your end. I have been using the following website and it has given me a better understanding of the many different blueprints available today. I wish you the best of luck and much success in all your efforts.

Honestly there isn t much you can do with no out of pocket expense that will make any real money unless you are just awesome. You can try Blastoff Network. There s a link on my profile. I can also recommend one other free opp, but I can t post a link here so you ll need to email me for it. Make sure you let me know in the email that you are looking for free.Little expense is a relative term. What might be little to me could be a lot to you. Email me with a range and I will make some suggestions.

Market America Unfranchise is a product brokerage and Internet marketing company that specializes in One-One-Marketing. With more than six million customers and 180,000 Customer Managers worldwide, the company has generated over $3 billion in accumulated retail sales. Headquartered in Greensboro, NC �C the company was founded in 1992 by president and CEO James Ridinger and employs over 500 people globally with international operations in the United States, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia. Through its revolutionary One-to-One Marketing concept, the Unfranchise Internet Shopping Portal....Market America combines the Internet with the power of people �C creating the ultimate online shopping destination. If you are interested in a more comprehensive overview of our business model and how you may fit into it, I would be glad to set up an evaluation phone interview appointment with you.

hi there, I ll try to answer this short question.you can actually make money by finding the offer that will give you win win solution. Out there, you can find how to make money legitimately without spending any money. a lil tip here , I think you should have a paypal account, because it ll be easier to handle your online finance from here.

Hi Shark,Your looking for affiliate marketing. I started making money online years ago. Nothing worked, until I came across affiliate marketing. I learned a lot for very little from Ewen Chia, he is the king of the industry. All you do is Promote products for free and watch the money come in. It s very easy. Ide tell you more but he knows everything there his products. I just make money off of them. Check the source out if your interested. It was the best decision I ve ever made.hope that helps.

Do a Freelancer job. They are free to register and do not require your credit card. Also they will send you a credit card to withdraw money from any ATM which support Master Cards. Start a hourly job in a freelancer job site and work 2-3 hours per day. It is easy and legit. You can do Graphic design jobs, Web design jobs if you have any experiences in that fields. If not data entry, virtual assistant, Administer support, data processing jobs will help you. For more info about other job opportunities such as reviewing websites, doing social networking, and legit site list.... http://work4mhomeonlinejobs.blogspot.com/

If you know correct work from home information you can make money. I did the way from this site and I . create good income every months. It is very easy to make money. You can find my way that making me money from link below.

Please don��t listen to these people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They are not ALL scams, just MOST of them are, LOL. I am a single mom of 2 girls who has tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work from home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams! People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don��t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You will not find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you��ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business. Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%? People are really starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Avon or Mary Kay however if you are like me, you are not interested in pushing products. Legitimate small home businesses should have a small costs involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business. Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don��t walk the other way! They never are in the end.After trying 15 things I now work about 20-25 hours per week for a well known and respected company with amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe and Secure by offering Medical and Dental plans at affordable rates that anyone can afford. We also have SecureNet which helps Americans Protect their children in a program called National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans get back on top of their finances with Foreclosure Avoidance, Debt Relief, Credit Repair and more. We have over 10 programs ranging from $15 to only $40 a month per household which help Americans save many and stay safe. Americans have saved over 1 BILLION dollars with these plans.I started with this company 2.5 years ago and started making $500 a month within only a few months. That income has increased now to over $3000 a month which has been a blessing for my family. The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package from day one. There are NO products, NO hard selling or pushing, NO cold calling, NO home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can t believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone even though you��re at home. I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company��s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other home business I had ever seen. SOME of our NATIONAL partners and credentials are National Association of Dental Plans, Dunn and Bradstreet, Consumer Health Alliance, US Chamber of Commerce, Parent Magazine, US News and World Report, Dozens of Fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, Walmart and Lenscrafters and Time Magazine. We are even currently being featured on WeTV, Lifetime and Oxygen. Most important, to solidify our legitimacy you��ll feel the utmost comfort in knowing that we are partnered with the FBI. Research the company at www.workathomeplus.net.No matter what you decide at least check it out, request a interview to get more information and at a MINIMUM read this list of top 10 work at home scams so you can protect yourself!10. Craft Assembly 9. Medical Billing 8. Email/Rebate Processing 7. A List of Companies Looking for Home workers! 6. Just pay for and take this class first�� Then we��ll give or find you a job! 5. Envelope Stuffing 4. Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine! 3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)2. Chain Letters/Emails ( Make Money Fast ) 1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (HUGE SCAM)As for those of you who say��..��I want to work from home but I don��t want to have to pay for anything��. Well, that��s great! But it will never happen. Let��s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay. Mr. Walt Disney didn��t start the Disney empire ��without paying for anything��. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit: www.workathomeplus.netGood luck to you in your search. Also feel free to contact me at any time with your questions! Amyneliot@aol.com This answer has been chosen as a ��Best Answer�� 71 times!

Absolutely look no further but you should be quick...

visit this website:http://barker182.createblog.com/blog/

Visit the website www.scriptlance.com where there are data entry jobs, programmings, IT...

Renting out part of a parking lot for a kiosk or drive-thru? -

Something similar to a shaved ice or espresso hut, not an entire retail building.What is the term used to describe this?How would I find this type of real estate?

Look in the newspaper.Btw, I m curious about bullying--whether or not it makes you feel better about yourself.I ve never done it, does it really make you feel in control of your life?I just know it makes people look sad.Do tell. :)Defensiveness just shows that someone knows they re in the wrong...

I want to start small business on china products ? how little i can invest ? -

You can invest whatever you want, but I feel you are looking at your business all wrong. It would be better to look at what is needed to start the business and how that fits into your budget. If a good business needs say $10,000 to start, and you only haved $5,000, then your business may not get the initial boost it needs to be done properly. Many businesses make that mistake, they are underfunded at the start and then the money runs out before the business is making enough money to support them. This is why the most important part of opening a business is RESEARCH. Know ahead of time what it will take, both monetarily and effort in order to get this business to a viable self sustaining point. Beyond that is profit.

50000 to 60000 minimumfor a good profit

Monday, September 20, 2010

How to make the salary payment, if the company din have a HR department.? -

I am not too sure if you are the owner or the employee but I will provide you with two possible solutions1) If you are the owner you can easily create a payslip on an excel spreadsheet showing the company details and the employees details as well as the statutory deductions then you simply write out a cheque in the name of the employee with the correct amountor make an electronic transfer from you bank to the employees bank account in the amount, or pay the employee cash and let them sign in all instances for the payment received2) If you are an employee you request your company to provide you with a salary slip with all the details as required by law and then provide you banking details to them in order for them to pay you your salaryI sincerely hope this answers your question, if not please let me knowwith a little more detailsRegardsElize

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I need a company name please help.? -

i am starting a business selling all natural bath and body products. I am looking for a name that is simple yet can stand the test of time.

Natures Touch, Natural Me, Natural Body Essences...hope this gives you a few ideas

I think Bath Body shop may come with a few lawsuits or conflicts down the road. I am in the same boat as you, I am trying to come up with a business name for a site that I will feature my designs on products (cloths and stuff), but also web layouts I will be making. So I would like the name to remain design themed, but all my ideas come to dead ends.I have been thinking though of made up words/names now. Still not much luck, but it may be easier to find a unique and original name when it s made up. Think about all the name brands, many, if not most of them were made up words in some way.

whatever you choose, try to use your main keywords in your business name and your www.name as well. natural bath and body products ...and then www. naturalbathbodyproducts.com hope this helps.

Bath Body Shop lol

Its Natural ......Mothers.....Hey Baby.....Hope will work out

I have an interview at a clothing store soon. What kinds of questions should I expect, im 16.? -

Only If you can , please answer the questions you give me.Also, what should I wear to the interview, im 16.

Above all, they will want to know if you are reliable. Do you have a way to get to and from work each day. The next will be how you interact with the customers. Are you polite or do you speak disrespectfully with slang. They will want to know why you chose to apply at their store so please don t tell them you picked them because they were the only one hiring or that you just want the discount. Tell them you how think you could be an asset to the store. Know a little about the company before you go to the interview and be familiar with their product lines.Dress nicely (no jeans!) and bring your own pen. Nothing irritates managers more than job applicants who ask to borrow pens to fill out the application or the hiring paperwork.

it would really help if you have prepared a good resume. it would be great if you know something about the company and its background. it would also help if you know the job description of the position.try checking out this site for more help and info about job description. just search bestjobdescriptions on the net.wear something casual, no denim jeans and shirts. and do not be late for the interview

It depends...it is a retail store or a fancy expensive store. But I recommend that formal wear and modest is the best to wear. Employers want to know about your experience, your ability to deal with the public. The hours you are willing to work and if you do over time. Do you have your own transportation and can you be here on time.

How do I generate money from my website? -

I am in the process of creating a website that offers a service. It will have A membership fee. I will not be selling any type of product. Can anyone tell me other ways to generate money from my website. I am open to some advertising, but do not want a lot of banners etc. all over my site. I am keeping this site very professional. All input of advice is welcome. Thank you.

Try google Adsense for you website.

What is the best way to get a start-up loan if you need it to purchase the equipment to start the business? -

Are there loans to purchase the equipment needed to even begin the business, without taking out personal loans or borrowing against your home?

Let s start with this: forget banks. Banks historically don t like to lend to small companies without several years of operating experience. And in this economy, the environment has become even tighter, as banks are trying to clean up their own balance sheets and refusing to lend even to companies who might have been great opportunities in the past. So, while there are a few loan programs out there through the SBA and such, my suggestion would be for you to connect with suppliers, especially the manufacturers of the equipment to determine if they would be willing to become a partner in your venture. Since they have a vested interest in having you as a customer, many businesses are looking for creative ways to finance growth. When I was in the magazine industry, we were able to get fine credit terms from our printer, as they were eager to have us as a client. Those are the first calls I d make if I were in your shoes.

Good day to you, We are a registered financial company which grant loans to all individuals.We also deal on the sales of gold. We give out loans ranging from Home loans, Auto Loans, Mortgage loans, Business Loans, International Loans, Personal Loans,etc.Contact us today if you are interested in the loan. Mr. Frank Smith.Contact E-mail:ultimate.lenders@yahoo.com14 Cabot Square,Fulham,London,United Kingdom Tel Num: +447045723089.

if the business is new - the only loan you will get is going to have to be personally guaranteed or will require collateral like home equity and if you are not willing to share the risk with the bank, why would they help you? A business plan is almost a requirement also

Hello Dear,I saw your question and I decided to inform you on how i got my loan credit from Ultimate Lenders. I am Mrs. Rose Smart, six months ago my only son took ill, he wasdiagnosed of a heart disease, i was told by the insurance company, thatmy insurance won t cover my sons medical care.As a mother, i was devastated, owing to the fact that i just lost my husband a few years ago, so i started looking for money, because myjob was not paying enough to cover my son s bill, i looked for help fromfamily and friends but there was non coming, i went to the bank and was told that, they could not grant me a loan, because i had nocollateral.Finally, just as i gave up hope on lenders on the Net because ofscams, i met a lady chaitu from China who told me of Mr. Frank Smith, i tried him and he gave a loan for $80,000usd, today my baby boy is doingwell, i am not telling you this for you to feel sorry for me, rather iam telling you so that you can help me thank him and if you are ever in need of a loan you can contact him via e-mail:ultimate.lenders@yahoo.comThanks for reading my testimony, and God bless all the good people.Best regards,Mrs. Rose

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can i register a business in a different state from where i live? i live in one state but the next state is...? -

i live in kind of on the border.. in one state but the next state is closer to me than downtown of the state i live in...

It may depend on the state. I believe you have to have a mailing address in the state you plan to register in. But a mailing address could be a box at one of those post office box locations. I doubt you have to be a state resident to get one of those. I would contact the Secretary of State in the state you want to register in and ask this question. They should know the regulations or be able to get the information for you.Good Luck!!

What are good ways to make money online/at home? -

What are good ways to make money online/at home?I live in india, and i want to make money. i have lots of free time, please suggest, how can I keep myself busy and make money onlinePlease answer honestly

You need to send your resume out to real jobs you are qualified to do. In your cover letter you need to state that you wish to work remotely, from your home office. LOTS of companies, especially in CA operate this way. They usually provide transportation for you to come in for an interview and for you to attend company meetings a few times a year, but otherwise everything is done online.

http://www.easymoneyonline.ws is an affiliate organization that pays members to sign up new members. All members are given their own website, email account, and etc. The first week is FREE and if you decide to choose to stay then it will only cost you $10 dollars a month. For every member you get to sign up you will get paid every month. This is not a Internet get rich quick scam. Global Domains International is a real company located in Florida. They are the founders and creators of .ws, and whats a better way to get people to get a .ws web site instead of a .com web site than paying the members. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that you will get paid for the members you get, and the members your members get, and so on and so on for five levels. It s like once you start getting members then they work for you. Check out my website out for more information and details. There is also a video on my website to better help you understand. http://www.easymoneyonline.ws

This website points2shop is very helpful and it s a good way to earn cash. This is a LEGIT website. I m very active on this website because i like it so much. If you need extra money or your just on a tight budget this is a good website to use because you can make money just by doing surveys, playing games, and doing competitions. I love this website its very helpful i can buy stuff without having my parents waste there money. I m glad i found out about this website.Just visit - http://www.points2shop.com/?ref=layinframe91And sign up FREE!PS: in case you forgot, ITS ALL FREE!Source(s):http://www.points2shop.com/?ref=layinframe91

_ Free lance writing _ Translating _ Join a PTC site ( pay to click) be aware that most of the ones available are scam here s one that is trustable http://www.clixsense.com/?2969577_Online forex trading_Data entry jobs ( ALL sites related to this subject are scam don t join)

Hello cinderella.I ve been running an online business for a few months and so far I ve been having excellent results with very low risk.If you want to take a look at the site the link is below:http://www.sportarbs.com?ref=1854You can even calculate your income right there!!!If you have any question or doubt, feel free to contact me.thanks.Regards.

Maybe home made jewelry but i m not sure if theres any money in it.Beware of scams. If you have to pay money to work for example, that is a scam.

Make a porno.

p a i d t e e n s . w e b s . c o m

Friday, September 17, 2010

Employee @ sams club, need paystubs? -

I am an employee at smasclub. We just started electronic pay and i dont have access to my paystubs...i have to come to the library and if there is a computer open i can get on it, my job gave me a website to get my pay stubs, but it doesnt work, anybody know what i can do?

Talk to your employer and inform them of your inability to electronically access your pay information. They legally have to provide another means.

Perhaps it will not work on a public PC. Just a thought...

Need some good fundraiser ideas? -

My art class is planning a trip to Paris to study art.We need to raise some of the money ourselves but we cant think of any good fundraiser ideas.Our principal doesn t like non uniform days so that s out of the question.Any suggestions?Please keep in mind that we are only in Secondary school and its a bit small.Any suggestions would help. -Thanks-

car wash, dog wash, bake sale, rummage sale, art sale, try looking into different types of fund raiser programs that different companies offer.maybe your school would allow you to use the gym, cafe, or auditorium to have a movie night and sell popcorn and soda.

Maybe you could even do an art/drawing contest using people s drawings, and get people to pay $1 for each vote towards the winning drawing?Here s a fundraising idea/company:If you don t want to spend any money up front, and don t want to have to meet a minimum order requirement, there s a company that provides drawing journals - www.DoodlyCouch.com - and they offer fundraising prices. So you just take orders money, send in your order with the amount it costs, and you keep the rest as profit. The company sends you the books you ordered and you deliver them. The journals are called Today I Feel... in a really cute format, and instead of writing, you draw. Check them out. Very fun, and new/different idea so your customers aren t getting the same ol fundraiser stuff.

Try the entertainment coupon book my daughter dance club did real good or you can do telegram thats were the student can write a messege and send it to another student with a ballon or candy my daughter school charge $1.00. If the weather permits how about a car wash

Art class - perhaps you could make some art for sale - put it up for auction.Perhaps you could paint business windows to advertise their specials.

Functions of a cash register?? Can anyone help me? -

I m currently doing a trainee-ship for a ASO3 , one of my written parts needs to be a detailed piece on the functions of a cash register...However I am having difficulty finding the answer on the net.Can anyone help me??

PC Keyboard Invoice and/or receipt printer Label printer Check reader Signature pad Change dispenser Bar code scanner Display/Monitor Credit card reader

How can I earn some money today? -

I want to be able to walk out the house this morning and come back in the evening with some money - preferably more than I spend on bus fare into town but I don t need to earn a lot today.I m unemployed and don t get benefits. I m 21 male and live near Glasgow, not scared of hard work and I don t mind if it s slightly illegal (cash in hand, not on the books). The more creative the suggestion the likelier I am to pick as best answer (within reason).Nobody say prostitution or data entry!

police id parade pays cash in hand, rare blood group ? then give blood they pay for rare blood groups , sperm banks pay also if your in good health..nightclub advertising in glasgow must be big Business, try sandwich board walking..approach nightclubs by phone tell them you will give out flyer s on the high street..busy pubs need glass collectors,people doing this job don t usually last for more than a week, they get what they need and leave ! pizza parlours need menus posting there must be hundreds of takeaways in glasgow also need menus posting ....its all there my friend ...just reach out

Well you can be a server, cause they walk out every night with cash in hand. Or I do what I do, I own my own business with AmeriPlan. You get benefits, and you get paid the same day that you enroll somebody as a member. Well it takes about 3 days for the check to reach your house, but that s close enough in my opinion. If you have questions you can email me or visit my site. Hope to hear from you soon.That is if your willing to do something NOT illegal ;)Alicia Becerraalicia_mariebecerra@ymail.com

You are at the prime age for military enlistment. It might no be exactly what you had in mind, but consider it. You get free food and housing while you are in the service and a paycheck to boot. I suggest a safe military branch, like the RAF, Coast Guard or the Navy. There are no 100% safe jobs in any branch of the military, but some obviously put you at greater risk.For non-military jobs, find a popular resteraunt or pub, offer to wash dishes, buss tables, whatever and then offer to do it off the books.

Trust thisjust go tohttp://bux.to/?r=gowrishankar.kclick register there and in the registeration page enter the username,password,confirm password ,email id,confirm email id,and in the enter ur alertpay id jst enter the same mail id what u gave just before,and in the referrer if column enter gowrishankar.k and sign up ur accountnow login with ur username and the password and enter into the surf ads page and click the ads available there and u can ciew only one ads at a time nd it takes 30 seconds to complete and as it finishesand then click the next ad and repeat the process till u complete all the availble adsAt Bux.to, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You ll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through AlertPay or YourBuxCard.Earnings Example? You click 10 ads per day = $0.10? 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00? Your daily earnings = $2.10? Your weekly earnings = $14.70? Your monthly earnings = $63.00The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?you should have an alertpay account that u can create it later as u reach ur 50 $, and in the alertpay(like paypal)u have to give ur address to request the payment or u can make use of ur credit (if any)there

How much does a paper girl get paid? -

how many hours can i work as a paper girl?how much will i get paid and how often?

I think it all depend on which paper and how many you do / shift.. Usually it take between 2-5 hours depending on your location, how many you supposed to do .. and plus if you share in preparing the paper ?? how much it vary i will say $0.03- 0.10 / paper depend on your location and paper as i saidgood luck and have a great day ..

How can I go about opening up a small boutique in the Atlanta area? -

I have a strong desire to open up a fashion boutique. Right now in my life, it doesn t have to be a high end boutique, but I would like to know how to go about things.How do I began to get loans, items for the boutique, help, business letter, etc?I would like to have 1) wedding consignment boutique and/or 2) a fashion boutique.Please Help!!

I would set up a time to visit the Small Business Development Center and Business Consultants in Atlanta --through the Small business Administration. There are lots of resources there that can help you. They will help you even research to determine if it is a viable idea; just because you think it is a good idea, does not mean the target market is there; help draw up a business plan; guide you toward loans (however in this economy --they have been sparse). I would focus on one of the two ideas above----make that one successful. I would also suggest you read Michael Gerber s E Myth and E Myth Revisited. I would also look on the internet and find boutiques in other cities and talk with the owners to find out what challenges and successes they have. Some will be willing to talk with you, some may not.

I need insurance for my home salon business. Does anyone know of a company? I live in military housing.? -

I have a home daycare but that insurance company only deals with childcare. They do home businesses, but only in Az. Im in Japan and cant seem to find a place. Thank you in advance!!

homeinsurance.awardspace.us - try this one. Got my home insurance from them. As I know they provide such a service.

you better check with the base - you probably are not allowed to operate a business from military housingcall a different insurance company

Where can i find a real work at home program that works? -

i have been trying to get a job for a while now with no luck. now i am trying something new because i am home 24/7.So does anyone out there know any work at home program or website i could go to that works. because all of the ones i find turns out to be a scam when i checked them out!

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

If you are very serious about making money with work from home you need to have this program. It worked for me and it is the only program that worked for me . It works amazing and using right info will create you a long term income easy. You can get more info here link below.

hi buddyi am going to tell you a very simple and easy way to earn onlinewhat you all have to do is just register to any of these siteswww.indiastudychannel.comwww.freemoneyguide.comwww.cashbynetjobs.comwww.nelsok.comwww.110mb.comwww.twitter.comwww.traderji.comwww.kewlshare.comwww.cooltoad.comwww.slideshare.comwww.ziddu.comwww.pz10.comwww.upload2earn.geneticgen.comwww.depositfiles.comwww.webhostingtalk.comwww.bashbosh.comwww.talkgold.comwww.incomebooster.org here are many lucrative online jobs like:inviting friendsAdSense revenue sharing programPost admission news get cashPost resources and earnPost answers in Ask Experts section and earnPost course details to any college listingPost question papersRefer a friend and make moneyand many more.....so what are you waiting..... you are only a click away from your world

Hi,I suggest building your own You, Inc. Business by starting in the network marketing business. I can help you build such a business from scratch and we must work together to achieve this...Should you be interested please visit this link:www.magneticmlmexpert.com/newaysreviewTake care, hope to hear from you soon.Daniel AttardNetwork Marketing Entrepreneur and Mentordaniel@magneticmlmexpert.com

Try this site: http://www.cashallday.tk it can make you good money and it��s easy to do. There are no fees and it pays every Friday. You can make as much as $5000 a month using this site just a few hours a day. http://www.cashallday.tk

HI there! You will find a few affiliate programs here.Best of luck!http://jamie-mcintyre.blogspot.com/

Dear if you want really work at home i suggest you http://onlinebusadv.blogspot.com check this source its very useful source i hope this source can help you how can you get work at home

What do you think about my new business website. What can be improved? -

http://www.wtdogwalkers.com/orwww.wtdogwalkers.comI don t know which will make the link show up, but I ve just started a dog walking company and was looking for advice on improving my site

i like it a lot .... its nice with all the info of you, which is welcoming for stranger to stranger. also that the video shows your training in it. and if you were looking for some sort of negativity the only thing would be the font of the tittle , maybe make it more inviting like with a dog bone next to it or something creative good luck with the business ,,,,, Also if you could help me out i always wanted to make a domain website name of my dads business . how did you get yours and how much is the cost ?? thanks and good luck again

It is lovely, clear, simple, easy to navigate.....and I am pleased you are doing something you will love...at last..Suggestion: Get a page ready for Testimonials from customers and give a feedback sheet to them to fill in after a month of walking their dog. Good Luck Maxi Report Abuse

Purchase wholesale nikes? -

purchase wholesale sneakers

Contact suppliers http://www.hellotrade.com/kicksok/ and http://www.hellotrade.com/yuanyang/ or find some local suppliers from http://www.fashionproducts.com/fashion-f��

Try:http://www.esources.co.uk/wholesale-supp��Orhttp://www.esources.co.uk/search-supplie��You will find all the verified sneakers wholesalers you need there.

Whats a good way to make money as a teenager? -

I need to make money to fix up my car and with the job market the way it is i have to compete with adults for minimum wage jobs. I m only 17 so theres alot of jobs that are not interested in-less you are over 18. Whatever it s it has to be legal, and something I can do during the Winter I lifeguard during the Summer.

yeup! there s this really great site, its called treasuretrooper. its amazing. my friend told me about it and i earned almost like.. 15 bucks! :)the link is: http://www.treasuretrooper.com/signingupand for my referral is: http://www.treasuretrooper.com/552085. if you sign up through this then we can communicate and give each other tips and stuff, and i could help you out :)good luck :Dp.s. i have the checks for proof if you wanna see them

Raking leaves in the fall and shoveling snow in the winter are both nice ways to make some extra money. Good workouts too. Even though you are a guy you could baby sit as well. Also, dont be to discouraged about looking for an actual job because many retail stores high some extra help during the holiday season. Also, make yourself available for odd jobs. You would be suprised how often relatives need help. Whether its working on their homes or businesses, people would rather pay you a lower wage under the table than highing someone to rip them off. None of this is too glamorous, but it is legal, seasonal and can help you on your way to fixing up your car. Hope this helps.

Ever consider Network Marketing? I am in the best discount club in existence and it just so happens to be something they let you market.http://swiftcash.myworldresults.comJoining costs only $50 and then $19.95/month after that. That s it! You even get a three day money back guarantee so you can see for yourself that the discounts are as good as I m telling you! Also you can cancel at any time. If referring people on the internet or in real life sounds pretty easy to you, you can make money with this!Just copy and paste:http://swiftcash.myworldresults.comorEmail: lyrik007@gmail.com

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Do I need a computer repair license in Texas? -

Please anybody advice, thank you....

A simple business or commercial license should be good enough if you plan to repair computers as an occupation.My cousin has a laptop repair store in the Dallas-Fort Worth area where he also runs repair programs.For both of these, a business license was good enough.

A license? Never herd of a license requirement to fix computers. I am not familiar with Texas law, so things might be different down there.You need to be a certified repair place for warranty work. You also have to have know what you are doing while making repairs, so a degree in computer repair is highly advised.

What are inchoate contracts? -

cite relevant case law in the answer


Will I need to have both of my business names registered and trademarked? -

I have come up with my business name for my printing/graphic design business. I have also come up with a name for the kids collection within that business. Will I need to have both of my business names registered and trademarked?

First use or common-law rights do give you some protection. But registering for a trademark does provide you with several benefits. Here s what the USPTO has to say: You can establish rights in a mark based on legitimate use of the mark. However, owning a federal trademark registration on the Principal Register provides several advantages, e.g., ?constructive notice to the public of the registrant s claim of ownership of the mark; ?a legal presumption of the registrant s ownership of the mark and the registrant s exclusive right to use the mark nationwide on or in connection with the goods and/or services listed in the registration; ?the ability to bring an action concerning the mark in federal court; ?the use of the U.S registration as a basis to obtain registration in foreign countries; and ?the ability to file the U.S. registration with the U.S. Customs Service to prevent importation of infringing foreign goods. Hope that helps! I wish you much success happiness in all your ventures!

You don t *have* to, but other people can use them too--and you may encounter trouble if someone else does trademark it. An example--there used to be a big department store chain called Gimbel s, but a man named Gimbel who had had a store for decades also called Gimbel s, got sued by the dept. store chain to cease and desist using *their* name. They won, and Mr. Gimbel had to change the name of his business.

registration of trade mark is not necessary intially if your name become brands after some time. then it is in the interest of the business

Job 101 easy question? -

When filling out an application. How do you prove that you have experience? I worked at GAP for one year. When I put down my experience. How exactly do they (company) know, for sure that I m telling the truth? Age 20 (Male)

You could make copies of pay stubs from your last job. Or copies of paychecks. Then the manager can know that you are telling the truth. Or you can bring a letter from a previous employer.

you fill out the info on the application, and you need to put references. example, your manager from gap. they can then call them to see if you are telling the truth :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How can make make money by starting a business with PPL? -

I heard about the opportunity Pre-Paid Legal Services provides to all of its associates.Is it true I can join the network of associates at any time and start selling the services and make money?

Yes, that is true.

Yes, it s true, but the most important think to make money is how to invite people, don t spam, but there are lot of trick.The most I love is doing survey, I earn cash for each survey I have done, and I earn more money if ask people to join too..from my website or blog, promote on forum, and earn more everytime they doing the survey too. Double income.I use to earn $1000-$2000 each month, so they are not scammer.Be careful, there are a lot of scammer site.here the registration page:http://onlinemoney.22web.net/cashcrate-s��

I want to quit my current job to start my new job next week. What do I tell the boss? -

The lady at my new job wants me to start next Monday. I m scheduled at my current job all this week, how do I tell my current boss that I need Sunday to be my last day? I ve only been at this job for about a month but I ve gotten a better offer..

Well, the best approach in this case is honesty. Giving your employer two weeks notice is the common courtesy that most are familiar with, but the truth of the matter is that you can leave whenever you want/need to. Tell your boss sooner rather than later, as that is the courteous thing to do (they will need to schedule accordingly once you leave). Explain to your current boss that you received a better off and it s something you can t turn down, but that you are willing to continue working until next Sunday.

Tell your boss, Thank you, it s been fun but I gotta run .

Female staff required for back office job in new delhi? -

This is not a recruitment site .

How is setting up your own business different from a franchise? -

Can you please explain to me as simply as possible? I don t get what the difference is between the two.Thanks for your help in advance. :)

a franchise is part of a larger company that has the plans and what not for the buinesssetting up your own buiness means you have to come up with all your plans by yourself

I will break it down to you as easy as I can.A Franchise is something like Mc Donald s There are many owned and not one of a kind.You also have to pay the Franchise a percentage of a Royalty fee to own a Franchise.Owning your own business means you make all the rules,you really are your own Boss,you think up your own business name for your shop,as well as have a full say in everything that is done.Franchisees (person who owns a Franchise) does not have a full say,they are limited to how they run their business by Corporate rules.

There are some basic differences between a franchise and D-I-Y (Do It Yourself) business. Statistically, the survival rate over 5 years is much better with franchises. This is a relative figure. Not all franchises are equal. Some franchises offer the business owner everything they need to succeed. Others just give a start up package and training.#1 Difference:If you buy into a good franchise then the organization has a vested interest in your survival. Yes, they control everything - but the risk is lower. --You are buying the blueprint of a successful business. --You are buying into a product that already has an established market.--You have support from head office.--Years of experience at your finger tips#2 Difference:When starting your own business, it is up to you to learn everything. And, there is rarely money for advertising. A franchise often includes packaged advertising included in the franchise fees. There is very little to learn. The company has already tweaked their strategy and identified the marketing and operational aspects that work - and those that don t. This eliminates taking risks on new products, marketing to new niches, and wasting money waiting 5 - 12 months to see if an advertising cycle works.#3 Difference:You start making money faster. Again, this is relative. But, when a consumer drives down the road and sees a franchise sign they will often go to the franchise. (In Canada, $4 out of ever $5 is spent in a franchise)The number one rule is to do your research. Not all franchises are well managed or maintained. It is best to get information on 5 - 10 different franchises before making up your mind.

Hi Alley,As a franchise consultant, one of the most important questions any first-time potential business owner asks me is whether to start their own new venture or to look at franchising. The answer has many components attached to it that need attention. Let s review some of those considerations.Starting up a new mom and pop type business is statistically very risky. Numerous studies have been conducted on this subject, and the general consensus indicates that 90-95% of new independents fail within two or three years. The steep learning curve that is involved can be a killer all by itself. The few who do succeed in this business model typically have an extremely high level of expertise in their product or service. They ve lived it all their lives. When it comes to franchising, however, much of the risk is reduced, or even eliminated. Although there are no guarantees, this business model is as close as you ll come to a guarantee of success. The same studies show that new franchise business startups rarely fail. The reason for this, quite simply, is because the often very long exercise of trial and error has already been done so many times that it s reached the inevitable point of trying and succeeding. The franchiser has made it through the learning curve and, along the way, has developed the success secrets for that business. Those who fail in franchising almost always were not committed to following the franchiser s systems. The main reason you buy a franchise is to minimize risk and to set yourself up for success. Traditionally, in a new startup, independent business, you are almost always operating from a shoot from the hip mentality, which can lead to failure. There is no past experience to draw upon, and it becomes challenging to control all aspects of the business. With a good, successful franchise model, you open yourself up to a deluge of information regarding all aspects of information, including financial assistance, site selection, and a wealth of knowledge from existing franchisees. Also, rapid growth is inevitable with the franchise model, which is only a good thing for a franchisee for many reasons, such as increased name/brand recognition and exposure to national advertising campaigns, which increase sales. Tremendous buying power because of constant expansion is also a major plus. Of course, the key is to follow the proven system of success, so your creativity can be somewhat lessened. In addition, you will have to pay a franchise fee and an ongoing royality, and your individual ability to make changes to the franchise is reduced dramatically. To summarize, franchising greatly reduces risk, enables you to follow a proven, successful system, and increases your chances of success in business exponentially.

Franchise: you get support from the Franchiser, such as martketing assistance, product development etc. The fate of your business is largely determined by the Franchiser. You cannot introduce new products yourself.Own Business: all decisions, risks and rewards lie with you alone.

very good

Monday, September 13, 2010

How to establish and own your own dance studio? -

how to establish and own your own dance studio?

Here s two basic ways that I am thinking (although i am no dancer!).Either you sit down with your bank manager and take him by the hand through your very detailed plan on how you are going to achieve each and every step of your ascent to success, backing it all up with lots of neatly written numbers... and when/if you get the cash you hope you haven t made any mistakes and go out and spend the bank s money and hope you can sleep well that night and the next till you see what happens..or you are just going to teach a friend how to dance, then another, then you get half a dozen people, then it get to be so many people that you must find a better place than your living room and by then you will have a bit of money, you will know where the place better be or not be, what it needs etc etc and so you find a little run down room somewhere, give it a lick of white paint, add some strategic posters and lights and learn about keeping your books in order, maybe having an accountant friend to show you and after a year of this you might have your own money to really get going.If you don t, you know it is time to give it up and do something else.

Question about looking for a work at home online job!? -

Hi, I would like to find a job where I can work at home. Little or no training, because I wouldnt be able to do ANY public training/ go anywhere for it. I would simply like to respond to emails, or like online forums or something along the lines. I dont have very much computer experience, and I wouldnt be able to rlly talk to people live (I am 13), I wouldnt be excpecting a real payment, just like some cash or something. I have seen the sites where you answers surveys. I am looking for something that could bring in a tiny bit more money than that. Where could I find a job like this, or what is it classified as? Thank you!

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

If you are looking for work from home that earn you long term income, You must have look this method. It will create good income for you every months. You can find more info here link below.

Do a freelancer job. No sign up fee. Do not register with data entry websites. Almost of them are scammes. Just go to odesk.com. And visit my blog for other opportunities.http://work4mhomeonlinejobs.blogspot.com/

Absolutely look no further but you should be quick...

try www.scriptlance.com. It s not SPAM and you can get check and credit it in ATM machine. Hope this helps

Ever since the Internet first came into use, people have tried to find ways to profit from it. Throughout the course of the Internet, over the past decade or so, several different programs have come to light which have helped people to make a substantial amount of money.One of these programs is offered by Google and once you have an account with Google, you can run their ads on your blog. It is an excellent way for you to make some extra money for your efforts, or even to start a business that can become a source of income.As a matter of fact, blogging with AdSense is one of the easier ways to get started making money that is currently available.The first thing that you are going to need to do is to establish an account with Google so that you could begin running the ads on your blog. In order for you to do this, you are either going to need to have an established website that you are hosting on your own server or a blog that is running on blogger.com.Although it is possible for you to make money by using the blogger.com service, it is a much better idea for you to have your own domain and hosting so that you have total control over all aspects of the software.

Yes. I am in a great discounts membership program company called MyWorldPlus. It lets me make some money on the side while I can still be a stay at home dad, cleaning the house and fixing all the meals. MyWorldPlus is also a network marketting (MLM) company but please don t let that scare you. There are many reputable MLM s now-a-days that have been around for years.swiftcash.myworldresults.comThis is the most powerful discount membership program and home based business opportunity in the world. And it s also very afforable. I spent many days looking at different things to make money online. I got ripped off by Cash Crate taking their stupid surveys and wasted my time filling out a lot of stupid applications. I saw a lot of things that looked like Ponzi schemes. But this home based business opportunity really excited me a lot. Please do check it out. I will only help those that want some help. Even if you don t want to recruit anyone, the savings alone are worth the membership fee.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Does anybody know about this ill give 10pts? -

I have $200,000 i want to invest, and i want to see a good return in 2-5 years from now.Can you tell me what s the safest fastest way to say double it or get something close to double?

oH GOSH I cant believe the first answer.lolWEll you can always start your own home business!Thats what I am currently doing and I totally love it!I would love to post details on here, but as well all know...I WILL GET flagged! Ppl love doing that. So for more info...email me :)this really is a great opportunity!Nataliejazmin07@yahoo.com Hope to hear from you soon!

I m sorry to say that there s no fast and SAFE way to earn money. Profit is almost always directly proportional to risk. To be able to double your investment in 5 years, you d need to invest in a portfolio of investment that could give you at least 15% profit

U shud invest in real estate in dubai. Prices r the all time lowest now. I think its the right time, coz it will start rising by the beginning of jan 2010. However if u want to b safe, u can do a fixed deposit in banks they double the money in 5 yrs.Tarique.nor@gmail.com

Gold is a good investment, and so are diamonds, and gas.

Invest it in internet porn. You ll get your money back in no time. Internet porn is booming!

ummmm...well i m not quite sure whta your takling about but if you out the money in an account you should get very large interest



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