Google Scam Explained...Google Kit, Google Income Kit, Google Success Kit, Google Automated Income Kit, Fast Cash Using Google, Google Biz Kit, Google Starter Kit, and many more are scams.*Google? does not endorse or sponsor these sites and is in no way affiliated with these scams.Most of them charge $1.97 shipping for a free google money making kit. In very fine print or in the terms of service, you ll find that it s a free trial and you will be charged from $39.95 per month all the way up to $84.84 per month.They are making money because even if someone cancels after the first surprise big charge to their charge card, they usually manage to keep that first payment.They make it look legit because of adding things such as, As Seen On TV , or As Seen On CNN . Anybody can put those things on their website.Always read all of fine print and do a search for whatever the name of the company is and scam behind it.Example:google kit scamIf it s a scam, there will be posts on the net.Adwords is the tool they re promoting in the google kits but this is not free. You pay to place ads which run in the adsense ads. At times, they do give out free trials.It is legit to make money google advertising but you need to know you have a good product that sells and how to place ads that don t cost you a fortune. Not for beginners.
it has much rist at the same time its profitable...but u need to be much dedicated towards the work and come up different idea...all the best....
Of course there are! Please email me and I will tell you more about it. Thanks!
It has nothing to do with Google and will just take your money. When you try to cancel it will be almost impossible.
yes i agree with above post ! IT is GOOGLE adwords where you bid on key words and the price of top keywords will cost you $100 s per month !TRuly the bigest scam out there today ! ONLY top advertisers can make that kind of money per week because they have $1000 s of dollars with solid products or a business established !