I agree with Team Modify, godaddy is one of the best (and cheapest) providers. They have site builders that will help you design your own webpage. There are other options, but most experienced folks will really push godaddy. For a review of web hosting companies, you can visit www.probusinessreview.com/Web_Hosting.ht�� As a value-add response, I should suggest that a mobile hairdresser, you might also want to consider other productivity software (they re cheap, trust me). For example, you can have your calls answered by an electronic receptionist and forwarded to your cell phone to a voicemail box that would be converted to text and sent by e-mail. Same with faxes (if you ever needed to have fax capability). This would allow you literally enjoy the benefits of being mobile, allowing you to access your business from your phone while you travel from one location to another.
Buy Web Easy at Office Depot, With this you don t even need to know HTMLYou can do any type of website you want.A good cheap host is Parcom.com... I pay $50.00 year + 10.00 for my domain name.
Hair Today-Gone Tomorrow....lol.......what a great idea....best of luck...