Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Do we have open-air swapmeets/flea market in Georgia like we have in California.? -

I am talking about big drive-in like areas converted into flea markets.Some are full time and some weekends only.Where you rent a space for the day,or weekend,or month,and bring in your stuff wherever you got it from and sell it and pack it at end of day.... ?

You betcha...Every time I visit Atlanta, I reserve a afternoon to hit my favorite.Put the words flea market Georgia for a list of the big ones.

Where can i find forms to print out for my tatoo buisness? -

What kind of forms do you want to obtain? Business? Tax? License? Permits? Accounting? Need more info here...

What are some good websites to look for jobs? -

I m looking for a scam free website that I can look and apply for jobs . I ve been using Careerbuilder, and Monster. If you know any good sites like those. Please let me know. Thank you!

craiglist rocks and no they arent paying me to say so

There is web site called www.simplyhired.com I use this web site from time to time

Have you checked out craigslist.com?

Me and my friend want to start our own website development company which of the following do we legally nee? -

Need*We don t intend to have any employees, just ourselves

You don t legally need any of these things.I recommend you start as freelance rather than with a Ltd. This will save you the set up costs. If your business is successful, you might want to form an LLC which will allow you the asset protection of an Ltd but the tax advantages of a partnership. What you must do at the outset is:1. Decide between you how you will split the costs and profits. Write this down and both sign.2. Draw up an indemnity letter that your customers will sign so that you are not liable for errors or copyright issues as a result of putting up material provided by your customers. You can find some good example letters on the internet.What you should do at the outset is:Think about who and how you are going to go out and find the business (by far the hardest part of the work), how you are going to bill and what kind of hourly/daily rate you are going to aim for

IS this going to be an equal partnership, then I think the first thing you need to do is get a sound Business Plan in place,is the business viable , then worry about finance, premises, the cost of running and marketing the business before you do anything else.

depends if your opening a sole trader, partnership, ltd, plc. most of these are for ltds and plcs but you will need some of them

How would I go about opening my own tattoo parlour? -

This definitely won t be anytime soon, I ve got to finish college and actually gain any tattooing experience yet, but I m 100% sure this is what I want to do with my life :) any tips?

Just start re-using needles on people in your basement, that way when you open the business proper you have more street cred

How can I start out or should I start? -

I m a new mom to a 5 month old and I am nursing she eats about every 3 hours bottles once a day.I was thinking about starting a Mary Kay business, my cousin is a consultant, but I just wanted to see if anyone had any advice on how to start out. We need some extra money at least for bills.

I was a former independent beauty consultant. Keep in mind that 99% of women lose money in this business. If you happen to be the 1% that would be perfect for you! Mary Kay ladies will tell you this is a perfect opportunity for you to stay home with your kids...etc... but it really isn t. You have to attend people s homes and parties constantly to make only a little money. In order to make a commission they push large amount of inventory on you. Just be careful if you go through with it. If you need more information go to www.pinktruth.com

Your cousin and her upline should train you and answer that question for you.Is it Mary Kay products specifically that you are interested in or just interested in the direct sales/network marketing concept? Mary Kay is a great company, but there are other great ones out there too. Have a look around before commiting to one. Email me if you d like some suggestions on companies to look into. There are several of them I know of that are legit.



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