Sunday, October 14, 2007

Is Amway Global legit? -

I have a friend who wants me to attend a meeting. I already have a full time job, but he says you can do this at night out of your house for 5-10hrs a week and make extra money. It is working for a company called amway global. And supposedly I ll be able to quit my job after being with this company for about a year. Amway Global supplies everything from toilet paper, to toothbrushes, to diapers...practically anything to larger companies. To me it sounds like a scam and I was wondering if the meeting was worth my time. Has anyone else heard of Amway Global?? I work 65 hrs a week and do not want to spend the little time off I have in a bogus meeting. PLEASE HELPPPPP

Amway is a company which has been around for 50 years and had $8+ billion in sales for 2008.

Amway global is not a scam.However, if you do not have time to run a business or do not have the temperment to cold call people and try to sell them toilet paper, toothbrushes, laundry soap, etal, don t go.Somebody at Amway has to be the one actually SELLING product. Not everyone can be a manager.

don t even bother. it is a deceptive multi level marketing scheme where only your upline/team leader makes profit from suckering people who don t do their research are are generally gullible. i had a friend who went into that all fired up but eventually quit after 3 years of not making any real money. all the money you make you spend on out of pocket expenses like learning material and events. the real way uplines make money is by selling you the learning tools NOT by buying the over priced products online which you will have to pay shipping for.



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