Sunday, October 11, 2009

How much should total take home pay be for a salesman generating $500K in new business each year? -

I started with a new company in January that set an extremely aggressive sales goal of $1 million for me in my first year. I should note that this is a totally new industry for me, as I have a real estate and marketing background. By the end of my first year (January) I should be well past the $500K mark in total sales. I am just curious as to what other professionals would expect to earn (or pay) for this type of performance during a recession, selling a premium product that is often 2-3x more expensive than the competition. Any feedback would be welcomed.

What sort of profit margin does the industry have? If the company is taking home a 5% margin, then $500K isn t much. If they are taking 90%, then it s an outstanding accomplishment.

Depends on a lot of things. Commission %, federal, state and local tax rate, benefits

Is It hard to get into the music business? -

It s easy to be in the music business really. Find an artist and manage them. Pick up a guitar and amplifier and join the first band you meet. Getting in isn t the issue - it s a question of can you make money?Making money in the music business is very very hard these days on both the artist side and the executive side. Record labels have laid off hundred of talented people who have flocked to other music related jobs like publishing companies, music supervision, music management etc.There are also more musicians out there than ever before both by the number of instruments being sold (according to NAMM) and by the fact that the tools of the internet have allowed everyone to get digital distribution without much difficulty.So easy to get in - damn hard to make a living at it.Best of luck,Rick

entertainment in itself is a very difficult industry no matter what kind of background you come from, what kind of school you attend, and even how good you need a lot of luck, and your talent needs to be recognized by the right people. whether you re a performer or a is by far the most difficult of all in entertainment, there is less money in music than any other in the business, and finally, music is a failing industry. with illegal downloading, the margins in the music business are dropping by the minute.bottom line..people are constantly losing jobs in the music industry, with no new jobs opening up.

No, but it s hard to make a living and STAY in the music business. 99.9999999% of musicians have a day job. Only 1 in 10,000 can make a living at it.

Only if you do not go on American Idol or similar show.



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