Well babysitting is definitely the best way to make money at your age, no matter how boring it may be. If you find the right person, you can make $80 in 3 hours (This happened to my sister once, she watched 4 kids for 3 hours on her birthday, no lie)Also dog walking is a year-round job, dogs need to be walked in june as well as december.Raking, mowing lawns, and yardwork is always a good wayNegotiating some type of allowance with your parents is probably the best, though. Just say you want to learn the value of money or something educational-sounding like that and it should work
HeyI lost my job about 6 months ago and with me having limited skills and cash I turned to the internet to try and make some money. Everyone says they re a scam and honestly I thought they were but dont believe it when people say they are ALL a scam. Its not true! I found one that does work and made me a good income all this time and I live pretty comfortably off what I make each month, better than at my old job anyway. I found maverick money makers and you can learn from these really detailed video tutorials how to earn money. The guy who does them goes into tons of detail so its really easy to follow, and not just one way either he teaches about 20 known ways that have worked for me its really cool. Check out the site below and you can see him taking you through some of the stuff he does. the joining fee is $97 and its guarenteed too, if you re totally rubbish and havent made the sort of money you want in 60 days you can have your money back :)Hope that helps you. Have fun, and good luck! :-D