It is completely legal to gift cash.It s is completely illegal to run ponzi schemes (which is what you seem to be trying to set up).A gift is something someone gives of the own accord, without incentive, to a value of their own choosing and without expecting anything in return. If your scheme fails even one of those tests then the payments are not gifts.There are a lot of legal ways of making money. Stick to those.
I am not trying to set-up a ponzi scheme. I was just wondering if there was a way that a person could do it legally. If it is 100% illegal no matter what the circumstances, I understand. I just didn t know if you could do it legitimately and legally or not. Report Abuse
You re asking how to commit a conspiracy to disguise a felony crime.That s not legal, either.Cash gifting is the illegal sale of unregistered securities, according to one Supreme Court decision, and money laundering according to another.