For most people, your tax ID is your social security number. Use that. If you don t have one, go to the IRS website and fill out the paperwork to get an ID.You probably do not need to pay tax if your total income is $5,000. But it is often smart to file a Form 1040 anyway. Then the IRS knows everything about you. And if there are any future rebates from the government, they know where to mail yours.When you receive income from some companies they want an IRS Form W-9. YOu can get them online. Easy to fill out.You won t have to pay tax on $1,000.
You get a tax ID by applying for one with the IRS. It is free. You do have to pay Federal income tax unfortunately, however it is only 10% if you make $5000 in a year. You pay it when you file your tax return by April 15.