Saturday, December 9, 2006

How can I make money in a car wash when it rains? -

I own a car wash and would like some input and how can I make money in my businees when it rains. Abviously there is not a lot of business when the weather is bad. Please give me some creative ideas.

Advertise an interior detailing service.

Forget it. I work at a car wash and for us rainy days are our work days, when we do maintenance that we can t do when we re open. You ll always have a few stupid people who want to come through, but it s just easier to close and get stuff done.

You could set up a car washing center with a bay and easily make money.

tell the the rain damages the paint work n they need a wax to get the shine back

Where do people buy items so cheap to sell on ebay? -

Where do people find those cheap but nice items for so cheap and sell them for so cheap with free shipping and still make money? Please help! :)

Among other reasons (black market, back of truck special and the like) these people may be purchasing reselling large volumes of the items, instead of making a $10 profit per item and selling 10 items to make $100 they are trying to make a $2 profit per item but selling 50 items to make $100. This is usually true if the same seller has a large quantity of the same item listed at the same time.The same theory applies to why WalMart can sell stuff cheaper that your local grocery store.

Some people hit clearances and some hit flea market and or yard sales.You just kind of got to know what to look for. Upscale clothing, suits etc are good. My father works for a department store, and a nice one at that, sometimes to clear out the racks for new merchandise they mark things at 75-80% off, which is below their cost.My husband is 6 7 and I have to buy talls so going through my dad I buy my husband $125 shirts for sometimes as low as $9. I could sell them on ebay but I don t. There are people that shop his department and buy out the rack and do just that.

Try this software at I know that many ebayers use it to find products and it is 100% free.

Black Market.

Do you think this is a good babysitting flyer.. and do they work? -

Need a babysitter?call **** (age 15) good with children ages 2-12Rates one child : $52 children: $7additional children: $1 extraplease clal to schedule your night out!***-***-****do flyers like this work? will i get any bussiness

You need to do it more business minded.If I where you I will do it like this.I will not put my age and rates on the flyer let them call and find out from you so that you know wheather your flyers you have given out are working or not.You can mention your e-mail i.d.Just put a nice baby sitter picture and in bold letters say baby sitting leave it to me and enjoy your night out some thing like that.

Need extra cash?You can make money online at - Min age 13- No credit card required- Free forever- 100% realCopy and paste:

i think its a little cheap. if you are putting your flyer around store and churches, it should do well.

honestly, i don t think flyers work. would you get a stranger to watch over your 2 year old child in your house with all your valuables? i wouldn t.

Working as a process executive in an international bank is a BPO job? -


I want to bring some product from china like( shampoo,air frshner products) how do i know how much should? -

i know how much do i have to pay for import (custom fee) fee in to UK i try to get around 5000 Litre of shampoo?any advice or Information please?i tried business link but i really do not understand those codes and there s no price for it??!!

err whats wrong with british shampoos, air fresheners etc, here is an idea most large british cities have a small china town where there are a few chinese supermarkets, video shops and the like which all sell chinese products, if you cant find out where the china town is in your area you could always ask at your local chinese take away where to find it

How can I make at least $200 per month from home? -

The catch is that I have a baby and a toddler that will have to be with me at all times. It seems like a lot of programs are scams. I have already went to and found legitimate opportunities but it seems that most of them are customer service/administrative positions that require me to be on the phone all day and I can t do that with the kids around. I have also sold some things on eBay but the market is so up and down that I can t see how I could make steady income doing that. I can t operate a daycare from home because our landlord s homeowners policy will be affected if I do. The property isn t allowed to be used for a daycare center for zoning or insurance reasons.I need to find something to do from home. I would go back to work but the baby won t take a bottle.Any other ideas?

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people

Do you have a car? Maybe a small paper route?Are you allowed to find one child to watch? Maybe 6-12, more independent before and after school?Maybe an old lady just needs company and a little help and you can take the children with?Selling avon or something in that nature?

If you want cash straight out of the gate the only way you ll be able to earn that kind of money is customer service positions. You can mess with Ebay, but you need to buy and sell high dollar items to make your margin because with Ebay you cannot acheive volume without shelling out a good deal of cash and having some serious computer smarts. (Your pretty much an online flea market buying from yard sales and retailing at market value) Ive been doing MLM out of my home full time for about 7 months and have been successful enough to replace my previous income as a Commercial Construction Project Manager (It took 7 months, not minutes). However you will have to leave home to make contacts, attend meetings etc. It is not easy, but Authors like David Bach, Robert Kiyosaki, Charles King and Donald Trump (though I do NOT recomend his company - ask if you want) Heck even David Ramsey said Networking done right is a good source of income. they all recomend mlm over conventional start-up buisnesses. If you absolutley cannot leave your home and dont want to start a small buisness the only thing i can think of is posting ads for google or bing. Everything i recomended has risk associated with it, If you do not have a high risk tolerance you have to be an employee, which means you will have to be held accountable to production rates and times etc.. If you own your own buisness, you are accountable to noone but yourself which means a better schedule, but when you work you give it everything not just going through the motions.



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