Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How can I should I approach my ex-boss about finding out if I signed a no compete document? -

I am no longer with the company. I resigned and have been offered an excellent opportunity with a similar company. They need to know if I signed a no-compete with the last company before they hire me. I told them no, but I am not certain as it was a few years back.How can I ask my ex-boss if I signed a no-compete? It was a small company and there is no HR Dept. because otherwise I would just ask them.I really dont want to tell my boss what company I will be going to just yet. I dont feel it is any of his business.

If it s a small business, they re going to find out you re leaving for another company sooner or later so you should just straight up ask them. Might as well treat it like a band aid and get it over with fast.



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